10 Super Specific Gifts (For All Your Super Specific People)

Holiday gift guide with plants

For many of us, holiday gifting can be a major source of stress, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Gift them something that speaks to their personality, is unique and one-of-a-kind, and that will only grow better over time. What’s that unicorn of a gift? A plant, of course! For inspiration, we’ve compiled some super specific gift ideas so that this year, you can give them something as special and unique as they are!

For the friend who can only keep fake plants alive

Or so they think. The Zanzibar Gem is so easy to care for, people will often wonder if it’s actually fake (that’s how good it will look). Boost their confidence and for goodness sake, don’t let them be a fake plant person.

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For the Pinterest fanatic who thinks she's an interior designer

The sweetheart of trendy houseplants, there’s a reason why the Fiddle Leaf Fig is interior designers’ favorite. Let your friend bring their Pinterest dreams to life with a plant that instantly creates a photoshoot-worthy feel to any room it graces.

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For the opinionated mother-in-law who has no filter

What better than a plant commonly coined as “mother-in-law’s tongue"? But in all seriousness, this powerful air purifier will make mom proud, and let her breathe a little easier, too.

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For the couple who just bought their first house and don't know where to start

Decorating a house is no joke, especially for first time homeowners. Give them a unique piece that will grow with them over the years (plus instantly improve their somewhat stark living room situation!). The Bird of Paradise is a low-maintenance crowdpleaser that goes with any decor.

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For the ultimate homebody who not-so-secretly loved quarantine

Quarantine came with its fair struggles, but not for the friend who unabashedly indulged in staying home. A gift as beautiful as they are, and speaks to their nesting ways: the Bird’s Nest Fern.

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For the 20-something whose apartment still looks like their college dorm room

Second hand sofas and pinned up posters will look that much sharper with a plant that’s at once as beautiful as it is hardy. Give them their first “big kid” plant that will stand the test of time, and look just as good once they graduate to more sophisticated digs and decor.

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For the friend who feeds their dog filet mignon

It’s no secret that many of us coddle our pets (we even named our company after them!). But this friend takes things to the next level for their furry family member. From gourmet snacks to perfectly fitting sweaters, their pup deserves only the best. That’s what makes the pet-safe Braided Money Tree just the right addition: a plant lauded for its feng shui powers, and elegant enough for a four-legged friend’s esteemed taste in decor.

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For the perfectionist who irons their sheets

Their home is always spotless and not a single thing is out of place. For the perfectionist friend, get them a plant that will, with almost zero maintenance, maintain a perfect shape over time. The Cascading Pothos will look just as beautiful after three years as it did on day one.

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For the nostalgic type who thinks they were born in the wrong era

A popular plant of the art deco era, the Monstera Deliciosa is the perfect plant for the friend who lauds the style of years past, and whose drawn to all things vintage and cool.

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for the cat lady who is also a plant lady

Lover of both flora and fauna, get them something that both owner and pet will enjoy. A pet-safe Parlor Palm will instantly bring the jungle vibes into theirs (and their feline’s) home.

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For more green gift inspiration shipped straight to their door, browse our full collection of potted plants.


Shop a selection of holiday favorites to bring light, warmth and love to yours or a loved one's home, this season and beyond.