Posts tagged Schefflera
What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Schefflera

If you’re looking for a statement tree that will provide ample, gorgeous foliage without requiring lots of laborious care, a Schefflera Tree is a perfect choice. With a generous canopy of emerald leaves that grow in umbrella-shaped configurations, the Schefflera, also known as the Umbrella Plant or Umbrella Tree, is an ideal floor plant: and even better, it is truly low-maintenance. Add to this the fact that it’s a potent air purifier, and you have a dream plant on your hands! We won’t blame you if you’re eager to buy a beautiful Schefflera and bring it home today. But before you buy, take a moment to learn a bit about this gorgeous tropical plant, and what it requires to thrive. Not to worry: these charming Umbrella Trees have simple needs! And we have a quick and easy rundown on their care requirements and more, right here.

Which Schefflera Variety Is Right For Me?

There are a number of beautiful ornamental Scheffleras, but the Schefflera arboricola is the crowning jewel. Originating from Taiwan and Hainan Province, China, the Schefflera arboricola epitomizes vibrancy. Scheffleras in general are considered to be easy-care plants, but the Schefflera arboricola is the gold standard: resilient, low-maintenance, and adaptable. And because it’s a popular and highly regarded plant, there is ample research and helpful information available to you as you care for this gorgeous tree.

Schefflera Trees Prefer Medium to Bright Indirect Light- But They’re Flexible!

There’s so much to love about the Schefflera’s easy-going nature, and its ability to adapt to varied levels of light is one of its finest attributes. Scheffleras will grow best in medium to bright, indirect light, but they’re adaptable to lower levels of light. Consider their native environments- humid, sun-dappled rainforest floors, where the light they receive is filtered by jungle canopies and tempered by shaded areas. As long as your Schefflera receives about four hours of sunlight a day, it will be a happy plant- but note that it will grow most rapidly in bright, indirect sun.

But returning to those rainforest roots: it’s important that you don’t place your Schefflera in an area that receives frequent blasts of strong, direct sunlight. The tropical Schefflera will scorch if exposed to too much direct light.

Scheffleras Are Easy To Water- Just Don’t Overdo It!

It’s simple to provide your Schefflera with the water that it needs. Like many tropical plants, the Schefflera Tree only requires water when its topsoil is dry. This typically means that your Schefflera plant will need watering about every ten days or so; whenever the top two inches of its soil are dry to the touch. Plan on probing your Schefflera’s topsoil every 7-10 days and watering accordingly. You can also use a moisture meter to keep track: these convenient tools will show you when your plant’s soil is moist (by reflecting a blue color in the window portion of the meter) or dry (by showing white in that window).

Your Schefflera Has A (Good) Reputation!

Seeking a boost of good chi for your home? Look no further than the Schefflera! Plants in the Schefflera family have a longstanding association with good fortune, prosperity and wealth in China and Taiwan, and are beloved in the feng shui tradition. Scheffleras are thought to capture positive energy or chi in the hand-like fronds of leaves. There’s some science to back all of this up: Scheffleras are scientifically researched and proven air-purifying plants, and what could be more lucky to have around than a plant that keeps the air in your home clean and healthy?

What Are The Air Purifying Properties Of The Schefflera?

You’ve probably heard about plants having air purification power and wondered, what does that really mean? It’s not just sales jargon- it’s rooted in science! Scheffleras and an ample handful of other wonderful indoor plant varieties have been shown in scientific studies to purify the air. They do this in a couple different ways: by converting carbon monoxide to oxygen, and soaking up toxins like benzene, formaldehyde and toluene (ew!). Additionally, living plants have been shown to boost the mood and productivity of humans that cohabitate with them, to enhance memory and focus, and to reduce stress and fatigue.

How To Place Your Schefflera

Because they’re exceptionally flexible plants, you have nearly endless options for Schefflera placement. As long as your space receives an appropriate degree of natural sunlight (ideally four or more hours a day) your Schefflera should thrive in your space. There is something important to consider, though: specifically, drafts. Scheffleras do not respond well to direct drafts, so it is crucial to keep your Schefflera away from A.C. units, vents, heaters and windows or doors that are frequently opened and closed. Beyond these practical considerations, have fun considering your Schefflera’s placement! Choose a spot that you want to adorn with elegant height and abundant foliage. You can also place your Schefflera close to other humidity-loving tropical plants. Close grouping of plants create mini-biomes of humidity, and situating plants with similar care requirements close to one another will make plant care extra-convenient. But the opposite is also true: do not place your new Schefflera next to a plant that needs daily watering, because your Schefflera does not, and will not appreciate an overdose of H2O!

Schefflera Trees Love To Be Misted

Tropical plants appreciate consistent humidity, but we know that it can be daunting to attempt to replicate a rainforest in your home! Not to worry- you don’t have to. Just plan on misting your Schefflera up to a few times a week, with either plain water or water mixed with a nutritious foliar feed. Misting is an easy way of boosting humidity levels, and it’s also a fun and tranquil way of communing with your plant. We find that humans enjoy the process of misting just as much as plants enjoy being misted!

Will A Schefflera Grow Aerial Roots?

The Schefflera arboricola can exhibit aerial roots, but they’re not a given. Aerial roots are an evolutionary feature of many tropical plants, because it is common for plants in tropical environments to grow along other plants for support in the wild. And aerial roots have benefits: they soak up moisture from humid air and provide structural support to your plant as it grows. But they’re not a sure thing for Scheffleras, and are more likely to appear when the plants are grown in very shallow pots (Scheffleras are frequently used as bonsai plants, and aerial roots are often an aesthetic feature of bonsai Schefflera). Scheffleras grown in deep pots, like the Schefflera Tree from Léon & George, are less likely to exhibit aerial roots. If you find that your Schefflera is exhibiting aerial roots that you would prefer not to see, you can tuck them gently into your plant’s soil. This will allow the roots to take in nutrients from the soil, and support the overall health of your plant.

How To Select A Thriving, Gorgeous Schefflera

Your foremost priority as you shop for a new Schefflera should be to select a healthy, happy plant. So when you’re ready to buy, check out the structure of the Schefflera Tree in question carefully. Healthy Schefflera trees have vibrantly colored foliage that is firm and springy. Avoid purchasing a Schefflera that has drooping foliage, or leaves that appear yellow, brown, crispy or curly. Inspect the soil of the Schefflera as well- it should neither be soaking wet, nor bone-dry.

Avoid Purchasing Your Schefflera From A Garden Center

Buying a new statement plant for your home is a big investment of both money and time, and we know that attractively low prices are just that: attractive. But seasoned plant parents and horticulturalists alike will tell you the same thing: when it comes to living plants, you will get what you pay for. You can save yourself a world of trouble by opting for a premium plant from the get-go. Buying a Schefflera Tree from a trusted source ensures that your new plant is primed with all it needs for a lifetime of strong growth and beautiful health. Premium growers tailor the care of each plant to the species’ particular needs, treat and prevent pests prophylactically, and source plants of a higher quality than garden centers and home improvement stores.

It’s important to consider that the quality of the plants purchased from a garden center will reflect their low price. Purchasing a premium plant ensures that your plant is in great health from the start- and we promise, it pays off quickly. Treating an ailing plant can be costly, time-consuming and stressful.

Transportation is another important aspect to consider when you decide where to buy your new Schefflera tree. Transporting a large plant in your vehicle- especially one with a bountiful, diffuse canopy, like a Schefflera, can result in structural damage from the plant being jostled. And because Scheffleras are sensitive to drafts, it’s especially important to avoid placing the plant within the vicinity of forced air from a car’s A.C. or vents. All living plants are delicate and can be stressed by transit.

As you prepare to buy your new Schefflera, plan on sourcing your plant from a premium supplier. Suppliers that offer doorstep delivery, or packaging that is specifically engineered for the transport of plants, are always your best bet. When you buy from a supplier that offers these services, you reap the benefit of their expertise, and can bypass any negative effects that might result from improper care or transportation.

Even The Healthiest Schefflera Can Experience Stress From Time To Time

With appropriate water and light, your Schefflera tree is going to do beautifully- we guarantee it! But all living plants can experience periods of stress, or ailments beyond your control. Any plant can suffer from a fluctuation in its health despite your best efforts, and it’s during times like these that having the support of a responsive team of knowledgeable professionals makes a world of difference.

Every plant purchased from Léon & George includes lifetime access to our Plant Doctor service: our team of horticulturalists with decades of experience growing and caring for plants. Our Plant Doctors are here to assess your plant’s health and growth, provide tips and treatment plans, and and to offer supportive guidance as you green up your space. And no fees are required- the Plant Doctor service is just one way we work to ensure that every plant we sell is designed to thrive.

We’ve compiled a list of common problems that Scheffleras can face and helpful guidance for assessing your plant’s health. Happy plant parents are the key to our success! Click here to learn more about how to care for and grow your Schefflera.

Even The Healthiest Schefflera Can Experience Stress From Time To Time

With appropriate water and light, your Schefflera tree is going to do beautifully- we guarantee it! But all living plants can experience periods of stress, or ailments beyond your control. Any plant can suffer from a fluctuation in its health despite your best efforts, and it’s during times like these that having the support of a responsive team of knowledgeable professionals makes a world of difference.

Every plant purchased from Léon & George includes lifetime access to our Plant Doctor service: our team of horticulturalists with decades of experience growing and caring for plants. Our Plant Doctors are here to assess your plant’s health and growth, provide tips and treatment plans, and and to offer supportive guidance as you green up your space. And no fees are required- the Plant Doctor service is just one way we work to ensure that every plant we sell is designed to thrive.

We’ve compiled a list of common problems that Scheffleras can face and helpful guidance for assessing your plant’s health. Happy plant parents are the key to our success! Click here to learn more about how to care for and grow your Schefflera.

Shop the large Schefflera Tree with Mid-Century Ceramic Pot and Wood Stand From Leon and George

Schefflera Tree From Léon & George

Explore our selection of premium Philodendrons, from the charming Little Hope to the regal Red Congo and playful Monstera Deliciosa. Ideal for spaces that receive medium to bright indirect light, Philodendron varieties add instant organic texture and style to indoor spaces.

Schefflera Tree Care Guide: Everything You Need To Know

With stunning texture and a covetable canopy, the Schefflera Tree, also known as Schefflera arbicola or Umbrella Tree, is a fresh and vibrant statement plant. And it gets even better: the Schefflera Tree is a potent air purifier and a low-maintenance plant species overall. Caring for a new Schefflera Tree can be a breeze, as long as you know the simplest 1-2-3’s. So read on, and learn all you need to know about caring for and growing a stunning Schefflera Tree. You’re guaranteed to love this easygoing beauty.


  • Prefers medium to bright indirect light, but is adjustable to lower light

  • Leaves may scorch in harsh direct sunlight


  • Water thoroughly when topsoil is dry, usually once every ten days or so. Avoid overwatering.

  • Watering schedule may be less frequent during winter months


  • In prime conditions, the Schefflera Tree is a fast grower and can grow up to 8-10 feet tall indoors

  • Fertilize your plant regularly during the spring and summer months.

Schefflera Tree

Schefflera Tree

A gorgeous statement tree with an air-purifying punch, the Schefflera is renowned for its abundant canopy of oval leaves that grow in circular, umbrella-shaped configurations. Hardy and resilient, the Schefflera thrives in medium to bright indirect light.

Common problems with the Schefflera Tree

Drooping, yellowing leaves - overwatering

  • Symptom - leaves appearing to droop or appear yellow, especially on lower portion of plant

  • Cause -overwatering and/or not enough sunlight

  • Remedy - allow Schefflera Tree’s soil to dry out completely. Check the soil’s moisture through the drainage holes at the bottom of plastic nursery pot: overwatering can lead to more severe ailments like root root, which may eventually require you change the soil. If soil has a bad odor, repotting with fresh soil will be necessary as root rot has likely set in.

Discolored or browning leaves - underwatering or insufficient humidity

  • Symptom - leaves discolored or brown, often with crispy edges

  • Cause - underwatering or insufficient humidity

  • Remedy - Water Schefflera Tree whenever its top two inches of soil are dry to the touch and mist tree once a week or more with plant water. You can also take your Schefflera Tree out of its ceramic pot, and, keeping it in its plastic nursery pot, allow the tree to sit in a shallow dish of water for a few hours so that the roots can drink from the bottom. Let the tree drain entirely before returning it to its decorative pot.

Leaf drop - overwatering, underwatering or cold drafts

  • Symptom - leaves dropping, either at the bottom of the plant or from all areas of the plant

  • Cause - often overwatering, but underwatering and cold drafts can also cause leaf drop in Schefflera trees.

  • Remedy - Follow instructions above for either overwatered or underwatered Schefflera Trees, and ensure that tree is situated in a spot away from A.C’s, vents, heaters or doors and windows that frequently open or close.

How to maintain a beautiful and healthy Schefflera Tree

Your new Schefflera Tree wants to thrive, and this low-maintenance wonder plant makes it easy for you. Follow the simple tips below, and what your Schefflera Tree flourish for years to come!

  • Pruning - Remove dry or dead leaves all year round, but save any major pruning for the late winter or early spring, when the emergence of new growth on Scheffleras is strongest. Use sharp, clean shears and cut just above nodes at a 90 degree angle.

  • Staking - Mature Schefflera Trees can grow quite large and may benefit from the extra support of a plant stake or two. You can stake your tree by inserting a wooden dowel or support stick gently into the soil near the trunk, then using plant tape or twine to secure the Schefflera’s trunk(s) to the stake at intervals of 4-5 inches.

  • Cleaning - Take a damp cloth or sponge and gentle clean each leaf (this also helps the plant soak in more light!).

  • Repotting - Houseplants grow at a much slower rate than they would in the wild. Depending on the size of your plant and the density of the roots, this is nice to do every 2-3 years to provide fresh nutrients and encourage new growth.

    • When to repot - if the roots start to become visible outside the soil (i.e. circling around the grow pot), it is time to consider repotting your Schefflera Tree.

    • Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow taller, source a nursery pot that’s 2” in diameter larger than the current pot. If you want your plant to stay the same height, you can reuse the same pot and simply change the soil.

    • Get your hands dirty - spread out newspaper on the floor, remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so that you have clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and pat down firmly. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will take 2-4 weeks to settle from the shock and adjust to its new home.

Schefflera Tree

Featuring a graceful umbrella of emerald foliage, the Schefflera Tree is a gorgeous low-maintenance statement plant and a potent air purifier. Easy to care for and even easier to love, the Schefflera Tree is adaptable to low light and needs water only sparingly.