Calatheas are among the most gorgeous plant families: with deep coloration and beautifully patterned foliage, they boast breathtaking leaf variegation. They also bring a party trick that you don’t see from every plant on the market: movement. Their foliage reaches and folds in accordance with the location of the sun throughout the day. With all of these charming attributes, it stands to reason that you want to buy one of your own! But there are a few things to know about Calatheas before you take the plunge. So read on, because it’s all here!
What Are The Most Popular Calathea Varieties?
The Calathea Medallion (Calathea Roseopicta), Rattlesnake Calathea (Calathea Lancifolia), and Peacock Plant (Calathea Makoyana) are among the most popular Calatheas for indoor spaces. And they have a few things in common: gorgeous emerald and cabernet variegation, leaves that sway with the sun, and the designation of Prayer Plant.
Why Are Calatheas Called “Prayer Plants”?
Calatheas are also known as Prayer Plants because of a unique evolutionary behavior common to this plant family, called nyctinasty. A strange word, we know! But there’s a simple explanation. Nyctinasty is the behavior through Calatheas lift and drop their leaves in relation to the cycle of day and night. (It all comes down to sunlight, of course!) During the darker hours, the leaves of a Calathea point upwards, as if in prayer. And during the day, their leaves drop down, allowing the foliage’s surface area to soak in as much light as possible. Voila: Prayer Plants!
Do Calatheas Need A Lot Of Water?
Calatheas are easy-going when it comes to water: they simply like to be kept consistently moist. It’s important that your Calathea’s soil be neither soaking wet nor dry as a bone. Plan on gauging the soil’s moisture every few days to ensure that it maintains a consistent degree of moisture.
Do Calatheas Need A Lot Of Light?
You may be relieved to hear that Calatheas do not require a ton of light. Also known as “Shadow Plants”, Calatheas are native to the dense jungles of South America, where they grow on the forest floor and receive only dappled sun. And because Calatheas have very sensitive leaves, it is actually very important to keep them away from strong rays of direct sunlight. The best spot for a Calathea will be one where they receive medium to bright indirect light.
Calatheas Love Humidity
Calatheas thrive in a humid environment. They’re native to rainforests, after all. Humidity can be boosted by placing a humidifier close to your plant, placing your Calathea’s pot on a pebble humidity tray, or grouping several Calatheas closely together, which supports a mini-biome of moisture.
Boost Your Calathea’s Water With A Simple Trick
Most indoor plants do just fine with water from the tap, but when it comes to Calatheas, you may find that tap water is a bit too harsh for your plant. Calatheas are sensitive to minerals and chemicals in water, so “hard” water (water with a high mineral content) can be rough on your plant. The good news? You can neutralize hard water by simply leaving it out overnight. That’s right: just fill up your watering can, leave it to sit overnight, and the chlorine in the water will evaporate. If you have a water filter, you can also exclusively use filtered water for your Calathea.
…But Mist Your Calathea With Care
Most plants adore a good misting, and Calatheas like a fine mist, too- but not on the tops of their leaves. Think of Calatheas as the butterflies of the plant world. The things that make them so gorgeous (their leaves, of course) are exceptionally delicate. In other words, look, don’t touch! If you want to mist your Calathea, mist it from the bottom up, spraying the undersides rather than the tops of the plant’s leaves. And don’t mist everyday- spotting can occur when Calatheas are over-misted. In general, a humidifier or pebble humidity try is a safer bet for these delicate divas.
Calatheas Have A Colorful Reputation
Calatheas are, inarguably, the belles of the ball. But they are also particular: they are choosy and vulnerable to environmental changes. If you’re looking to buy a Calathea for a loved one as a gift, it is worth considering their familiarity with plant care. Calatheas are exceptionally beautiful plants, but they are not entirely low-maintenance, and it is unusual for them to maintain a uniformly pristine appearance at all times. They’re wild, full of personality, and they go their own way. These reasons are exactly why they’re passionately adored by plant aficionados- but they are also things to consider before buying one for yourself or as a gift. If you’re looking for a “Set It And Forget It” plant, you might prefer another variety, like a Pothos or Parlor Palm.
How to select a thriving, gorgeous Calathea
Once you’ve fallen in love with the Calathea family, there’s no turning back! But there are a few things to look for as you get ready to buy. When you shop for your new Prayer Plant, inspect its foliage carefully. Healthy Calathea foliage will be richly colored and will not have brown or yellowing edges. Its leaves should be vibrant and firm, and its stems should have good posture and a healthy texture. Its soil should not be entirely dry, nor soaking wet. And its grow pot should have a draining hole. This is imperative to avoid root rot.
Avoid purchasing your Calathea from a garden center
This golden rule has never been more important than when you’re shopping for a new Calathea. At this point, you’re well aware that Prayer Plants are incredibly beautiful, and also that they’re more sensitive than many other indoor plant varieties. Now it’s time for you to be choosy: only buy a Calathea from a trusted, premium grower rather than a garden center or home improvement store.
There are so many reasons that this is important, but we’ll touch on just a few. Remember how Calatheas need to be misted on only the underside of their leaves? The odds are that if you buy your new Prayer Plant from a garden center, it’s been blasted unceremoniously by a hose, and more than once.
Garden centers often offer attractively low prices, but there are reasons that they are able to do so. Namely, they do not purchase premium plants (which, naturally, cost a premium price). Additionally, they often care for their plants with a one-size-fits-all approach. And as you’re now well-aware, Calatheas do not like to be treated like everyone else.
You simply can’t know how a garden center has watered your Calathea, what products it has been treated with, or how it has been cared for. And once you’ve bought it, you still have to overcome the logistics of bringing it home.
Transportation is tricky for all living plants, but with Calatheas, extra care is imperative. Driving a new Calathea home in your vehicle is more of a recipe for disaster than success, and can result in structural damage, leaf fall, and stress that may manifest overtime. Like many other tropical plants, Calatheas are also vulnerable to stress caused by forced air (either cold or warm) from a car’s A.C. or vents.
As you start your journey of Calathea love, begin on the right foot by buying your Prayer Plant from a premium supplier that offers doorstep delivery, or ships Calatheas in packaging that is specifically engineered for their protection. When you make the choice to buy your plant from a trusted supplier, you can rest easy knowing that they are experts in their field. Careful transport and plant care that is tailored to your plant’s species is the key to a healthy plant.
Even the healthiest Calathea can experience stress from time to time
Chances are, you’ll have some questions about your Calathea from time to time. After all, they’re magical, mysterious and yes, divas. We’ve got you covered: every plant purchased from Léon & George includes lifetime access to our Plant Doctor service: a team of horticulturalists with decades of experience growing and caring for plants. The Plant Doctor team is here to assess your plant’s health and growth, provide tips and treatment plans, and to offer supportive guidance as you care for your plant. There are no fees required- the Plant Doctor service is just one of many ways we ensure that every plant we sell is designed to thrive.
We’ve compiled a list of common problems that Calatheas can face, as well as helpful guidance for assessing your plant’s health. Informed and impassioned plant parents are the key to our success! Click here to learn more about how to care for and grow your Calathea.
Shop The Wildly Colorful Calathea Rattlesnake From
Léon & George
A gorgeous Prayer Plant with variegated, curly leaves in shades of merlot and deep green, the Calathea Rattlesnake is a stunningly vibrant indoor variety that’s perfect for tabletop placement. Ideal for spaces that receive medium to bright indirect light.