Real Plants, Real People: Roommates Wren and Jayme
Wren and Jayme are friends who love a good theme party. When they found their charming San Francisco apartment, they knew it was a place they could take care of and make their own.
How did you know this home was for you?
When we visited the apartment it was empty. They had just re-sealed the floors and there was warm natural light reflecting from everywhere. We sat down in the middle of the floor and it felt comfortable. It was a home we could see ourselves investing in, filling with nice furniture and pieces that would last.
Wren wanted a plant that handles low light for their small common area, she went with a Zanzibar Gem
What inspires you when you decorate?
We both like playing with color and themes. One of the first pieces we purchased for the apartment was a shower curtain, which we picked out from Urban Outfitters. As we were browsing a "Welcome to the Jungle" doormat was suggested and that ended up becoming our theme. We eventually added plants, our colorful velvet couches, and fun animal decor.

What are your plant care secrets?
A light touch. They don't need to be bothered all the time, but it does help to have a rhythm. We typically check in on them on Sundays. Being aware when something has changed or seems to be wrong, then testing out adjustments is also something we do. When they get big, you notice them even more, so you can't help but be aware of how they're doing.
Jayme picked a Bird of Paradise as a larger plant that would do well with the bright light in her room.