Grow Your Own Luck!

The Braided Money Tree, a token of good luck and prosperity.

The Braided Money Tree, a token of good luck and prosperity.

Known to bear luck and prosperity, the Braided Money Tree could be the perfect addition to your home (or a friend’s!) this Lunar New Year. Its unique leaf shape, elaborately braided trunk, and fast-growing canopy make it one of the most popular plants this time of year. Best of all, it’s incredibly easy to care for and perfect for any green thumb out there.

What is Lunar New Year?

Not familiar with Lunar New Year? Let’s shed some light on the basics:

  • This holiday is based on the lunar calendar (the cycles of the moon).

  • The moon is very powerful - it controls ocean tides, plant growth, and even human behavior, so Lunar New Year celebrations are meant to acknowledge these relationships.

  • Festivities begin when the first new moon occurs (anywhere from end of January to mid-February) and they come to a close with the first full moon (15 days later).

  • A new moon signifies new beginnings/the opportunity to move forward with a clean slate - the full moon that follows (15 days later) signifies the completion of one complete moon cycle.

  • During this time, feasts, fireworks, and a variety of special ceremonies/festivals are enjoyed.

  • It's highly celebrated in Asia and many other parts of the world. It is seen as an opportunity to spend time with family and honor your ancestors.

  • For 2023, the first new moon that will kick off the Lunar New Year occurs on Sunday, January 22.

Depending on location and culture, celebrations can look vastly different as various traditions and beliefs are honored. What we do know for sure is that the lunar calendar is also often referred to as the agricultural calendar, yet another reference to how plants play such an integral role in society and culture.

Get a Braided Money Tree to celebrate Lunar New Year

Increasing your juju

We all chase positive vibes, good karma, and success in our lives. Can all of this be achieved by acquiring a plant? Who knows! But, the Money Tree is the most popular plant used as a Feng Shui cure. If put in the money area of your home, it is said to increase good fortune and attract wealth energy!

We’ve learned by now that money doesn’t grow on trees, but if something this luscious and lovely could help you prosper even a little bit, why not give it a go? With fast-growing, canopy-like foliage, the Braided Money Tree comes in various different sizes and will liven up any home or office in an instant.

How to care for the Money Tree


  • The Money Tree likes bright light, but it’s best to keep it out of the direct sun

  • It can happily tolerate medium-brightness areas if needed, but may not grow as fast in this environment


  • The Money Tree is a tropical plant that loves humidity

  • Water once a week (or once the top two inches of the soil feels dry to the touch)

Read our full guide on how to care for the Money Tree here.

As the Lunar New Year approaches, consider adding a Money Tree to your life, or gifting one to a friend, co-worker, or family member as a symbol of luck and prosperity!



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