Posts tagged Braided Money Tree
Where to Place Your Money Tree, According to Feng Shui

Find the perfect Braided Money Tree for your home at

Braided Money Trees are so much more than charming, easy care houseplants: they’re also associated with powerful feng shui principles that can enhance positive energy and good fortune in your life. In fact, it is considered one of the best plants in the teachings of feng shui. But did you know that the location of your Money Tree can impact its ability to thrive and bring prosperity?

Explore with us the best Money Tree locations for your home, and why each one is ideal, and learn about what it takes to keep your plant looking lush and healthy year after year!

Ideal Money Tree Placement for Good Feng Shui

The perfect spot for your Money Tree may vary based on your home or office layout. Consider placing it in a location that aligns with feng shui principles and provides optimal conditions for plant health.

  1. Your “money area”: According to traditional feng shui, the far left corner of your home is designated as the 'money area.' Placing your Money Tree here can enhance its ability to bring prosperity. If you’re trying to locate the wealth area in a certain room, for example, the living room, find the diagonal corner across from the entrance— it may be the left or right corner.

  2. Your “health area”: The east area of your home is associated with 'health and family' in feng shui. Incorporating wood elements, such as plants, can amplify the positive energy. Positioning your Money Tree here allows it to serve as a source of both wealth and health.

  3. A place with plenty of indirect light: To ensure your Money Tree thrives, provide it with plenty of indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to issues like sunburn, so choose a location with diffused light to promote your plant's overall well-being. While the Money Tree can adapt to lower light, it will grow much faster in an area with bright indirect light.

Where to NOT Place Your Money Tree

While there are optimal locations, there are also places you should avoid:

  1. Low light areas: Despite being temperature-friendly, the bathroom is not recommended for balanced feng shui and is unlikely to bring good fortune.

  2. The “love area”: According to feng shui, the southwest corner is associated with love. Keep your Money Tree out of this area, as traditional beliefs suggest that love and money should be kept separate.

Not a firm believer in feng shui? Choose a spot where your Money Treecomplements your decor and receives natural, indirect light.

Invest in a Braided Money Tree

Money trees aren't just about luck; they're also easy to care for and bring beauty and joy to any corner they adorn. They are non-toxic and safe for pets and children, and come in a variety of sizes. Shop our full collection of Braided Money Trees at

Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree

Welcome the Year of the Dragon with a tangible embodiment of fortune and prosperity. A homage to the mythical creature and its esteemed, auspicious qualities, the Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree plant set pairs a new ceramic colorway with a fast-growing tree, symbolic of bearing good luck. A muted, viridescent hue, reminiscent of the quiet beauty, power and strength of Dragons, our limited edition Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree brings a touch of charm for the upcoming year.

The Bountiful History Of The Braided Money Tree

The Braided Money Tree, or Pachira aquatica, is deeply beloved, with a dazzling reputation for bringing good luck and prosperity to its owner. From its intriguingly braided trunk (how do they get that way?) to the way they often seem to pop up at thriving businesses, the Braided Money Tree simply feels like a vibrant mystery to be solved. Naturally, our curiosity ran wild, and we took a deep dive into the history of this mythical plant. Get ready—the story of the Braided Money Tree is truly one worth telling!

It All Begins With A Legend

Cue our instant interest: we love an enthralling backstory. According to legend, the history of the Braided Money Tree was rooted many centuries ago, when a Taiwanese farmer in dire financial straits found a stray Pachira growing in his field. Taken by its beauty, he decided to try his hand at growing more plants from that Pachira’s seeds, in the hope that others would be similarly enthralled with their charm. And they were! The Pachira became wildly popular across Taiwan, and the farmer grew prosperous and wealthy from his crops. That’s why he started calling them Money Trees.

Sound Too Good To Be True? Here’s The Grounded Version 

Okay, so the legend may be just that: a legend, but we know some things for sure: the Pachira has long been a popular ornamental tree—especially in Japan, where Bonsai practitioners have treasured them for years as vivid, semi-aquatic mini trees. We also know that the telltale braid gained traction in the 1980s. This is the era during which the popularity of the Braided Money Tree expanded internationally, with exports of the Pachira stretching far and wide. 

Tell Me More About That Braid…

We love the Pachira’s braid and the elegant trunk, and so do Feng Shui practitioners, who suggest placing it in wealth or health areas of your home. With its iconic twist of five trunks, it conjures the five elements of Feng Shui in harmony: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. There’s also an intriguing bit of ambiguity as to who originated the practice of braiding the trunks. (That’s right, they’re braided by hand!) Some accounts tell of early bonsai practitioners in Japan starting the braid. Others tell of a Taiwanese gardeners named Liu. He is credited with discovering that when starting the braid early in the Pachira’s growth, it continues that growth pattern over time on its own. The result is a full, condensed canopy of leaves with an iconic and aesthetically pleasing tree shape.

The Significance of the Braided Money Tree

The Braided Money Tree has been symbolic of prosperity since its first cultivation. They’re believed to bring wealth in finances, fulfillment and overall security. They’re also emblematic of good luck, so when you gift one to yourself or a loved one, just remember: you’re giving the gift of a plant that, according to legend, lifted its original farmer from the depths of despair to a position of fortune, comfort and positivity. It was lucky indeed when he found that Pachira in his field—and lucky for us that he shared the extraordinary Pachira with the world! 

Money Trees

A leafy symbol of good luck and prosperity. Shop Money Trees of all sizes at

The Ten Commandments of Braided Money Tree Care
braided money tree sizes

Triple the prosperity! Our Braided Money Trees are available in small, medium, and large sizes.

Are you ready to care for your very own Braided Money Tree? With its striking braided trunk and lush green foliage, the Braided Money Tree is a captivating plant that brings an aura of prosperity and positive energy to any space. They even say it brings good luck, but of course,  we imagine those luck-bearing properties are at their strongest when the plant is thriving!

Bring a wealth of good fortune to your home or office with the Braided Money Tree, and adhere to these Ten Commandments so that you and your plant will flourish for years to come!

Provide abundant light (if you want it to grow!) 

braided money tree light

Braided Money Trees thrive in moderate to bright indirect light.

The Braided Money Tree can be a very fast grower, and will do so in bright, indirect light. Place your plant near a window where it can bask in ample indirect light if you’d like to see it flourish and grow bigger over time. Note that the Braided Money Tree can adapt to medium levels of light, but it will grow more slowly. 

And whatever you do, keep it out of harsh direct sunlight! The Braided Money Tree is a houseplant, not a beach bum, and will quickly burn if left to roast in the sun.

Maintain plenty of humidity 

The Braided Money Tree is no diva, but it does hail from humid environments and as such appreciates a moist atmosphere. Increase humidity levels by regularly misting its leaves or placing a tray of water and pebbles near the plant or a humidifier. This will help recreate its natural habitat.

braided money tree

Elevate your space with lush charm! Braided Money Tees bring a touch of vibrant greenery to any environment.

Keep things cozy

The Braided Money Tree prefers a temperature range between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 27°C). Shield it from extreme temperature fluctuations and drafts, which can stress the plant. If you’re cold, your plant is probably cold too!

And keep it away from heaters and AC units

A quick path to unattractiveness for most indoor houseplants is placing them right next to air vents. Likewise with the Braided Money Tree– avoid placing it near vents, air conditioners, or heating units, as they can cause dry air and disrupt the plant's health. Optimal conditions include a moderate and consistent temperature throughout the year.

Fertilize with care

Feed your Braided Money Tree with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Consider using Boost Vitamine, an all natural plant food that is ideal for Braided Money Trees and other indoor specimens. Follow the instructions and take care not to overdo it! Over-fertilizing can lead to “fertilizer burn” on your plant’s foliage.

Water judiciously

While the Braided Money Tree appreciates regular watering, it dislikes “wet feet” or waterlogged soil. Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil to dry out before watering again. Ensure proper drainage by using a well-draining potting mix and a pot with drainage holes.

money tree prune

Braided Money Trees flourish with occasional trimming, shaping your wealth and growth.

Prune with purpose 

Pruning is essential to maintain the shape and health of your Braided Money Tree, as well as to promote new growth. Trim away any dead or yellowing leaves, as well as leggy growth, to encourage a fuller and more balanced appearance. Use clean and sharp pruning tools to minimize the risk of disease. As always with pruning, never remove more than 30% of the leaves at a time. 

Be vigilant against pests

Plants don’t attract pests, but they can be an attractive home for pests if not cared for properly. Regularly inspect your Braided Money Tree for signs of infestation, such as webbing, tiny crawling insects, or sticky residue. Keep your plant clean with soap specially formulated for indoor plants, and treat any pest issues promptly with organic insecticidal soaps or other appropriate natural remedies like Neem Oil.

Repot wisely

When your Braided Money Tree outgrows its current pot, transfer it to a slightly larger container with fresh, well-draining soil. Repotting every two to three years, preferably in spring, allows the roots to have adequate space for growth and prevents the plant from becoming root-bound. Read our full guide on how to repot your plant.

Embrace plant companions

Consider grouping your Braided Money Tree with other compatible houseplants. Plants in proximity create a microclimate of increased humidity and can benefit each other. Just ensure their light and watering requirements align, and they will thrive together.

parlor palm braided money tree

Pair a Braided Money Tree with a Parlor Palm to create a stunning botanical oasis.

Ready to take on the luck-bearing Braided Money Tree? Follow these ten commandments and we guarantee you will have a lush, flourishing Money Tree in no time!

braided money tree

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

Money Trees Leaf and Trunk Health
Money Tree leaf and trunk health

House plants like the tropical Money Tree, known for its lush foliage and impressive canopy, are believed to bring good luck and fortune according to the teachings of Feng Shui. These are easy to grow and typically require simple care, making them a favorite in many greenhouses and homes. However, even these favored plants have their challenges (in addition to not making it rain 💵). Here are the most common ailments and solutions to make your Money Tree blooming:

Leaf Discoloration

Yellow leaves are a sign that your plant needs more light. White spots or browning leaves could mean that your plant is being burnt in direct light. Money Trees prefer bright, indirect light - somewhere near a window but not in the path of direct sun, nestled inside suitable pots. Check out our illustrated light guide for more information on assessing your light, or take a deeper dive into Money Trees and yellow leaves.

Leaf Drop and Wrinkles

The culprit? Temperature fluctuations! Native to the tropics of Central and South America, this gardening favorite thrives in warm and humidity-rich environments, ideally somewhere between 55F to 75F. To mimic its native greenhouse environment, consider adding misting to your routine between waterings. Read our complete guide on Money Trees’ wrinkled leaves.

Trunk Health

Arguably the most impressive part of the tree, the trunk can suffer from root rot due to overwatering and become soft, soggy or wrinkly. The trunk may also dry out if not watered enough (though this usually only happens in extreme cases of underwatering). A general gardening tip for these plants: Money trees like their soil on the drier side with good drainage. Always ensure the soil feels dry before you water again. And don't forget to repot and fertilize periodically, as well as carry out occasional pruning. Be on the lookout for pests, and if you notice any, address them promptly to maintain your plant's health.

The Money Tree Collection

Considered a powerful symbol of good luck and prosperity, The Braided Money Tree has a meticulously-braided trunk under a beautiful canopy of leaves which expand with time. Explore our full collection of Braided Money Trees in various shapes and sizes.

How to Care For and Grow Your Braided Money Tree

Braided Money Tree

AKA pachira aquatica

A symbol of good luck and prosperity, the Braided Money Tree is a gorgeous indoor tree that can grow up to eight feet tall. Learn the basics of caring for this plant including light requirements, watering frequency, and how to troubleshoot common problems you may encounter along the way.

What kind of light does the Money Tree need?

This plant prefers bright indirect light, though they can adjust to medium levels of light. Keep them out of direct sunlight, as too much of it can scorch their leaves!

How to water your money tree

Let your plant dry out between waterings. Water thoroughly when topsoil is dry, usually once a week. Avoid overwatering, and note that your watering schedule may be less frequent during winter months.


In prime conditions, this plant is a fast grower and can reach up to eight feet tall indoors (and 60 feet tall in the wild!). Fertilize your Money Tree 1-2 times per month in the spring and summer with indoor plant food, or foliar feed year round.

Common problems with Braided Money Trees


How to maintain a beautiful and healthy Braided Money Tree

Take care of your Money Tree and it will take care of you! Below are simple tips to continue caring for your Money Tree over time.

Pruning Money Trees

Remove dry or dead leaves all year round, but save any major pruning for the spring and summer months. When pruning your plant, take a step back and look at the entire shape of the canopy, and determine which branches to remove to give it to restore an even, balanced shape. Use sharp, clean shears and cut any excessive growth at the base of the stem.

Cleaning Your Plant

The leaves of this plant are delicate. Mist regularly to keep dust off the plant, but if it gets to be extra dusty, carefully clean each leaf with a damp cloth.

How to Repot a money tree

Houseplants grow much slower than they would in the wild. Depending on the size of your plant and the density of the roots, this is nice to do every couple years to provide fresh nutrients and encourage new growth.

  • When to repot - Braided Money Trees are resilient plants that don’t need a lot of upkeep. Repot once every two to three years to provide fresh nutrients.

  • Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow taller, find a nursery pot that’s 2” in diameter larger than the current pot. If you want your plant to stay the same height, you can reuse the same pot and simply change the soil.

  • Get your hands dirty - spread out newspaper on the floor, remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so that you have clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and pat down firmly. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will take 2-4 weeks to settle from the shock and adjust to its new home.

How to propagate a Braided Money Tree

There are many debates around how to successfully propagate a Money Tree. That said, it is a simple process if you take your cutting from the correct place. Follow these instructions to propagate your Money Tree:

  • Select a stem to propagate - Using sharp, clean scissors or shears, cut a stem with at least two nodes. The node as a joint in the plant’s stem— this is where new growth typically stems off from.

  • Place in potting soil - Place the cutting in fresh soil and water and drain thoroughly. Make sure the pot is an appropriate size — no more than six inches in diameter.

  • Keep hydrated - Place the potted cutting in a bright area and, during the first few weeks or until your plant feels firmly rooted in its soil, regularly water and drain your new Money Tree. The soil should be just barely moist to the touch at all times.

Illustrations by our talented plant stylist, Kailie Barnes


Yellow leaves? Worried about watering or struggling with incorrect lighting? Book a call and get truly personalized support for all your plant-related needs.

Grow Your Own Luck!
The Braided Money Tree, a token of good luck and prosperity.

The Braided Money Tree, a token of good luck and prosperity.

Known to bear luck and prosperity, the Braided Money Tree could be the perfect addition to your home (or a friend’s!) this Lunar New Year. Its unique leaf shape, elaborately braided trunk, and fast-growing canopy make it one of the most popular plants this time of year. Best of all, it’s incredibly easy to care for and perfect for any green thumb out there.

What is Lunar New Year?

Not familiar with Lunar New Year? Let’s shed some light on the basics:

  • This holiday is based on the lunar calendar (the cycles of the moon).

  • The moon is very powerful - it controls ocean tides, plant growth, and even human behavior, so Lunar New Year celebrations are meant to acknowledge these relationships.

  • Festivities begin when the first new moon occurs (anywhere from end of January to mid-February) and they come to a close with the first full moon (15 days later).

  • A new moon signifies new beginnings/the opportunity to move forward with a clean slate - the full moon that follows (15 days later) signifies the completion of one complete moon cycle.

  • During this time, feasts, fireworks, and a variety of special ceremonies/festivals are enjoyed.

  • It's highly celebrated in Asia and many other parts of the world. It is seen as an opportunity to spend time with family and honor your ancestors.

  • For 2023, the first new moon that will kick off the Lunar New Year occurs on Sunday, January 22.

Depending on location and culture, celebrations can look vastly different as various traditions and beliefs are honored. What we do know for sure is that the lunar calendar is also often referred to as the agricultural calendar, yet another reference to how plants play such an integral role in society and culture.

Get a Braided Money Tree to celebrate Lunar New Year

Increasing your juju

We all chase positive vibes, good karma, and success in our lives. Can all of this be achieved by acquiring a plant? Who knows! But, the Money Tree is the most popular plant used as a Feng Shui cure. If put in the money area of your home, it is said to increase good fortune and attract wealth energy!

We’ve learned by now that money doesn’t grow on trees, but if something this luscious and lovely could help you prosper even a little bit, why not give it a go? With fast-growing, canopy-like foliage, the Braided Money Tree comes in various different sizes and will liven up any home or office in an instant.

How to care for the Money Tree


  • The Money Tree likes bright light, but it’s best to keep it out of the direct sun

  • It can happily tolerate medium-brightness areas if needed, but may not grow as fast in this environment


  • The Money Tree is a tropical plant that loves humidity

  • Water once a week (or once the top two inches of the soil feels dry to the touch)

Read our full guide on how to care for the Money Tree here.

As the Lunar New Year approaches, consider adding a Money Tree to your life, or gifting one to a friend, co-worker, or family member as a symbol of luck and prosperity!



Indoor plants, potted & delivered.

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What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Braided Money Tree

So you’ve got your heart set on a Braided Money Tree. With a fluttering canopy and beautifully textured, plaited trunk, there is no question that this indoor tropical variety has what you’re looking for from a gorgeous statement plant. But as you would with any living plant, you want to do your research to ensure that you’re informed of everything you need to know before bringing your new Braided Money Tree home. It’s what we’d do, too! That’s why we’ve created this simple guide of all that you need to know before you buy a Braided Money Tree. So read on- a green new beginning awaits!

Just what is a Braided Money Tree?

The classic Braided Money Tree is actually a Pachira aquatica plant. Pachira aquaticas are tropical, wetland trees that are native to Central and South America. (This may come as a surprise,as they’re such a standout in the feng shui tradition, but they’ve been exported worldwide for many decades!) 

So Braided Money Trees are tropical- do they need a ton of water?

We’re so glad you asked, and no! Braided Money Trees do not require frequent watering. In their natural habitat, they experience both droughts and floods. The key to replicating this indoors is to water your Braided Money Tree only when its soil is dry: specifically, its top two inches of soil. As you prepare for your Braided Money Tree, plan on gauging its soil weekly by sticking your finger two inches down into it. Water your Braided Money Tree only when those top two inches of soil are entirely dry to the touch. You can also use a moisture meter to demystify your Pachira’s watering regime. These simple tools just need to be inserted into the plant’s soil until only their window is visible. The color of the core inside the window will change according with the soil’s moisture level: a blue window means that the soil is moist, whereas a white window means that the soil is dry and ready for water.

Braided Money Trees are non-toxic

If you’re looking for a non-toxic plant friend, we have great news: Braided Money Trees are entirely safe for both children and pets. (And in fact, anyone that might be tempted to chew on a plant!) Braided Money Trees are even recommended for plant parents with allergies or asthma, due to their air purifying properties. 

Braided Money Trees are air purifying superstars

That’s right- more great news! Braided Money Trees have been scientifically proven to be potent air purifiers. How do they do it? In a nutshell, Braided Money Trees are capable of absorbing chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene from the air in indoor environments, as well as converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. They even produce oxygen at night, whereas most plants do so only during the day, as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

Braided Money Trees are flexible and can adjust to varied light

You’re going to love this: when it comes to light requirements, Braided Money Trees are among the most flexible, easy-going indoor plant varieties on the market. They do not need tons of bright light, and in fact, should be kept at least a few feet away from windows that receive strong, direct rays. Beyond that, they simply appreciate what light they can get. So relish the opportunity to bring a laid-back Pachira home and place it wherever you see fit. As long as it’s not placed in scorching sun or a spot that’s as dark as a dungeon, your Braided Money Tree should adjust perfectly well. 

Your Braided Money Tree has a (good!) reputation

There’s a reason that Braided Money Trees are feng shui approved for workspaces, businesses and homes alike: they come with a reputation for all sorts of good fortune! From a boost of luck to connotations with prosperity and wealth overall, the Braided Money Tree is legendary for its positive powers. Pachiras are an incredibly popular gift for this very reason, but there’s no reason that you can’t gift some of that good fortune to yourself, as well!

Braided Money Trees love to be misted

This is true of many tropical indoor plants, but it is worth noting that any Braided Money Tree will appreciate a thorough misting. Because they’re native to environments with a high degree of natural humidity, Braided Money Trees will grow best with a consistent misting routing, to boost the humidity levels in their immediate vicinity within your home. But not to worry- there’s no complicated procedure required here! You can simply mist your Braided Money Tree 1-3 times a week, either with regular, room-temperature water, or with water supplemented with a gentle foliar feed, like Potion Magique.

What’s the story behind the Braided Money Tree’s trunk?

The Braided Money Tree’s plaited trunk is its most famous feature, and it all comes back to their legendary reputation for bringing good fortune. Most Braided Money Trees have a center comprised of five braided trunks, and that quantity of five is symbolic: it is representative of the five elements of feng shui in balance. (In case you’re wondering, those elements are wood, water, metal, fire and earth.) The balanced braid of the Pachira is thought to capture good luck and wealth in its plait. Some believe that Braided Money Trees are only lucky if they contain five trunks in their braid, but un-braided Pachiras can be beautiful as well! And of course, this plant does not grow in a braid formation in the wild, so there’s no reason to discount a lovely Pachira just because it does not have the trademark five-trunked braid: after all, they’re still potent air purifiers and gorgeous, non-toxic plants!

How to select a thriving, gorgeous Braided Money Tree

When you shop for your new Braided Money Tree, look for a plant that has evenly colored, vibrantly green foliage without extensive discoloration (no yellowing or browning) and without patches that appear to be dry or unusually soft. Study the Pachira’s braid and ensure that all trunks are sprouting green growth. A healthy Braided Money Tree will be perky and upright, with a healthy-looking canopy and shades of green on its trunks. Additionally, the plant’s trunks should be firm, not spongy or dry. Dry, spongy trunks are indicative of health issues that can result in the trunk being unable to generate new stems and leaves.

Avoid purchasing your Braided Money Tree from a garden center

You’ve put so much love and effort into learning about Braided Money Trees and knowing how to pick the perfect plant- now is not the time to cut corners! Plan on purchasing your new Braided Money Tree from a premium grower, in order to ensure that you receive a plant that is primed to thrive and in great health. 

The care that plants receive before they arrive at your home is just as important as the care that you give them, so avoid purchasing your plant from a garden center or home improvement store, and go for a trusted plant supplier instead. The one-size-fits-all approach that garden centers often have toward their plants (hose them down with water, and group plants together regardless of their species and particular needs) is not conducive to great plant health. 

Because Braided Money Trees have extremely thin stems and delicate canopies of leaves, it is also important to consider transportation. Driving a new Braided Money Tree home in your vehicle is more of a recipe for disaster than success, and can result in broken trunks or stems and structural damage. Furthermore, like many other tropical plants, Braided Money Trees are susceptible to becoming stressed by forced air (either cold or warm) from a car’s A.C. or vents. 

Purchase your new Braided Money Tree from a premium supplier that offers doorstep delivery, or ships their plants in packaging that is specifically engineered for their protection.  When you buy your plant from a trusted supplier, you’re able to reap the benefit of their expertise, and bypass any negative effects that might result from improper care or transportation.

Even the healthiest Braided Money Trees can experience stress from time to time

With their low-maintenance disposition and flexible care requirements, your Braided Money Tree should have no problem thriving for years! But all living plants can experience stress, and it’s at those times when having the support of a team of knowledgeable experts can make a world of difference. 

Plants that are purchased from Léon & George are more than just healthy from the start: they are primed to flourish. And when you get your plant, you also receive lifetime access to our Plant Doctor service: a team of horticulturalists with decades of experience growing and caring for plants. The Plant Doctor team is here to assess your plant’s health and growth, provide tips and treatment plans, and to offer supportive guidance as you care for your plant. There are no fees required- the Plant Doctor service is just one of many ways we ensure that every plant we sell is designed to thrive.

We’ve compiled a list of common problems that Braided Money Trees can face, as well as helpful guidance for assessing your plant’s health. Informed and enthusiastic plant parents are the key to our success! Learn more about how to care for and grow your Braided Money Tree at our full care guide.

Shop the large Braided Money Tree with Mid-Century Ceramic Pot and Wood Stand from Leon and George

Shop The Gorgeous, EASY-CARE large Braided Money Tree From Léon & George

A low-maintenance care routine, legendary reputation for good luck, and air purifying power: the Braided Money Tree, or Pachira aquatica, truly has it all! Explore the entire collection of vibrant Braided Money Trees in every size from Léon & George today.

Welcome to Léon & George

Immerse yourself in the world of Léon & George, where exceptional spaces are our canvas and exceptional plants our medium. With every leaf and stem, we bring a touch of nature's serenity into your home. Our ethos marries sophistication with sustainability, ensuring that each houseplant not only enhances your decor but also embodies our commitment to the environment.

Quality and service are the roots from which our business grows, driving us to deliver indoor plants that are not just beautiful but nurtured for longevity. As stewards of both style and ecological responsibility, we offer a collection that includes everything from lush foliage plants and hardy succulents to majestic ficus trees and air-purifying snake plants.

Cultivating Growth Beyond the Pot:

In the final flourish of our green symphony, we provide an easy-to-grow range tailored to both budding and experienced gardeners alike. Our variegated species thrive in diverse conditions, from the sunlight-basked windowsills to the potted seclusion of an urban greenhouse. We ensure our perennials and annuals are partnered with the perfect planters and potting soil, fostering new growth and enhancing indoor air quality. With our guidance, watering, pruning, and repotting become simple acts that keep your houseplants vibrant. Join us and cultivate your very own green-thumb, turning any room into a bloom-filled sanctuary.

Why Are My Braided Money Tree's Leaves Turning Yellow?

Braided Money Trees are a beloved and iconic indoor houseplant for variety for good reason: they are low-maintenance, have beautiful, delicate foliage and are renowned for bringing good luck into the home. But all plants can exhibit yellowing leaves, and this plant is no exception. Luckily, this issue is easily remedied! Learn why your Braided Money Tree is experiencing leaf yellowing and check out our tips to get your plant’s foliage back to gorgeous green!

Old Leaves Shedding

Your Braided Money Tree will shed old foliage over time as it directs its energy toward pushing out new growth, and this may result in leaves becoming dry and yellow and falling off. This is totally normal for your plant, so don’t be concerned! If your plant is getting appropriate water and light, this is likely the cause of the discoloration. These leaves can be trimmed off with clean, sharp scissors or shears.


No houseplant likes being overwatered, and Braided Money Trees like to be watered only when their topsoil is dry. Yellowing leaves can be the number one telltale sign of overwatering, so be sure to check your soil weekly and gauge its moisture. This can be done by lifting up a bit of its decorative moss and sticking your finger two inches down into the soil. If dry, it’s time to water the plant! But if it is still moist, hold off until it’s entirely dry. And if you find it’s very wet, lift the plant (still inside of its plastic nursery pot) out of the ceramic planter. Check the planter for excess water. If any has collected, dump it out and allow your plant’s soil to dry thoroughly before beginning your watering routine again.

Too Much Light

Plants can sunburn just like us, and if your plant is receiving a lot of light and exhibiting papery, dry, light-colored leaves, this may be the case. Braided Money Trees thrive in indirect light, so be sure it is not too close to a window and that the light it receives is diffuse.

Too Little Light

Lackluster foliage that feels a bit floppy and is not verdantly green? This can be a result of too little light. Braided Money Trees are flexible when it comes to the light that they receive, but all plants need some light to photosynthesize and thrive. If your plant is in an exceedingly low-light environment and its foliage is showing signs of struggle, consider moving it to a spot where it will receive steady, medium-to-bright indirect light.

Any Questions?

Yellow leaves can be quite normal, and when they’re the result of incorrect care, they’re usually quite easy to troubleshoot. Braided Money Trees love to be trimmed, too, so your plant will thank you for the occasional manicure of unhealthy foliage. But if you follow the steps above and find that your plant is still struggling, you can contact our expert Plant Doctors through your Léon & George account.

Braided Money Tree

A gorgeous statement plant with delicate, fan-like foliage and a reputation for bestowing prosperity and good fortune! Low-maintenance, verdant and safe for pets.

Why Are My Braided Money Tree's Leaves Wrinkling?

Why are my Braided Money Tree’s Wrinkling?

The beautiful, fan-shaped foliage of the Braided Money Tree is one of its most lovable qualities. This lucky houseplant is renowned for quick and profuse foliage growth, but even with the best of intentions, it can sometimes exhibit leaves with a less-than-ideal, wrinkly texture. Don’t panic: this can be fixed! Read on to learn the reason why your plant’s leaves are wrinkling, and the quickest solutions for supporting smooth, vibrant foliage.


This may sound like a no-brainer, but underwatering is a common cause of wrinkling, curling leaves on Braided Money Trees. Be sure to water your plant whenever its topsoil is dry to the touch. Check its topsoil every week by removing a bit of its decorative moss and inserting your finger two inches down into the soil. If those two inches are dry, water away! The boost in moisture will flow throughout the plant, reinvigorating dry foliage and encouraging your Braided Money Tree to push out new leaves.

Remember that you may need to water more frequently during the warmer months of the year, and less during fall and winter. A warmer, dryer atmosphere leads to plants utilizing the water they receive more rapidly. Which brings us to…

Environmental Dryness

Do you moisturize during the dryer months of the year? Your plant will appreciate the same treatment! Dry environments cause the moisture your plant needs to both evaporate more quickly (from soil and foliage) and to be used up by the plant more quickly as it grows, photosynthesizes, and supports its green physique. Braided Money Trees originate in humid climates, so like many houseplants, they appreciate being misted. Mist yours regularly (a few times a week is fine) and for an additional nutrient boost, mix some Potion Magique in that water! Your plant will love it, and you’ll love its aroma.

An Overload of Light

Braided Money Trees are lovers of light, no doubt about it. But they particularly need diffuse, indirect light. So if your plant is receiving direct light, this may be causing its foliage to sunburn, resulting in wrinkly, papery leaves. Make sure your plant is not in the direct path of strong light from a window, and move it if necessary.

More Support

Wrinkling leaves are easily remedied with adjustments to your Braided Money Tree’s care routine. But if you have further questions and concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our expert Plant Doctors through your Léon & George account.


Braided Money Tree

A gorgeous statement plant with delicate, fan-like foliage and a reputation for bestowing prosperity and good fortune! Low-maintenance, verdant and safe for pets.

Green & Trendy in 2018
Photo by Essential Home 

Photo by Essential Home 

In our previous blog (Fresh Us, Fresh You), we talked about how to better yourself in 2018. To further that notion, we’re sticking to our resolution of providing trendy suggestions that can impact your interiors.

Pull from some of this year’s latest trends to set-up the right vibe for your home or office. If you recognize how to work with what you’ve got, while adding statement items where necessary, you too can accomplish the perfect interior harmony.

To help elevate the ordinary in your space, we’ve compiled our 2018 design recommendations from some of the industry’s leading all-stars:

In Vogue, Alex Papachristidis said:

“Green has been missing from the market lately. It’s a color that I love and will always use and I feel it’s making a comeback. It’s such an important color because it brings nature indoors and into the home.”

Right photo by @hiltoncarter left photo Bird of Paradise by Léon & George      

Right photo by @hiltoncarter left photo Bird of Paradise by Léon & George      

In Homes to Love, Emma Vidgen writes:

“As our lives become more hectic and reliant on technology, our desire to reconnect with nature and return to a simpler way of life will be reflected in the design and style of our homes.”

Right photo by Coco Lapine design left photo Monstera Deliciosa by Léon & George

Right photo by Coco Lapine design left photo Monstera Deliciosa by Léon & George

In the National, Rin Hamburg suggests you:

“Use plants liberally to inject life into your home, but don’t just stick them anywhere. Create large groupings to turn them into a feature, or even max out with a living wall. Alternatively, think of unusual ways to display your plants – hang them from the ceiling or choose unexpected decorative pots. You can also mirror live plants with touches of botanical prints.”

Left photo by California Home Design, middle photo Snake Plant by Léon & George, right photo Leo's Oyster Bar in San Francisco, CA

Left photo by California Home Design, middle photo Snake Plant by Léon & George, right photo Leo's Oyster Bar in San Francisco, CA

When revitalizing any space, houseplants are the most direct way to bring nature indoors! A safe place to start is with easy-care plants that fit in even the shadiest of corners in any home or office. Want to be bold? Our large statement plants are an immediate eye-catcher and they make a luscious focal point for any room. Does your apartment lack the floor real estate necessary to house a larger plant? Have no fear - consider some of our NEW tabletop pieces as they are easily workable in confined spaces.

Increasing your collection of greenery is a sure way to re-vamp any interior environment this year! Use the tips we’veBraided Money Tree compiled to help liven up your home or office, after all, when you’re in a positive place, you’re more likely to pollinate others with your vibrance.

Happy decorating!