Posts tagged Browning Foliage
Help! Why Does My Bird's Nest Fern Have Brown Tips?

We love the Bird’s Nest Fern for its unique foliage and its disposition as an easy-care indoor ornamental fern. Named for its voluminous shape, with feather-like leaves growing from a nest-like center, the Bird’s Nest Fern is a luxurious and vibrant option for indoor spaces of any style. But although it’s quite low-maintenance as far as indoor ferns go, it can still exhibit stress through browning leaf edges. No need to panic! Read our tips on how to correct browning edges on your Bird’s Nest Fern’s leaves, and how to avoid the issue recurring.


Bird’s Nest Ferns desire consistently moist, but not drenched, soil. Underwatering is a common culprit for browning leaf edges, so be sure to water your fern regularly, by using a watering can with a narrow spout and focusing on the soil’s outer edges. Never water directly within the center of the plant’s nest- this can result in the plant becoming waterlogged, and even experiencing root rot.

Environment Too Dry And/Or Cold

You’re likely aware, but like so many indoor plant varieties, the Bird’s Nest Fern is native to a tropical and moist environment. It can be a challenge to recreate this at home, but we do our best! Ensure that your home maintains a stable, consistent temperature. Temperatures below the 60s can cause your fern to become stressed. The same goes for drafts: it’s vital to keep your Bird’s Nest Fern away from appliances that can create drafts, including AC units, heaters, any other vent, or windows or doors that are frequently opened and closed. Support your fern’s moisture by misting up to three times a week.

More Support

If your Bird’s Nest Fern continues to exhibit browning leaf edges despite following the steps above, our Plant Doctor Service is here to help. Simply log into your Leon and George account and select “Contact Plant Doctor”. Upload photos of your plant as a whole, as well as close-ups of the areas experiencing browning, and provide information regarding the water it is receiving (both how much, and how often) as well as a description of its lighting environment. Our Plant Doctors will get back to you within 1-2 business days with their assessment and guidance to get it back on track.

Bird’s Nest Fern

A luxuriously full and resilient indoor fern variety, the Bird’s Nest Fern boasts lush, quill-like foliage, which grows in frills from the plant’s center, resembling a bird’s nest. The Bird’s Nest Fern prefers medium to bright light, consistent moisture and steady humidity. Ideal for tabletops and as centerpieces.