Posts tagged Plant Care
How Do Houseplants Get Bugs? 3 Effective Tips to Prevent Insect Infestations

Are you puzzled by the persistent infestation of pests such as scale, mealybugs, spider mites, whiteflies, aphids, fungus gnats or other garden pests on your beloved houseplants? You're not alone. Discovering insects in indoor foliage can be puzzling and vexing. Let’s investigate the causes behind this frequent issue and offer three secrets to eradicate and prevent the unwelcome presence of these pests.

1. Moisture Magnetism

Bugs, like fungus gnats and aphids, are drawn to the moisture-rich environment of houseplant soil. They will come in through screens, open doors or windows in the spring and summer, and make themselves at home in the comfort of your plant’s soil. Excessive moisture can exacerbate this attraction. Be careful of over-watering or standing water in the bottom of your plant’s pot.

2. Unwanted Hitchhikers

Various insects may find their way into your home and onto your houseplants through open doors and windows. They can also come in through fresh flowers, fresh fruit or vegetables, new plants, or fresh potting soil. Inspect any new additions thoroughly, and if in doubt, To safeguard your indoor garden, quarantine new acquisitions to confirm they are not harboring any pests or laying eggs that could lead to infestation.

3. Stagnant Air

Poor air circulation around indoor plants can lead to increased moisture and an all-around cozy haven for pests to thrive. Without air currents to disperse them, insects can multiply rapidly, leading to full-blown infestations. Adding any kind of air circulation by use of fans or even fresh air can prevent stagnation.

As a general practice, inspect your plants regularly for any signs of pests, keep them clean and pruned so they’re beautiful for your home and less attractive for insects to settle in. Horticultural solutions such as neem oil or insecticidal soap can effectively spray away pests and protect your plants year-round.

Super Neem Oil for Thriving Plants

Are pesky insects ruining your indoor and outdoor plants? Nip 'em in the bud. Neem Oil is a powerful, all-natural insecticide for indoor and outdoor plants and our signature blend is designed to treat all types of common infestations including gnats, mealybugs, scale and more. Infused with lemon eucalyptus for its protection-boosting properties and aroma, Super Neem Oil is suitable for use on leaves, stems and soil.

The Best Fertilizer For Dracaenas

The Dracaena Lisa adds a touch of elegance to any space, showcased here in a Coral Mid-Century Pot atop a Light Wood stand.

With their striking upright leaves and air-purifying qualities, Dracaenas are a sought-after choice for both seasoned indoor gardeners and newcomers to plant care alike. Originating primarily from tropical regions of Africa and Asia, Dracaenas boast resilience and adaptability, making them ideal companions for indoor environments. While these low-maintenance beauties can thrive on minimal care, providing them with the right nutrients can elevate their growth and vitality. Read on to discover the best fertilizer for all varieties of Dracaenas and how to effectively fertilize these beloved houseplants.

Understanding the NPK Ratio

The Best Plant Food for Dracaenas

Can Fertilizing My Dracaena Enhance Growth?

When to Fertilize Your Dracaena

Understanding the NPK Ratio

Booste Vitaminé plant food: the secret for thriving plants.

When it comes to fertilizers, deciphering the NPK ratio is crucial. The NPK ratio represents the proportion of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer formulation. Different plants have distinct nutrient requirements, so selecting a fertilizer tailored to your Dracaena's needs is essential for optimal growth and health.

For Dracaenas, a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar is recommended. This balanced blend ensures that your Dracaena receives essential nutrients necessary for robust growth and overall well-being.

The Best Plant Food for Dracaenas

While there are various fertilizers on the market suitable for nourishing Dracaenas, consider opting for a high-quality, all-natural liquid plant food that is gentle yet effective. Our Boost Vitaminé is a premium plant food crafted to promote growth, strengthen roots, and enhance overall plant vigor. Formulated with natural ingredients, Boost Vitaminé provides Dracaenas with the nutrients they need to flourish, offering a convenient solution for your plant care routine.

Can Fertilizing My Dracaena Enhance Growth?

Dracaenas are prized for their unique foliage and air-purifying properties, but they are not necessarily fast growing plants. While Dracaenas can occasionally produce fragrant flowers, particularly when grown outdoors in optimal conditions, indoor specimens typically do not bloom. Regularly fertilizing your Dracaena will help it maintain steady growth, but again, these are not super fast growing plants.

By selecting the right fertilizer and adhering to a simple feeding regimen, you can ensure your Dracaena thrives and maintains its beauty. Dracaenas are resilient and forgiving plants, making them suitable for beginners and experienced gardeners alike.

When to Fertilize Your Dracaena

Timing plays a crucial role in fertilizing Dracaenas. These plants exhibit active growth during the spring and summer months, making this period ideal for providing them with nutrients. Incorporate a balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every four to six weeks during the growing season to ensure your Dracaena receives adequate nourishment.

As fall approaches and your Dracaena enters a phase of slower growth, reduce fertilization to once every two months. During the dormant season, Dracaenas require fewer nutrients, and excessive fertilization can negatively impact their health.

By understanding the unique nutritional needs of Dracaenas and selecting the appropriate fertilizer, you embark on a journey of fostering growth, strength, and resilience in your beloved houseplants. With each carefully measured dose of plant food, you nourish not only the roots and leaves but also the spirit of your Dracaena.

Discover our curated selection of Dracaenas that will add a touch of elegance and vitality to your indoor space here.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Fact vs Fiction: Do Houseplants Attract Insects?
do houseplants attract insects

Keep your indoor jungle pest-free for a happy, healthy green space!

One of the number one reasons people don't get involved with indoor plants? Fear of pests. While plants enhance the beauty of your home and have a profound impact on your mental and physical well-being, a common worry among many is the possibility of indoor plants attracting pests and how it may affect your plant growth. While it's a valid concern, it's important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to this topic. Let's explore whether houseplants truly attract insects and how to manage any potential issues.

Do Houseplants Attract Insects?

Proper Care Reduces the Risk

Do all Houseplants Attract Insects Equally?

How To Manage Pests

Do houseplants attract insects?

The short answer is yes, they can. Just as plants in outdoor gardens can attract insects, indoor plants are also susceptible to pest infestations. However, the degree to which houseplants attract insects depends on various factors, including the type of plant, its health, and the conditions in your home. Some plants are naturally more resistant to pests (for example, Olive Trees are naturally pest resistant!) while others may be more prone to attracting them, especially if they are stressed or not properly cared for.

Proper Care Reduces the Risk

One of the most effective ways to minimize the risk of insect infestations and damages to your plant’s stems and foliage is by providing proper care for your houseplants. Healthy, well-maintained plants are more resilient against pests. Ensure your plants receive adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients. Avoid overwatering, which can create conditions like root rot conducive to pest breeding, and regularly inspect your plants for signs of pest activity.

Do all Houseplants Attract Insects Equally?

Say goodbye to pesky pests with Neem Oil!

Not all houseplants attract insects to the same extent. Some plants, such as succulents, spider plants, Olive Trees and bamboo, are less attractive to pests compared to others. Additionally, certain factors, such as the plant's scent or the presence of flowers, may influence its attractiveness to insects. Sometimes, immature plants can be more prone to pests. By selecting plant varieties known for their pest resistance and strategically placing them in your home, you can help mitigate the risk of insect infestations. Here are a few plants that are pest resistant:

How To Manage Pests

Despite your best efforts, you may still encounter pests on your houseplants. If you notice signs of infestation, such as visible insects, sticky residue on leaves, or wilting foliage, it's essential to take action promptly. Begin by isolating the affected plant to prevent the pests from spreading to other plants. Then, depending on the severity of the infestation, you can employ various control methods and learn how to get rid of pests such as:

  • Manual Removal: Pick off insects by hand or prune affected parts of the plant.

  • Natural Remedies: Use natural insecticides and pesticides like soaps or horticulture oil, such as neem oil, to treat infested plants.

  • Environment: Adjust environmental conditions, such as humidity levels and air circulation, to discourage pest activity.

Check out our full blog post on common indoor plant pests to learn more about pests such as Mites, Thrips, Aphids, and Fungas Gnats.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown tropical plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

3 Things You Can Do for Your Plant That Are Not Watering

Cultivating a thriving indoor garden involves more than just watering your plants. While proper hydration is undoubtedly crucial, there are other things you can do to contribute to the overall health and vitality of your green companions. Try implementing these three simple care tips for the ultimate healthy and lush greenery!

  1. Rotate regularly. One of the simplest yet effective practices for promoting even growth in your plants is regular rotation. Plants tend to lean towards the light source, and if they're consistently exposed to sunlight from one direction, they may become lopsided or leggy. By rotating your plants regularly, you ensure that each side receives an equal share of sunlight, promoting symmetrical growth as well as allowing all parts of the plant to photosynthesize.

  2. Clean the Leaves. Dust and debris can accumulate on your plant's leaves over time, hindering its ability to absorb light and carry out photosynthesis effectively. Regularly cleaning the leaves not only improves the plant's aesthetic appeal but also ensures that it can efficiently capture sunlight and convert it into energy. What’s more, it’s a great pest prevention method—if you’re regularly cleaning your plants, they will be less likely to attract pests (and should they come under prey, you will catch it before it becomes an issue!).

  1. Trimming Yellow Leaves: While yellowing leaves are often a sign of nutrient deficiencies, overwatering, or other stress factors, in many cases, especially if there are just one or two yellow leaves, it may just be end of that leaf’s life cycle. Removing yellow leaves not only improves the overall appearance of your plant but also redirects the plant's energy towards healthier parts, encouraging new growth.


Premium plants paired with stylish ceramics, plus lifetime access to Plant Doctor support. Order online at

What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Monstera

A low maintenance houseplant with unique split leaves, it’s no surprise that the Monstera Deliciosa has risen to popularity in the last few years. Also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant and (erroneously), the split-leaf philodendron, read up on what makes this plant so special, and what you should know before bringing one into your home.

Are Monsteras easy to care for?

The Monstera Deliciosa is considered an easy-care plant, requiring very little attention to grow full and lush in your home over time. This low-maintenance beauty does well with a regular watering routine and bright indirect light.

Monsteras like to climb

The Monstera is a natural climber: in the wild, it uses its aerial roots to attach to trees or branches nearby, growing upward towards the light.

You can also train your Monstera to climb by providing it a stake or moss pole. Read our full post on how to stake your Monstera for climbing here.

Not all the leaves on your Monstera will have splits

Wondering where the splits are on your Monstera? Sometimes Monsteras grow leaves without holes, and that’s just fine! Usually the main reason for a Monstera’s leaves not having splits is maturity: young plants simply need to grow more. As your plant matures, keep in mind that more light will lead to larger leaves with more splits.

Where should you put your Monstera?

Monsteras thrive in areas with bright indirect light, though they can adapt to medium light as well. Avoid putting your Monstera in direct sunlight as its leaves will burn.

Monsteras can live outside, but not in direct light

Depending on your area’s climate, your Monstera may do just fine outdoors. Monsteras are tropical plants, though, so if you live in an area that freezes, your Monstera will like to be outside in the summer. If you move your Monstera from indoors to out, be sure to do it gradually, slowly moving it to a brighter spot each day. Never put Monsteras in harsh direct sunlight.

are Monsteras safe for pets?

Monsteras are unfortunately toxic for cats and dogs. That said, they have a relatively low toxicity, and unlike some other plants, will not cause major harm to your pets unless copious quantities are ingested. Read about how to keep your pets off your plants here.

Are Monsteras fast growing?

With the right care, Monsteras are very fast growing plants. They need bright indirect light to grow fast, and will grow more slowly in medium to low light. On average, Monsteras will grow around 2 feet per year. Be sure to regularly fertilize your Monstera for faster growth!

How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Monstera Plant

When you're in search of the perfect Monstera Plant, focus on finding one with a well-balanced canopy of vibrant, lush leaves, steering clear of specimens displaying yellowing or leggy foliage. Optimal Monstera leaves boast a deep green hue and, with the exception of new leaves, a certain firmness. While one or two yellow leaves is fine, generally the plant should have all green leaves that should stay firmly attached when gently shaken or pulled. Additionally, inspect the soil for any presence of invasive pests, as these can serve as indicators to explore alternative plant options.

Avoid Purchasing Your Monstera Plant From a Garden Center

Investing in a Monstera Deliciosa plant is a significant commitment, and it's essential to ensure you get value for your money. While seeking a budget-friendly option may seem tempting, opting for the lowest-priced Monstera can lead to future disappointments. The overall beauty, aesthetics, and fruiting capability of your Monstera are intricately tied to its health, which, in turn, depends on the care it receives—both before and after you bring it home. Choose a Monstera from a reputable, high-quality grower who meticulously tends to their plants, rather than relying on garden centers, where attractive price tags may come with no guarantee of pest-free, well-tended health.

Plants at garden stores often receive uniform water, light, and care, irrespective of their species. This one-size-fits-all approach is less than ideal for Monsteras, which are sensitive to overwatering. The routine watering practices in garden centers, with a daily deluge from a hose that may affect neighboring plants, do not benefit Monstera plants.

When acquiring a larger Monstera from a garden center, the transportation process may involve jostling the plant into your vehicle. Exposure to your car's heater or air conditioning during transit can subject the plant to environmental stress, hindering its recovery. Opt for a trusted supplier that handles transportation efficiently, saving you both money and energy in the long run. Although the initial cost may be slightly higher, the assurance of a healthier, well-cared-for Monstera is well worth the investment.

Discover the Monstera Deliciosa

A unique, easy care plant to add an attractive lushness to any space.

The Absolute Best Plants For Wedding Gifts
wedding gifts plants

The Ficus Audrey has stunning emerald-green leaves will leave you mesmerized by their natural elegance.

Are you on the hunt for a wedding gift that will make the happy couple feel like they're living in a lush paradise? Houseplants make for a thoughtful, unique and long-lasting present that will remind the newlyweds of their special day for years to come. If you’re not sure where to start, read on to find our Plant Stylists’ picks for the absolute best plants for wedding gifts. 

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is all the rage right now, and for good reason. Its large, violin-shaped leaves add a touch of drama and style to any room. Plus, it symbolizes strength and stability - two things every newlywed couple needs. It's the perfect gift for a couple that wants to add some personality to their home.

Classic plants like the Snake Plant and Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree are guaranteed to please.

Snake Plant  

Also known as the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue (could the name be any more fitting?!), the Snake Plant is a hardy plant is practically indestructible making it a great choice for beginners or anyone who's a bit forgetful when it comes to watering. It’s one of the best air purifiers, too, another reason why it is so popular for the home.

Ficus Audrey

A plant as graceful as a bouquet of flowers, the Ficus Audrey is a unique choice for a newlywed wedding gift. Easier to case for than most Ficus plants, the Ficus Audrey has recently become one of the most popular of its kind thanks to its easygoing attitude. This plant has large, round leaves that are sure to make a statement in any room. 

The Rubber Tree and Ficus Audrey, two classic plants that the new couple will love.

Rubber Tree

For something more classic, consider the Rubber Tree. This versatile plant is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Its large, glossy leaves symbolize abundance and prosperity, which is the perfect thing to wish for a newlywed couple. 

Also known as the “eternity plant”, the Zanzibar Gem is a symbolic gift for weddings.

Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar Gem is also often referred to as “the eternity plant”, and what better name could there be for a newlywed couple? This plant is a great choice for anyone who wants a low-maintenance option that requires very little upkeep or watering to keep its attractive and abundant look. Its glossy leaves and easy-to-care-for nature make it a great gift for anyone who's not quite sure if they have a green thumb

Still not sure? Browse our full collection of California-grown greenery to find something that speaks to the couple’s taste. A gift that grows is certain to please, and potentially be their most unique gift yet!

wedding gifts plants

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

  • Join hundreds of customers in choosing Léon & George for all their gifting needs. We make it effortless to send an impressive and upscale gifts to someone special, including the happy couple getting married! Enjoy some of the perks of sending a beautiful plant gift with Léon & George:

    • Fast, nationwide shipping with express and overnight options

    • Innovative, custom packaging that ensures your gift arrives in pristine condition

    • Personalized gift message options

    • Select your preferred ship date, if desired

    In a nutshell, we offer a seamless way to send a beautiful living gift to the happy new couple!

  • Every plant gift includes simple care instructions to keep the plant happy and healthy over time. You may also select to include a custom gift message. All gift orders are covered under our 45 Day Guarantee and our Plant Doctor program, which means the recipient can message us anytime for plant care support. Their gift will include a QR code to quickly set up their guarantee and access the Plant Doctors.

  • No. We process everything ahead of time through our secure billing platform. The email address associated with the order will receive a payment confirmation email once the order is processed. The lucky recipient will not see any pricing or billing information.

Are Your Plants Cold?

Are your plants cold? Most indoor plant varieties originate from warm tropical environments—think of a balmy stroll through a lush Hawaiian jungle. Though plants can be very adaptable, conditions inside our homes are much different than these natural habitats, especially during winter. Our homes can be colder, or drier (thanks to heaters) and of course, darker. Always remember that as a general rule, less light & warmth = less water.

As you strive to find the perfect balance for your plants during the colder months of the year, here are a few normal reactions you may see from your green roommates.

Sudden Leaf Drop

This is your plant's way of disposing of old leaves to save energy for new ones. This happens naturally throughout the year, but if you're noticing this all of a sudden during winter, it may be that your plant is reacting to the change in temperature and stocking up on energy. To slow down the process, keep the room above 65ºF and move it away from cold windows which can cause cell damage on delicate foliage.

Wilting or curling leaves

Wilting or curling leaves might also be a sign your plant is cold. Healthy leaves usually have a relative firmness to them, which the plant may lose if it’s too cold.

Yellowing Leaves

Another way your plant tells you that it's done with a leaf, but also accelerated with changing temperatures. Cold temperatures can disrupt the water absorption process in plants, leading to wilting even when the soil is adequately moist. Help your plant by trimming these off and keeping its space warm and humid.

Growth on Pause

If you haven't seen any new growth lately, it's likely that your plant has sensed the cold and counted less hours of sunlight. These signals tell your plant that it's time to rest, and in some cases, even go dormant. Let your plant enjoy its quiet period of slow growth, water only when the soil is dry, and wait for spring to start fertilizing again!

Living Room Ready Floor Plants

California-grown, hand-selected for quality, shape and style. Order online at

The Best Fertilizer For Monsteras

Transform your space with a touch of the tropics – Monstera Deliciosa style!

With their distinctive split leaves and impressive size, the Monstera Deliciosa or “swiss cheese plant” is a popular choice for those looking to add a lushly fun and funky plant to their home. To ensure these botanical beauties thrive and display their iconic split-leaf foliage, providing them with the right nutrients is crucial. Just like any other living organism, Monsteras require proper nourishment to grow healthy and robust over time.

Monsteras, scientifically known as Monstera Deliciosa, originate from the tropical rainforests of Central America. Recreating their natural habitat conditions might be a challenge, but with the right care, including suitable fertilization, you can help your Monstera reach its full potential.

  1. When to Fertilize Your Monstera

  2. What NPK Ratio Does the Monstera Need?

  3. The Best Plant Food for Monsteras

  4. Fertilizing Tips for Monsteras

When to Fertilize Your Monstera

Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing Monsteras. The growing season for these plants typically aligns with the warmer months, spring and summer, when they undergo active growth. It’s best to fertilize during this time, as your plant will most likely be actively growing. Incorporating a well-balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every two to four weeks can significantly contribute to the overall health of your Monstera.

As fall approaches and your Monstera experiences a natural slowdown in growth, adjust your fertilization routine accordingly. Reduce the frequency to four every eight weeks or so, depending on the strength of your fertilizer. In winter, you might even consider suspending fertilization until the following spring when the plant resumes active growth. If it’s the dead of winter and your plant is growing, though, feel free to fertilize!

What NPK Ratio Does the Monstera Need?

Understanding the NPK ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) is fundamental when selecting the right fertilizer. For Monsteras, a balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 1-1-1 or 2-1-1 is generally suitable. Nitrogen (N) is essential for promoting lush, green foliage and overall plant vigor. Phosphorus (P) encourages root development, and potassium (K) supports overall plant health.

The Best Plant Food for Monsteras

Choosing the best plant food for your Monstera involves considering its specific nutritional needs. While there are various fertilizers on the market, finding one with the right balance is key. A well-rounded, all-purpose liquid fertilizer, such as our Boost Vitaminé, is an excellent choice. It provides the essential nutrients your Monstera needs for robust growth and healthy foliage, and is gentle enough to use all year round.

monstera fertilizer

Nourish your Monstera with our Boost Vitaminé, the perfect plant multivitamin.

Fertilizing Tips for Monsteras

  1. Dilute Fertilizer: Follow the instructions on your chosen fertilizer carefully, and always dilute it as recommended. Over-fertilizing can lead to nutrient burn and negatively impact your Monstera's health.

  2. Watering Routine: Water your Monstera thoroughly before applying fertilizer. This helps prevent any potential root damage caused by applying fertilizer to dry soil.

  3. Consideration for Soil Conditions: Monsteras prefer well-draining soil. Ensure your soil allows excess water to escape, preventing waterlogged conditions that might hinder nutrient absorption.

  4. Observation is Key: Pay attention to your Monstera's response to fertilization. If you notice any signs of stress, such as browning leaf edges, adjust your fertilization routine accordingly.

Providing the right nutrients through proper fertilization is crucial for the health and vitality of your Monstera. By understanding its growing seasons, selecting a balanced fertilizer with the appropriate NPK ratio, and following a consistent and careful fertilization routine, you can ensure your Monstera thrives.

monstera deliciosa black mid century ceramic

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

7 Indoor Plant Care Tools To Step Up Your Green Thumb Game
Indoor plant care tools

It’s no secret that when it comes to indoor plant care, just two basic essentials are required for survival: the right light and a solid watering routine. That said, as with any hobby, there are plenty of tools and accessories to simplify plant care, enhance your plants’ beauty, and maximize the pleasure you get from plant parenthood!

From sleek watering cans to natural plant elixirs, and even a few household items, check out some of our Plant Doctor’s favorite tried and tested indoor plant care tools!

Watering Can with Mister

Watering can for indoor plants

This lightweight watering can is the perfect size for potted plants, and comes with a convenient, built-in mister. Why use a watering can? Two reasons: they’re comfortable to water with, and they more closely mimic actual rainfall for your plants than, say, a mason jar. The additional spray nozzle is perfect for providing your plants with a gentle mist of good old water- or perfectly diluted plant care essentials!

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Olive Oil Liquid Black Soap

Keeping your plants dust-free is an easy and essential way to maintain their beauty and glow over time, but did you know that it also helps them to photosynthesize? What’s more, cleaning them regularly also helps keep the pests at bay. We love this French olive oil soap not only because it’s 100% natural and organic but also because it leaves an enviable shine on our plants’ leaves. In fact, each and every Léon & George plant receives a spa treatment with this soap before delivery!

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Self-watering hydrospikes

Our favorite indestructible office plants.

Speaking of watering, self-watering tools are a fantastic way to water while on vacation. They are designed to slowly release water into the plant’s soil and can last up to two weeks! They work so well that some people prefer to use them as their regular watering method, even when not vacationing.

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Natural Foliar Feed

We love natural foliar feeds so much that we decided to make the finest one on the market. A concentrated blend of nutrients, Potion Magique is designed to be diluted in water and misted directly onto your plant’s foliage. Plants not only absorb these nutrients through their leaves, but the blend also acts as a natural pest repellant. Best of all? Potion Magique smells heavenly, so it’s a joy to apply for you and your plant.

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Moisture meter with pF indicator


Watering your plants can be tough. In fact, overwatering accounts for the majority of plant care fails. Traditional moisture meters can help, but they can be hard to read and a pretty big eyesore if you leave them in your plant. Cue in our favorite moisture meter Léon & George, the first of its kind to incorporate a pF indicator that gives a more accurate and concise picture of when it’s time to water. On top of that, its sleek and discrete design will not take away from the overall aesthetic of your plant.

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Traditional moisture meter

Our favorite indestructible office plants.

Traditional moisture meters read the level of moisture in your plant’s soil. Depending on what type of plant you have, you will look for a different ideal reading.

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Indoor plant care tools

Sometimes the best plant care tools can be found lying around your house! Aerating your plant’s soil is a great way to ensure even watering, and chopsticks are our #1 favorite tool to do it. Recycle old chopsticks for the DIY ultimate soil aeration tool.




Premium plants paired with stylish ceramics, plus lifetime plant care support. Order online at

3 Main Differences Between The Olive Tree & The Black Olive Tree

The Black Olive Tree vs. the “regular” Olive Tree — can you tell which is which?

Olive Trees and Black Olive Trees, also known as Bucida Buceras or Shady Lady, are both popular choices for landscaping and gardening. However, these two trees are not related beyond the similarity in name and look, and have some key differences that set them apart.

Olive trees, also known as Olea europaea, are native to the Mediterranean region and have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are known for their small, gray-green leaves and gnarled trunks, and can be cared for when placed in bright, direct light. Olive Trees can grow to be quite large, reaching up to 40 feet in height and width. They are also evergreen, meaning they keep their leaves year-round.

One of the most notable characteristics of Olive Trees is their ability to produce olives, unsurprisingly a staple in Mediterranean cuisine and are used to make olive oil, which is widely used for cooking and in cosmetics. Olive trees are also drought-tolerant, making them a great choice for dry climates. They prefer well-drained soil and full sun, and can be grown in a variety of soils including clay, loam, and sandy soil.

On the other hand, Shady Lady Trees or Black Olive Trees are much smaller and more compact than Olive Trees. They typically grow to be around 20 feet tall and wide. They are also evergreen, but their leaves are slightly more rounded than those of Olive Trees and have a glossy, dark green color. They are slow-growing, which makes them a great choice for small gardens or as a patio tree.

One of the key differences between Black Olive Trees and “regular” Olive Trees is their preferred growing conditions. While Olive Trees prefer full sun, Black Olive Trees are more tolerant of shade. In fact, they are often used as an indoor alternative to Olive Trees.

Another difference between these two trees is the fruit they produce. While Olive Trees produce olives, Black Olive Trees produce small, inedible black berries, and are used only for ornamental purposes.

Both trees are beautiful and versatile options but we generally recommend Olive Trees for outdoor settings and Black Olive Trees for indoors.

Black Olive Tree

Airy and bonsai-like, and a beautiful addition to any style and space.

Why Your Olive Tree Isn't Fruiting: 4 Potential Causes
olive tree fruiting

Watch your Olive Tree flourish with real fruit!

Olea europaea, commonly known as the Olive Tree, is a beautifully elegant plant that has recently risen in popularity for its airy nature and Mediterranean vibes. And beyond its ornamental value, many indoor plant enthusiasts are drawn to Olive Tree varieties due to the the prospect of growing fruit and harvesting their ripe olives. However, the journey from planting to fruiting can be a nuanced one, and your tree might not fruit for many years or until it becomes mature and only during the active growing season, such as spring and summer. Let's explore the intricacies of Olive Tree care and how to grow your beloved tree into a fruit-tree.

  1. Maturity Matters

  2. Ideal Conditions

  3. Troubleshooting

Maturity Matters

Like many horticultural endeavors and houseplants, patience is key when it comes to Olive Trees. These self-pollinating trees typically require about three years to reach maturity before they embark on their fruit-bearing journey. So, if your Olive Tree is still in its early years, rest assured, it might just need a bit more time for new growth.

The ideal conditions for Olive Trees to produce fruit

Balanced Watering

Proper watering is a delicate dance for Olive Trees. While they are typically known to be quite drought-resistant, they also appreciate regular watering and proper drainage to prevent root rot. Be sure not to let your Olive Tree dry out for too long, prevent it from a harsh soak, and allow it to be well drained. The rule of thumb is to water when 25% of the soil volume, or the top few inches, have dried. Overwatering can lead to drooping leaves and, eventually, leaf loss. Consistency, attentiveness to soil, ensuring your Olive Tree can be properly drained, and moisture are key for your Olive Tree to bear-fruit.

Plenty of Light

Light, the engine of photosynthesis, is paramount for fruit production. Olive Trees thrive in climates with full sun or lots of sunlight, and require a minimum of six hours of direct exposure daily. Placing your Olive Tree in a location with unobstructed light is crucial for optimal edible fruiting conditions, whether that’s indoors or out.

Strategic Fertilizing

Fertilizing is a supportive act during the Olive Tree's active growing seasons, primarily spring and summer. A well-balanced fertilizer, applied once in spring and once in summer, can provide the necessary nutrients for growing fruitful new growth. Additionally, incorporating compost creates nutrient rich soil that enhances the overall soil quality and contributes to the tree's health. However, abstain from fertilizing in winter or during inactive growth periods.

Troubleshooting for Non-Fruiting Olive Trees

1. Unfavorable Growing Conditions:

  • Symptom: Olive Tree not getting enough sunlight.

  • Remedy: Relocate your tree to a sun-filled, humid spot to optimize its exposure to sunlight. Remember, at least six hours a day of light is best and Olive Trees love humidity. To increase humidity in indoor air, we recommend a misting routine year-round. Refrain from placing in low-light areas. and remember that your Olive tree may not produce fruit during cold seasons.

2. Age Matters:

  • Symptom: Young Olive Trees not producing fruit.

  • Remedy: Exercise patience; fruiting often begins around the third year and may extend up to eight years.

3. Nutrient Deficiency:

  • Symptom: Soil lacking essential nutrients.

  • Remedy: Plant your tree in nutrient-rich potting mix or soil and fertilize during active growth periods. We recommend our fertilizer and foliar feed, Potion Magique.

4. Pruning for Sunlight:

  • Symptom: Insufficient sunlight reaching the center of the tree.

  • Remedy: Olive Trees like to be pruned. Prune stems strategically to allow direct sunlight, removing non-flowering branches. You can propagate the cuttings and create sprouts by transplanting in new soil to harvest new buds and blooms. Read more about propagation here!

5. Pest Prevention:

  • Symptom: Pest and insect sightings on your Olive Tree

  • Remedy: Keep an eye out for common insects like spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats, and mealy bugs, which can hinder plant growth. Regularly use neem oil to thwart diseases and pests, ensuring your Olive Tree thrives and produces abundant fruit.

6. Weeds:

  • Symptom: Weeds in your olive tree’s nursery pot.

  • Remedy: Weeds in your Olive Tree's pot and soil can hinder its growth, especially when it is trying to produce growing fruit. If you notice any unwanted plants in your Olive Tree’s container, promptly pluck them out, ensuring you remove the roots to prevent regrowth. While gentle herbicides can be used, they are often unnecessary for effective weed control in the pot. Regular weeding helps maintain a conducive environment for your Olive Tree's healthy development.

Growing an Olive Tree is an art, with a slightly different routine opposed to other indoor house plants, and coaxing it to fruit is a blend of science and care. Understanding the needs of your Olive Tree, from sunlight to watering, fertilizing, and using the correct pots can pave the way for a bountiful and deciduous harvest. As you navigate the journey from planting to fruition, savor the process, and your Olive Tree’s canopy will reward you with the timeless allure of its silver-green foliage and, eventually, its coveted olives.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature and house plants into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California native tropical plants such as the Olive Tree, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers and gardeners who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and handmade planters that are staged for optimal and easy growth. Happy growing and gardening!

olive trees fruiting

Olive Tree Collection

Premium Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Fact or Fiction: Will Olive Trees Grow Indoors?

The Olive Tree paired with the Black Mid-Century Ceramic pot and Light Wood Stand – the perfect addition to any space. But can it survive indoors like other houseplants?

The allure of cultivating an Olive Tree indoors is undeniable. The silvery-green leaves and the potential of growing fruit evoke the charm of the Mediterranean right in your very own living space for any gardening lover. But is growing an Olive Tree indoors a feasible endeavor? In this post, we unravel the truth about growing potted Olive Trees indoors.

  1. Can Olive Trees be Placed Indoors?

  2. Lighting Requirements

  3. Temperature and Humidity

  4. Watering

  5. Pest Prevention

  6. Moving Olive Trees Outdoors for the Summer

  7. Alternative Plants with Olive Tree Vibes

Can Olive Trees be Placed Indoors?

Native to the sun-soaked Mediterranean region, Olive Trees have a penchant for abundant sunlight. Ideally, they thrive outdoors, basking in at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. However, with thoughtful care, it's possible to bring the essence of an Olive Tree indoors.

Lighting Requirements

Keeping your Olive Tree indoors demands a strategic approach to lighting. These trees require ample sunlight, and an unobstructed south-facing window with high light is optimal for their growth. To ensure equal light exposure, rotate the plant bi-weekly and refrain from placing in low-light areas. In cases of insufficient natural full sun, supplement with a grow light for 6-8 hours daily, especially if outdoor relocation isn't feasible.

Unlock the full beauty of your Olive Tree by placing it near a sunlit South-facing window – the tree should receive at least six hours of sunlight a day.

Temperature and Humidity

Regarding temperature and humidity, Olive trees prefer a room temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate dry air, but it's essential to keep them away from heat vents to prevent too much drying out. Occasional misting or placing near a humidifier can mimic the higher humidity levels these trees enjoy in their native Mediterranean climate.


Watering is a crucial aspect of indoor olive tree care. The soil and root-system should never fully dry out, but should not remain damp for long periods of time which may lead to root-rot. Watering is required when the top two inches is dry. During winter dormancy, reduce watering, but a dry soil surface signals the need for hydration. Olive Trees prefer high humidity, and misting your Olive Tree regularly can help introduce more humidity to indoor air.

Pest Prevention

In the realm of indoor gardening, proper pest prevention is paramount for the well-being of olive trees growing in planters. Olive trees are particularly susceptible to pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs, which can compromise the health of your growing plants. Employing effective measures such as neem oil, a natural insect deterrent, becomes crucial for maintaining optimal conditions in the potting soils and ensuring a thriving indoor olive tree while safeguarding against potential pests in your planter.

Alternative Plants with Olive Tree Vibes

While the Olive Tree has a distinct charm, several alternative plants can grace your indoor space with a similar aesthetic that can thrive better in such conditions. Consider these alternatives:

  1. Bird of Paradise: With large, banana-like leaves, it brings a tropical touch to any space and is popular amongst other house plants.

  2. False Aralia: Elegant, finely-cut foliage for a sophisticated look.

  3. Fishtail Palm: Mimics the feathery appearance, adding a touch of the exotic.

  4. Schefflera Tree: Known for its lush, umbrella-like foliage and is easy-care.

While Olive Trees may not be the easiest indoor companions, with the right care and adjustments, you can infuse your living space with their distinct charm. However, for those seeking alternatives, there are several plants that capture the essence of an Olive Tree without the specific demands. Whether you opt for the Mediterranean allure of the Olive Tree and the potential for edible fruit or explore alternatives, each plant brings its unique green symphony to your space!

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown house plants carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our potted plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for easy, optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

The Olive Tree Collection

Premium Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at