Posts tagged Dracaena Lisa
The Best Fertilizer For Dracaenas

The Dracaena Lisa adds a touch of elegance to any space, showcased here in a Coral Mid-Century Pot atop a Light Wood stand.

With their striking upright leaves and air-purifying qualities, Dracaenas are a sought-after choice for both seasoned indoor gardeners and newcomers to plant care alike. Originating primarily from tropical regions of Africa and Asia, Dracaenas boast resilience and adaptability, making them ideal companions for indoor environments. While these low-maintenance beauties can thrive on minimal care, providing them with the right nutrients can elevate their growth and vitality. Read on to discover the best fertilizer for all varieties of Dracaenas and how to effectively fertilize these beloved houseplants.

Understanding the NPK Ratio

The Best Plant Food for Dracaenas

Can Fertilizing My Dracaena Enhance Growth?

When to Fertilize Your Dracaena

Understanding the NPK Ratio

Booste Vitaminé plant food: the secret for thriving plants.

When it comes to fertilizers, deciphering the NPK ratio is crucial. The NPK ratio represents the proportion of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer formulation. Different plants have distinct nutrient requirements, so selecting a fertilizer tailored to your Dracaena's needs is essential for optimal growth and health.

For Dracaenas, a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar is recommended. This balanced blend ensures that your Dracaena receives essential nutrients necessary for robust growth and overall well-being.

The Best Plant Food for Dracaenas

While there are various fertilizers on the market suitable for nourishing Dracaenas, consider opting for a high-quality, all-natural liquid plant food that is gentle yet effective. Our Boost Vitaminé is a premium plant food crafted to promote growth, strengthen roots, and enhance overall plant vigor. Formulated with natural ingredients, Boost Vitaminé provides Dracaenas with the nutrients they need to flourish, offering a convenient solution for your plant care routine.

Can Fertilizing My Dracaena Enhance Growth?

Dracaenas are prized for their unique foliage and air-purifying properties, but they are not necessarily fast growing plants. While Dracaenas can occasionally produce fragrant flowers, particularly when grown outdoors in optimal conditions, indoor specimens typically do not bloom. Regularly fertilizing your Dracaena will help it maintain steady growth, but again, these are not super fast growing plants.

By selecting the right fertilizer and adhering to a simple feeding regimen, you can ensure your Dracaena thrives and maintains its beauty. Dracaenas are resilient and forgiving plants, making them suitable for beginners and experienced gardeners alike.

When to Fertilize Your Dracaena

Timing plays a crucial role in fertilizing Dracaenas. These plants exhibit active growth during the spring and summer months, making this period ideal for providing them with nutrients. Incorporate a balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every four to six weeks during the growing season to ensure your Dracaena receives adequate nourishment.

As fall approaches and your Dracaena enters a phase of slower growth, reduce fertilization to once every two months. During the dormant season, Dracaenas require fewer nutrients, and excessive fertilization can negatively impact their health.

By understanding the unique nutritional needs of Dracaenas and selecting the appropriate fertilizer, you embark on a journey of fostering growth, strength, and resilience in your beloved houseplants. With each carefully measured dose of plant food, you nourish not only the roots and leaves but also the spirit of your Dracaena.

Discover our curated selection of Dracaenas that will add a touch of elegance and vitality to your indoor space here.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Why Are The Tips of My Dracaena Lisa's Leaves Browning and Dry?

We think that the Dracaena Lisa is an elegant hero of the indoor plant game. Its statuesque height and fun, textural foliage belie the fact that the Lisa is actually a truly low-maintenance Dracaena variety, with a tolerance for varied light (from low/medium indirect light to brighter, indirect rays) and a low-key approach to watering. Still, pesky, browning leaf tips can occur with any plant, even the lax Lisa. But don’t worry! It’s also easily resolved. Just read our tips below.

Not Enough Humidity

The Dracaena Lisa is native to tropical, Southeast Africa, and in its natural habitat it enjoys high humidity levels. These are tough to re-create at home, but we have our ways around that. If you notice drying, brown edges and tips on your Dracaena Lisa’s foliage, it is likely due to low humidity in your home. This can be rectified by misting your Dracaena Lisa up to three times a week. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that your Dracaena Lisa is not placed too closely to appliances that emit dry air: like vents, air conditioners, or even doors that are constantly opened and closed.

How to fix your Dracaena Lisa’s brown and dry leaves

You can rehab your Dracaena Lisa’s leaf tips by trimming brown edges and tips off with clean, sharp scissors or shears. Cut the brown area off of the leaf with the scissors or shears pointed in the leaf’s natural growth direction. Once you have manicured your Dracaena Lisa’s foliage, give it a thorough misting, and it will look brand-new.

Plant Doctor Support

If you follow the steps above and your Dracaena Lisa continues to exhibit a high percentage of dry, browning leaf tips, you can reach out to the Plant Doctor for an assessment and custom assistance. Just log into your Léon & George account, click “Contact Plant Doctor”, and attach photos of your Lisa as a whole, as well as close-ups of the dry and browning foliage areas. The Plant Doctor team will get back to you with an assessment and care instructions within 2-3 business days.

Dracaena Lisa

Our statuesque and low-maintenance wonder plant, with lush, textural foliage and a varied light tolerance. The Dracaena Lisa is an exquisite floor plant for any space.

How to Care For and Grow Your Dracaena Compacta

A textural and low-maintenance floor plant, the Dracaena Compacta features slender trunks and a beautifully laddered, lush silhouette. Native to Southeast Africa, the Dracaena Compacta is an ideal easy-care statement plant, with a preference for medium, indirect light.

What type of light do Dracaena Compactas need?

This plant prefers medium to bright indirect light, though it can adjust to lower light environments.

How to Water Your Dracaena Compacta

Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry, taking care not to overwater.

Are Dracaena Compactas fast growers?

Generally a plant with a slower growth rate, Dracaena Compactas typically grow about 4” a year and can grow to a height of 6’ over time

Never overwater your plants with these sleek and simple moisture meters.


Finally, a moisture meter that actually works.


Common problems with the Dracaena Compacta

Browning Leaf Tips - Low Humidity, Dry Environment

  • Symptom - Leaf tips exhibiting brown tips

  • Cause - Low humidity, dry environment, plant too near AC unit, heat or drafts

  • Remedy - Trim brown tips off, mist plant 3-5 times weekly, adjust watering schedule if necessary.

Read more about brown tips on Dracaena Compactas here.

Evidence of Insect Infestation

  • Symptom - Whitish bumps, indicating scale, or black dots, indicating mites

  • Cause - Insect infestation

  • Remedy - Wash all foliage and trunks of Dracaena Compacta with a mixture of gentle soap and water.

How to maintain a beautiful and healthy Dracaena Compacta

Trimming & reshaping Dracaenas

If your Dracaena Compacta experiences browning at its leaf tips, this can be remedied by trimming leaves with clean, sharp scissors or shears. Follow the natural direction of the leaf as you manicure it.


You can clean your Dracaena Compacta’s foliage and trunks by gently wiping it down with a soft cloth, or a mixture of gentle soap and water.

Repotting Your Dracaena

Dracaena Compactas are moderate to slow growers, and repotted is typically not necessary within the first couple years.

  • When to repot - when your Dracaena Compacta’s roots tightly encircle its pot or many stick out, it may be time to repot.

  • Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow taller, select a pot that’s 2” in diameter larger than your Dracaena Compacta’s current pot. If you prefer for your plant to stay the same height, its original nursery pot can be re-used, and the soil simply refreshed.

  • Get your hands dirty - spread out newspaper on the floor, remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so that you have clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and pat down firmly. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will take 2-4 weeks to settle from the shock and adjust to its new home. 

How to Propagate the Dracaena Compacta

Dracaena Compactas can be propagated from top cuttings. Simply cut a portion from the very top of your plant below a leaf line. Ensure that the portion has at least 4-6 inches of growth. Place the cutting in a container of moist soil, and situate it in a shaded location. When roots form (typically after 4-6 weeks), re-pot into a new container with fresh, moist soil.

The Dracaena Compacta

A slim and lovely statement floor plant with narrow trunks and laddered emerald foliage, the Dracaena Compacta is a stunning low-maintenance plant for spaces that receive medium, indirect light.

Why Are My Dracaena Lisa's Leaves Dry and Patchy?
Upgrade your decor with a stunning Dracaena Lisa plant in a stylish mid-century pot and wooden stand! With its vibrant green leaves and air-purifying properties, this low-maintenance plant is perfect for adding a touch of nature to your home

Upgrade your decor with a stunning Dracaena Lisa plant in a stylish mid-century pot and wooden stand! With its vibrant green leaves and air-purifying properties, this low-maintenance plant is perfect for adding a touch of nature to your home or office. Order now to elevate your space with this chic and eco-friendly statement piece.

The Dracaena Lisa is essentially an ideal statement floor plant: it has an elegant, statuesque form, great height and lush foliage. It’s also a surprisingly low-maintenance plant, tolerant of both low/medium indirect light and bright indirect light. With their easy-care disposition, issues with Dracaena Lisa foliage are unusual. So if you notice dry patches or streaks on the leaves of your Lisa, you may feel alarmed. Don’t worry! Although Lisa issues are rare, they’re also not hard to fix. In fact, it can be a downright breeze: just follow the simple steps below.

Too Much Direct Light

Just because you can put your plant right next to a window, does not always mean you should. Don’t get us wrong: photosynthesis is a great thing, and plants do need light. But the Dracaena Lisa, a tropical plant native to jungle climates in Southeast Africa, is not tolerant of direct, bright light. Direct sunlight can scorch its foliage- and this is classically exhibited by dry patches (often round in form) and dry streaks appearing on your Lisa’s leaves. If you notice these signs and your Lisa is near a window, it’s probably time to move it: at least three feet from the window’s direct sun rays.

Refresh Your Lisa with a Manicure

You can refresh your Dracaena Lisa’s foliage by giving it a good, overall misting and trimming and leaves that are severely affected by brown patches or streaking. Once it’s in a more dimly lit spot and away from the threat of a sunburn, you should not experience a resurgence of the dry foliage issue. Trim your Lisa’s foliage by using clean, sharp scissors or shears to cut the dry and discolored areas off, while following the direction of the leaf’s natural growth.

More Help

If a significant portion of your Dracaena Lisa’s foliage is exhibiting dry patches or streaking despite enacting the steps above, you can contact the Plant Doctor for further support. Do so by logging into your Leon and George account. Then, click “Contact Plant Doctor”, and attach photos of your Lisa as a whole, as well as close-ups of the dry, patchy or streaking areas. Our Plant Doctor team will respond with custom guidance within 2-3 business days.


Dracaena Lisa

An elegant and statuesque stunner: the Dracaena Lisa is a low-maintenance statement plant, with ample height, deeply lush foliage and an easy-care disposition, making it the perfect floor plant for any area of your home. Tolerant of low and medium to bright, indirect light.

How to Care For and Grow Your Dracaena Lisa

The Dracaena Lisa

A consummate low-maintenance statement plant, the Dracaena Lisa boasts gorgeous, deep emerald foliage and stunning height. Native to Southeast Africa, the Dracaena Lisa prefers bright to medium indirect light, but can adjust to low light environments. 

What does Dracaena Lisa need?


  • The Dracaena Lisa prefers bright to medium, indirect light

  • The Dracaena Lisa can tolerate low light environments


  • Water the Dracaena Lisa when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry

  • Take care not to overwater


  • This statuesque Dracaena Lisa has a moderate to low growth rate.

Never overwater your plants with these sleek and simple moisture meters.

Our moisture meter is the perfect tool for keeping your plants healthy and thriving! Its innovative design features a blue color indicator that signals when the soil has enough water.


Our moisture meter is the perfect tool for keeping your plants healthy and thriving! Its innovative design features a blue color indicator that signals when the soil has enough water, and a white color indicator that alerts you when it's time to water your plant. With its minimalist aesthetic, this moisture meter seamlessly blends in with your plants, enhancing their beauty and making them easier to care for. Order our moisture meter now to ensure your plants are always at their best!

Common problems with the Dracaena Lisa

Dry Leaf Tips and Edges - Low Humidity or Overwatering

  • Symptom - Leaf tips exhibiting dryness and edges and tips

  • Cause - Low humidity, dry environment with heat/AC

  • Remedy - Mist Dracaena Lisa x2 weekly, adjust watering schedule if necessary.

Dry Patches or Dry Streaks on Leaves - Too Much Direct Light

  • Symptom - Leaves exhibiting dry patches (often round in form) or dry streaking

  • Cause - Too much direct light

  • Remedy - Ensure that your Dracaena Lisa is situated in a spot where it receives indirect light. If it is too near to a window, move it to a spot 3+ feet from the window.

  • Read more about his issue here

Evidence of Insects

  • Symptom - Whitish bumps, indicating scale, or black dots, indicating mites

  • Cause - Insect infestation

  • Remedy - Wash all foliage and trunks of Dracaena Lisa with a mixture of gentle soap and water.

Discover the beauty of the Dracaena Lisa's unique striped foliage! This low-maintenance plant purifies the air and adds a touch of natural elegance to any space. Order now and enjoy nature up close!

How to maintain a beautiful and healthy Dracaena Lisa

  • Maintenance - A little trim is all that most Dracaena Lisa’s need to keep their foliage looking fresh!

    Trimming & reshaping - If your Dracaena Lisa experiences browning at its leaf tips, this can be remedied by trimming leaves with clean, sharp scissors or shears. Follow the natural direction of the leaf as you manicure it.

    Cleaning - You can clean your Dracaena Lisa’s foliage and trunks by gently wiping it down with a soft cloth, or a mixture of gentle soap and water.

  • Repotting - Dracaena Lisas are moderate to slow growers, and repotted is typically not necessary within the first couple years.

    When to repot - when your Dracaena Lisa’s roots tightly encircle its pot or many stick out, it may be time to repot.

    Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow taller, select a pot that’s 2” in diameter larger than your Dracaena Lisa’s current pot. If you prefer for your plant to stay the same height, its original nursery pot can be re-used, and the soil simply refreshed.

  • Get your hands dirty - spread out newspaper on the floor, remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so that you have clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and pat down firmly. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will take 2-4 weeks to settle from the shock and adjust to its new home. 

How to Propagate the Dracaena Lisa

Dracaena Lisas can be propagated from top cuttings. Simply cut a portion from the very top of your Dracaena Lisa below a leaf line. Place the cutting in a container of moist soil or a glass of water. When roots form, re-pot into a new container with fresh, moist soil.

Bring the beauty of nature into your living room with the vibrant green leaves of the Dracaena Lisa plant! This low-maintenance plant is the perfect addition to any bright and welcoming space, adding a pop of color and fresh air.

The Dracaena Lisa

Elevate your space with the stunning Dracaena Lisa plant - the perfect low-maintenance addition for nature lovers! Its vibrant green foliage and air-purifying properties make it a stylish and eco-friendly statement piece, ideal for brightening up any home or office. Order now to bring a touch of nature to your decor and enjoy the beauty of this gorgeous plant!