Posts tagged indoor plants
Best Fertilizer for Indoor Palms

Embrace the timeless elegance of the Kentia Palm, a symbol of tropical grace and sophistication.

With their graceful fronds and tropical allure, indoor palms are cherished for their ability to transform any indoor space into a lush oasis. Whether adorning living rooms, offices, or lobbies, these botanical beauties exude elegance and tranquility. While indoor palms like the Kentia Palm and Lady Palm are renowned for their adaptability and low-maintenance nature, providing them with the right nutrients can significantly enhance their growth and vitality. Read on to discover the best fertilizer for indoor palms and how to effectively fertilize these iconic plants for optimal health and beauty.

Understanding the NPK Ratio

The Best Plant Food for Indoor Palms

Can Fertilizing My Indoor Palm Help It Thrive?

When to Fertilize Your Indoor Palm

Understanding the NPK Ratio

Indoor palms are slow growers and, like other plants, have specific nutrient requirements essential for their growth and well-being. When choosing a fertilizer for indoor palms, it's crucial to consider the NPK ratio, which represents the proportion of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer formulation. For indoor palms, a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar is recommended. This balanced blend ensures that your indoor palms receive the essential nutrients necessary for robust growth and vibrant foliage.

The Best Plant Food for Indoor Palms

While various fertilizers can effectively nourish indoor palms, opting for a high-quality, all-natural liquid plant food is ideal for promoting optimal growth and vitality. Our Boost Vitaminé is specifically formulated to meet the unique nutritional needs of indoor palms, providing them with the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Enriched with natural ingredients, Boost Vitaminé promotes healthy root development, lush foliage, and overall plant vigor, ensuring your indoor palms remain vibrant and flourishing.

Can Fertilizing My Indoor Palm Help It Thrive?

While indoor palms may not bloom like their outdoor counterparts, proper fertilization can significantly enhance their overall health and appearance. By providing your indoor palms with the right nutrients at the appropriate times, you can stimulate robust growth, vibrant foliage, and a thriving, verdant presence in your indoor space.

Elevate your indoor palms with Boost Vitaminé Plant Food – the ultimate nourishment for vibrant growth and lush foliage!

When to Fertilize Your Indoor Palm

Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing palms to ensure optimal growth and vitality. During the active growing season, typically from spring to summer, incorporate a balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every two to four weeks. This regular feeding schedule provides your indoor palms with the necessary nutrients to support healthy growth and vibrant foliage. As fall and winter approach and your palms begin to receive less light throughout the day, reduce fertilization to once every two months to prevent overfeeding and maintain overall plant health.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

indoor plants

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

The Best Fertilizer For Dracaenas

The Dracaena Lisa adds a touch of elegance to any space, showcased here in a Coral Mid-Century Pot atop a Light Wood stand.

With their striking upright leaves and air-purifying qualities, Dracaenas are a sought-after choice for both seasoned indoor gardeners and newcomers to plant care alike. Originating primarily from tropical regions of Africa and Asia, Dracaenas boast resilience and adaptability, making them ideal companions for indoor environments. While these low-maintenance beauties can thrive on minimal care, providing them with the right nutrients can elevate their growth and vitality. Read on to discover the best fertilizer for all varieties of Dracaenas and how to effectively fertilize these beloved houseplants.

Understanding the NPK Ratio

The Best Plant Food for Dracaenas

Can Fertilizing My Dracaena Enhance Growth?

When to Fertilize Your Dracaena

Understanding the NPK Ratio

Booste Vitaminé plant food: the secret for thriving plants.

When it comes to fertilizers, deciphering the NPK ratio is crucial. The NPK ratio represents the proportion of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer formulation. Different plants have distinct nutrient requirements, so selecting a fertilizer tailored to your Dracaena's needs is essential for optimal growth and health.

For Dracaenas, a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar is recommended. This balanced blend ensures that your Dracaena receives essential nutrients necessary for robust growth and overall well-being.

The Best Plant Food for Dracaenas

While there are various fertilizers on the market suitable for nourishing Dracaenas, consider opting for a high-quality, all-natural liquid plant food that is gentle yet effective. Our Boost Vitaminé is a premium plant food crafted to promote growth, strengthen roots, and enhance overall plant vigor. Formulated with natural ingredients, Boost Vitaminé provides Dracaenas with the nutrients they need to flourish, offering a convenient solution for your plant care routine.

Can Fertilizing My Dracaena Enhance Growth?

Dracaenas are prized for their unique foliage and air-purifying properties, but they are not necessarily fast growing plants. While Dracaenas can occasionally produce fragrant flowers, particularly when grown outdoors in optimal conditions, indoor specimens typically do not bloom. Regularly fertilizing your Dracaena will help it maintain steady growth, but again, these are not super fast growing plants.

By selecting the right fertilizer and adhering to a simple feeding regimen, you can ensure your Dracaena thrives and maintains its beauty. Dracaenas are resilient and forgiving plants, making them suitable for beginners and experienced gardeners alike.

When to Fertilize Your Dracaena

Timing plays a crucial role in fertilizing Dracaenas. These plants exhibit active growth during the spring and summer months, making this period ideal for providing them with nutrients. Incorporate a balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every four to six weeks during the growing season to ensure your Dracaena receives adequate nourishment.

As fall approaches and your Dracaena enters a phase of slower growth, reduce fertilization to once every two months. During the dormant season, Dracaenas require fewer nutrients, and excessive fertilization can negatively impact their health.

By understanding the unique nutritional needs of Dracaenas and selecting the appropriate fertilizer, you embark on a journey of fostering growth, strength, and resilience in your beloved houseplants. With each carefully measured dose of plant food, you nourish not only the roots and leaves but also the spirit of your Dracaena.

Discover our curated selection of Dracaenas that will add a touch of elegance and vitality to your indoor space here.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Fact vs Fiction: Do Houseplants Attract Insects?
do houseplants attract insects

Keep your indoor jungle pest-free for a happy, healthy green space!

One of the number one reasons people don't get involved with indoor plants? Fear of pests. While plants enhance the beauty of your home and have a profound impact on your mental and physical well-being, a common worry among many is the possibility of indoor plants attracting pests and how it may affect your plant growth. While it's a valid concern, it's important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to this topic. Let's explore whether houseplants truly attract insects and how to manage any potential issues.

Do Houseplants Attract Insects?

Proper Care Reduces the Risk

Do all Houseplants Attract Insects Equally?

How To Manage Pests

Do houseplants attract insects?

The short answer is yes, they can. Just as plants in outdoor gardens can attract insects, indoor plants are also susceptible to pest infestations. However, the degree to which houseplants attract insects depends on various factors, including the type of plant, its health, and the conditions in your home. Some plants are naturally more resistant to pests (for example, Olive Trees are naturally pest resistant!) while others may be more prone to attracting them, especially if they are stressed or not properly cared for.

Proper Care Reduces the Risk

One of the most effective ways to minimize the risk of insect infestations and damages to your plant’s stems and foliage is by providing proper care for your houseplants. Healthy, well-maintained plants are more resilient against pests. Ensure your plants receive adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients. Avoid overwatering, which can create conditions like root rot conducive to pest breeding, and regularly inspect your plants for signs of pest activity.

Do all Houseplants Attract Insects Equally?

Say goodbye to pesky pests with Neem Oil!

Not all houseplants attract insects to the same extent. Some plants, such as succulents, spider plants, Olive Trees and bamboo, are less attractive to pests compared to others. Additionally, certain factors, such as the plant's scent or the presence of flowers, may influence its attractiveness to insects. Sometimes, immature plants can be more prone to pests. By selecting plant varieties known for their pest resistance and strategically placing them in your home, you can help mitigate the risk of insect infestations. Here are a few plants that are pest resistant:

How To Manage Pests

Despite your best efforts, you may still encounter pests on your houseplants. If you notice signs of infestation, such as visible insects, sticky residue on leaves, or wilting foliage, it's essential to take action promptly. Begin by isolating the affected plant to prevent the pests from spreading to other plants. Then, depending on the severity of the infestation, you can employ various control methods and learn how to get rid of pests such as:

  • Manual Removal: Pick off insects by hand or prune affected parts of the plant.

  • Natural Remedies: Use natural insecticides and pesticides like soaps or horticulture oil, such as neem oil, to treat infested plants.

  • Environment: Adjust environmental conditions, such as humidity levels and air circulation, to discourage pest activity.

Check out our full blog post on common indoor plant pests to learn more about pests such as Mites, Thrips, Aphids, and Fungas Gnats.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown tropical plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Fact vs Fiction: Can I Use a Grow Light in Any Lamp?
dracaena Lisa

Dracaena Lisa living its best life in a Coral Mid-Century Ceramic – adding a pop of color to your daily green vibes!

Does your plant need additional light than what’s available in your home? You may be considering a grow light. One of the most common questions our customers ask is if a regular lamp will suffice as a grow light, or if they can put a special grow light bulb into one of their lamps.

What are grow lights?

Grow lights are specifically designed for plant growth. They emit light tailored to the needs of plants during different growth stages. Unlike regular bulbs, they provide the right spectrum and intensity required for robust plant development.

Can any lamp accommodate a grow light bulb?

Not any lamp can accommodate a grow light effectively. While it might fit physically, the lamp must have the proper wattage capacity and socket type in order for the grow light to work effectively.

A simple solution to supplementing your plant’s light

The simplest solution to supplementing your plant’s light exposure with a regular lamp is to purchase a “natural daylight” bulb, sold in most hardware stores. This type of lightbulb provides light closer to the natural spectrum of the sun—it is in fact designed to cheer us humans up during dreary winter days! The light should be close to your plant’s foliage, and not overly filtered by a large shade.

houseplants delivered

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Fact or Fiction: Will Olive Trees Grow Indoors?

The Olive Tree paired with the Black Mid-Century Ceramic pot and Light Wood Stand – the perfect addition to any space. But can it survive indoors like other houseplants?

The allure of cultivating an Olive Tree indoors is undeniable. The silvery-green leaves and the potential of growing fruit evoke the charm of the Mediterranean right in your very own living space for any gardening lover. But is growing an Olive Tree indoors a feasible endeavor? In this post, we unravel the truth about growing potted Olive Trees indoors.

  1. Can Olive Trees be Placed Indoors?

  2. Lighting Requirements

  3. Temperature and Humidity

  4. Watering

  5. Pest Prevention

  6. Moving Olive Trees Outdoors for the Summer

  7. Alternative Plants with Olive Tree Vibes

Can Olive Trees be Placed Indoors?

Native to the sun-soaked Mediterranean region, Olive Trees have a penchant for abundant sunlight. Ideally, they thrive outdoors, basking in at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. However, with thoughtful care, it's possible to bring the essence of an Olive Tree indoors.

Lighting Requirements

Keeping your Olive Tree indoors demands a strategic approach to lighting. These trees require ample sunlight, and an unobstructed south-facing window with high light is optimal for their growth. To ensure equal light exposure, rotate the plant bi-weekly and refrain from placing in low-light areas. In cases of insufficient natural full sun, supplement with a grow light for 6-8 hours daily, especially if outdoor relocation isn't feasible.

Unlock the full beauty of your Olive Tree by placing it near a sunlit South-facing window – the tree should receive at least six hours of sunlight a day.

Temperature and Humidity

Regarding temperature and humidity, Olive trees prefer a room temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate dry air, but it's essential to keep them away from heat vents to prevent too much drying out. Occasional misting or placing near a humidifier can mimic the higher humidity levels these trees enjoy in their native Mediterranean climate.


Watering is a crucial aspect of indoor olive tree care. The soil and root-system should never fully dry out, but should not remain damp for long periods of time which may lead to root-rot. Watering is required when the top two inches is dry. During winter dormancy, reduce watering, but a dry soil surface signals the need for hydration. Olive Trees prefer high humidity, and misting your Olive Tree regularly can help introduce more humidity to indoor air.

Pest Prevention

In the realm of indoor gardening, proper pest prevention is paramount for the well-being of olive trees growing in planters. Olive trees are particularly susceptible to pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs, which can compromise the health of your growing plants. Employing effective measures such as neem oil, a natural insect deterrent, becomes crucial for maintaining optimal conditions in the potting soils and ensuring a thriving indoor olive tree while safeguarding against potential pests in your planter.

Alternative Plants with Olive Tree Vibes

While the Olive Tree has a distinct charm, several alternative plants can grace your indoor space with a similar aesthetic that can thrive better in such conditions. Consider these alternatives:

  1. Bird of Paradise: With large, banana-like leaves, it brings a tropical touch to any space and is popular amongst other house plants.

  2. False Aralia: Elegant, finely-cut foliage for a sophisticated look.

  3. Fishtail Palm: Mimics the feathery appearance, adding a touch of the exotic.

  4. Schefflera Tree: Known for its lush, umbrella-like foliage and is easy-care.

While Olive Trees may not be the easiest indoor companions, with the right care and adjustments, you can infuse your living space with their distinct charm. However, for those seeking alternatives, there are several plants that capture the essence of an Olive Tree without the specific demands. Whether you opt for the Mediterranean allure of the Olive Tree and the potential for edible fruit or explore alternatives, each plant brings its unique green symphony to your space!

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown house plants carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our potted plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for easy, optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

The Olive Tree Collection

Premium Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

What To Know Before You Fertilize Your Plants

Fertilizing your plants is like giving them a nutrient-packed smoothie – it's the secret recipe for their vibrant and blooming success!

Like all living creatures, plants have certain needs in order to live their best lives: they require light, water, and nutrients to thrive. While most of the nutrients come from the soil, potted plants can experience nutrient depletion over time. This is where fertilizer steps in, and is an important part of keeping your plant “well-fed” over time. But before you dive into feeding your leafy companions, there are a few important things you should know about fertilizers.

  1. When to Fertilize

  2. What Type of Fertilizer to Use

  3. Types of Fertilizers

  4. Recommended Fertilizers for Indoor Plants

  5. How to Fertilize Indoor Plants

When to Fertilize

Timing is everything when it comes to fertilizing your plants. In general, you should fertilize during the growing season, which usually spans spring and summer. During these months, increased warmth and light stimulate plant growth that might slow down in the colder, darker winter. Feeding your plants with nutrients at the right time helps boost their growth. 

When it comes to indoor houseplants, you might also fertilize in the fall and winter, particularly if the plant is putting out new growth. Feeding it lightly during this time will support that new growth!

Read more about the best time to fertilize your plants!

What Type of Fertilizer to Use

Fertilizers typically contain three primary nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, often abbreviated as NPK. These nutrients are represented by numbers on the fertilizer's packaging, such as 10-20-15 or 15-15-15, and they correspond to the percentages of N-P-K in the fertilizer. A balanced, all-purpose fertilizer usually has them in equal proportions. However, there are specialized fertilizers for specific plants, like orchids or roses, which may have different NPK ratios and additional micronutrients tailored to the plants' needs. The fertilizer's label should provide all the necessary information about its intended use. Also check out the best fertilizer for popular plants like the Bird of Paradise, Snake Plant and Fiddle Leaf Fig!

Types of Fertilizers

Liquid Fertilizer: This water-soluble fertilizer is added directly to your watering can every two weeks. Be sure to follow the label instructions carefully for accurate measurements, as overdoing it can harm your plant's leaves. The benefits of liquid fertilizer include precise control over nutrient delivery and the ability to observe your plant's reaction and adjust future feedings accordingly.

Slow Release: At the start of the growing season, incorporate slow-release fertilizer directly into your plant's soil. These fertilizers release nutrients gradually over 2-3 months, reducing the need for frequent feeding. It's particularly handy if you're planning a vacation, as your plants will receive the nourishment they need in your absence.

Recommended Fertilizers for Indoor Plants

While any indoor plant food will suffice, here are some recommended products to consider:

Boost Vitaminé Natural Plant Food: This natural plant food, with only four ingredients, is suitable for use with any indoor plant. What makes it stand out is its gentle formula, making it safe to use sparingly even in winter.

Potion Magique Foliar Feed: Ever tried foliar feeding? It might not be as effective for promoting new growth, but it increases nutrient intake through the plant's leaves. Potion Magique is a potent, all-natural foliar feed that you can incorporate into your misting routine. Plus, it smells divine!

Boost Vitaminé Natural Plant Food: The four-ingredient wonder that's gentle enough for your indoor plants, even when the winter chill sets in!

How to Fertilize Indoor Plants

Always follow the guidelines provided with your chosen fertilizer. Some come in liquid form to mix with your watering, while others are solid and can be placed in the soil or sprinkled on top. As a general rule, fertilize your plants 1-2 times per month in spring and summer. Reduce to once a month or cease fertilizing during the winter, depending on the strength of your plant food.

Remember, it's entirely possible to over-fertilize your plant, leading to "burning" or yellowing/browning of the leaf tips. Also, be aware that new commercial potting mixes often contain fertilizer, so you should wait about a month before fertilizing a newly potted plant.

Now that you're equipped with these fertilizer fundamentals, go ahead and nurture your hungry plants to ensure they flourish and thrive. Happy feeding!

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

How To Care For and Grow your Jade Cactus AKA Euphorbia Ingens

The Jade Cactus, scientifically known as Euphorbia Ingens and also commonly referred to as the Candelabra Cactus or Candelabra Tree, is a stunning and low-maintenance succulent that adds a touch of desert elegance to any indoor space. With its robust columnar structure and deep green coloring, the Jade Cactus is a popular choice amongst interior designers and design enthusiasts alike. Read up on the basics of how to care for the Euphorbia Ingens, from water and light requirements to propagation and everything in between.

Light requirements

The Euphorbia Ingens has flexible light preferences, making it a versatile choice for various lighting conditions. While bright indirect light and even some direct sunlight is ideal, they can also adapt to medium levels of light, though less light will significantly slow their growth rate. Place your Euphorbia Ingens near a south-facing or west-facing window for optimal light conditions, or even outdoors in a semi-shaded area (too much direct sunlight may scorch your cactus!).

Choosing the best soil

Choose a well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix for your Euphorbia. This blend typically consists of sand, potting soil, and perlite or pumice. The mix allows for plenty of drainage and prevents moisture-related issues such as root rot

Watering - less is more

Euphorbias are drought-resistant and the Euphorbia Ingens is no exception: it is essential to allow it to dry out between waterings. Water the plant infrequently and sparingly, allowing the top inch of soil to become dry before the next watering. Depending on placement and time of year, your plant may only need watering once per month! Overwatering can lead to root rot, so exercise caution and prioritize a well-draining pot and soil mix.

Temperature and humidity 

Euphorbia Ingens thrive in average household temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate cooler temperatures down to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain consistent temperatures to prevent stress and maintain your Euphorbia’s health for years to come!

The perfect fertilizing routine

Feed your Euphorbia during its growing season (spring and summer) with a controlled-release succulent fertilizer or a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer. Use a 10-10-10 fertilizer for mature plants and a low-nitrogen fertilizer for young ones. Avoid overfeeding, as succulents prefer light feeding.


Propagating the Euphorbia Ingens is an exciting project and a great way to grow your collection! You can propagate by taking a cutting from your plant–the easiest way to do this is to remove one of the “arms” from the cactus. Allow it to dry for at least 24 hours before placing in well-draining succulent or cactus mix, and lightly wet the soil with water. Place in a warm, dry area–you have a new plant that should begin to start growing within just a few weeks!

Potting and repotting

Select a pot that accommodates your Euphorbia Ingens’ root system. While they have small roots, avoid oversized pots that may retain excess moisture. Repot every 2-3 years for smaller plants and 4-5 years for larger ones.

Common problems

Monitor your Euphorbia for potential issues such as wrinkled leaves (sign of underwatering), all-over yellowing (indicates overwatering), and leaf loss (oftentimes not enough light). If your Euphorbia faces decline, diagnose the problem first and adjust your care routine accordingly. Combat pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and scale using gentle methods like wiping with rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton balls and neem oil.

The Jade Cactus is a captivating and easy-to-care-for succulent that adds a touch of desert charm to indoor spaces. With its striking appearance and low-maintenance requirements, it's a popular choice among plant enthusiasts. By providing the right light, well-draining soil, and careful watering, you can ensure the Euphorbia Ingens thrives and remains a stunning addition to your home.

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

(if the article is about a specific plant we sell, change this block content/link to that specific product)

The Absolute Best Plants for Cat Lovers
Indoor plants cat safe

The Pilea is an adorably trendy cat-safe plant. Photo by @crancourt96

Any cat parent knows: keeping our feline friends out of off-limits areas is an uphill battle. And while they say curiosity killed the cat, this danger does not need to exist with your good-intentioned houseplants! Living greenery adds so much to a space, and just because you have a curious cat at home that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all the wonderful benefits houseplants have to offer. 

Our company was named after a cat (Léon of Léon & George is a female tabby cat who lives in Paris!), so we know a thing or two about peacefully coexisting with flora and fauna (by the way, read up on tips for keeping cats off plants!). Check out the most beautiful plants that a feline fan can own, all 100% non-toxic and safe for cats! 

Kentia Palm

First on our list is the Kentia Palm, a majestic statement plant made to bring your indoor jungle to life. These palms are not only safe for cats, but they’re also easy to care for and can grow up to 10 feet tall. With their long, slender leaves and airy appearance, they’re sure to add a tropical touch that your cat will love.

Cast Iron Plant

The Cast Iron Plant is aptly named for its tough, hardy leaves that can withstand neglect and low light. Possibly the easiest cat-safe houseplant, this plant is a great choice for those who are new to indoor gardening or who have a busy schedule as it requires very little upkeep over time. 

Parlor Palm

Next up is the Parlor Palm, a classic indoor plant that has been a popular choice since the Victorian times! A petite little palm that is adaptable to low light, this plant is a great choice for smaller and/or lower light homes with cats.

Braided Money Tree

Who doesn’t love a little bit of good luck? The Braided Money Tree is not only believed to bring good fortune and wealth, but it’s also a safe choice for cat owners. With its braided trunk and glossy green leaves, this plant adds a touch of elegance to any space.

Bird’s Nest Fern

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that’s also safe for your cat, the Bird’s Nest Fern is a great option. This plant is native to the rainforests of Southeast Asia and features wavy, crinkled leaves that resemble a bird’s nest.

Pilea Peperomiodes

Quirky and fun, the Pilea Peperomiodes is an excellent choice for cat owners looking for a stylish accent. This plant is often referred to as the “Chinese Money Plant” and is known for its round, coin-shaped leaves. Easy to propagate, this adorable pet-safe plant is great for side tables, countertops, shelves or a workspace.

Lady Palm

The Lady Palm is a graceful plant with delicate, fan-shaped leaves that grow in a circular pattern. They’re easy to care for and can grow up to 6 feet tall, making them perfect for larger spaces. Plus, they’re non-toxic to cats, so you don’t have to worry about any curious nibbles.

Calathea Rattlesnake

Another member of the Calathea family, the Calathea Rattlesnake features long, slender leaves with a striking pattern that resembles the scales of a rattlesnake. These plants prefer bright, indirect light and consistent humidity

Calathea Medallion

The Calathea Medallion is a stunning prayer plant with oval-shaped leaves that feature intricate patterns of green, cream, and pink. These plants are a bit more high maintenance than some of the others on this list, but the effort is worth it for their striking beauty. They’re also safe for cats, so you can enjoy their unique look without any worries.

Magenta Triostar

Last but not least, we have the Magenta Triostar, a plant that’s sure to add a pop of color to any room in your home. With its vibrant green, pink, and cream-colored leaves, it’s truly a sight to behold, and your cat will look dazzling lounging beside it!


Shop our cat-safe plant collection, conveniently delivered straight to your doorstep, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

The 3 Main Benefits of Houseplants

Humans have an innate connection to nature, and having houseplants in our home or office can have incredibly beneficial impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. Curious about the benefits of houseplants? Read on to learn why they are so good to have in our homes, offices, and other interior spaces.

1. Air purification

In 1989 NASA conducted a research study on how to best clean the air inside its space station. It concluded that certain common houseplants like the Snake Plant or Parlor Palm are highly effective at removing toxins like benzene and formaldehyde from the air. And of course, plants also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen as part of their photosynthesis process and are great for reducing the effects of sick building syndrome, which is basically the bad feeling you get when you’ve spent too much time indoors. And don’t forget the Snake Plant, which not only purifies the air but also releases oxygen at night (while you sleep!), making it the perfect plant for the bedroom.

While it generally takes quite a few plants to noticeably purify the air of toxins, having just a few in your home certainly can’t hurt!

2. Increased happiness and well-being

Beyond the health effects of just breathing cleaner air, studies have proven that plants in indoor spaces are associated with “increased pleasantness, lower anxiety, and lower blood pressure.” They also help people heal, and it’s been shown that patients in hospitals recover faster and use fewer painkillers in rooms with live plants. Imagine that kind of effect in your everyday life!

And what about benefits of plants in the workspace? It is no secret that they are said to help us concentrate and improve productivity. Check out this excellent TED talk where Kamal Meattle speaks about how he increased productivity at his company by introducing plants in his employee’s workspaces.

3. Instant decor upgrade

Every interior decorator knows there’s nothing like plants to instantly boost the appeal of an indoor space, and no home is complete without a bit of greenery. Even if you take plants on their aesthetic value alone, they are very effective at making a place feel vibrant and lively. Think of them like living art— they bring color and life to our homes, and make them feel more welcoming.

It’s clear our lives are better and more beautiful with plants in them! So what are you waiting for? Get some greenery into your space stat!


Indoor plants, potted & delivered

Premium plants paired with stylish ceramics, plus lifetime plant care support. Order online at