5 Ways Plants Can Improve Morale at the Workplace

How plants can improve morale at the workplace.

How plants can improve morale at the workplace - Image by Kari Bjorn Photography

In recent years, countless studies have documented the many benefits of having indoor plants at work. Not only do they filter out toxins from the air, but they also increase productivity, creativity, and focus in the workplace. To add to this long list of benefits, plants also can improve workplace morale. Wondering how? In a nutshell, being surrounded by their beautiful foliage make us happier human beings and contributes to our overall well-being. Read on to learn how to improve workplace morale with a bit of greenery.

They release feel-good chemicals in our brain

No one will argue that nature feels good: from a picnic in the park to a walk in the woods, humans crave contact with nature. But did you know that, just like sunlight itself, indoor plants can help release feel-good chemicals in our brain like serotonin and dopamine? Bonus points for having them within close enough proximity to touch them.

They create a welcoming atmosphere

What do you imagine as a better experience: walking into a sterile office with little decoration and no plants, or walking into a workspace or office filled with light and lush greenery? Many employees would forgo major perks for an office environment that incorporates nature into its design, and it’s no wonder why. Given how much time we spend at work, making the space more welcoming with things like potted plants is one way to increase workplace morale. Give your employees a reason to skip working from home and come to an office they enjoy being in.

Office plant installation for Canopy by Léon & George.

Office plant installation for Canopy by Léon & George.

They reduce stress levels

Recent studies have shown that humans experience a physiological calming response by simply touching or gazing at indoor plants. In a sometimes stressful work environment, a bit of greenery is the perfect antidote to keep employees stress levels down and their morale up, while also reducing the rate of burnout.

They boost concentration and productivity

Great workplace morale is a harmony of many different factors, but one notable element is the employees’ sense of productivity and accomplishment. Plants are said to improve productivity levels by up to 15% — no small feat for something that sits seemingly inanimate against the wall!

They’re fun to care for

While not all employees will jump at the opportunity to do houseplant care at the office, it’s no secret that living greenery is incredibly popular and many a houseplant hobbyist would be thrilled to care for the plants at work. In face, you don’t need to stress, either, about how much “work” plants might create at work— there are dozens of incredibly low-maintenance indoor plants that require a very light touch to continue beautifying the space while also bringing all the mentioned benefits. If you’re still not sure, consider investing in a plant maintenance team to help keep them beautiful and thriving over time.

Apart from beautifying any space, it’s clear that plants have a positive impact in how we feel at work. Whether it’s a small desk plant to care for or an office centered around biophilic design, it won’t be long until we are all seeing a bit more greenery around our workplace!

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