Posts tagged Monstera
What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Monstera

A low maintenance houseplant with unique split leaves, it’s no surprise that the Monstera Deliciosa has risen to popularity in the last few years. Also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant and (erroneously), the split-leaf philodendron, read up on what makes this plant so special, and what you should know before bringing one into your home.

Are Monsteras easy to care for?

The Monstera Deliciosa is considered an easy-care plant, requiring very little attention to grow full and lush in your home over time. This low-maintenance beauty does well with a regular watering routine and bright indirect light.

Monsteras like to climb

The Monstera is a natural climber: in the wild, it uses its aerial roots to attach to trees or branches nearby, growing upward towards the light.

You can also train your Monstera to climb by providing it a stake or moss pole. Read our full post on how to stake your Monstera for climbing here.

Not all the leaves on your Monstera will have splits

Wondering where the splits are on your Monstera? Sometimes Monsteras grow leaves without holes, and that’s just fine! Usually the main reason for a Monstera’s leaves not having splits is maturity: young plants simply need to grow more. As your plant matures, keep in mind that more light will lead to larger leaves with more splits.

Where should you put your Monstera?

Monsteras thrive in areas with bright indirect light, though they can adapt to medium light as well. Avoid putting your Monstera in direct sunlight as its leaves will burn.

Monsteras can live outside, but not in direct light

Depending on your area’s climate, your Monstera may do just fine outdoors. Monsteras are tropical plants, though, so if you live in an area that freezes, your Monstera will like to be outside in the summer. If you move your Monstera from indoors to out, be sure to do it gradually, slowly moving it to a brighter spot each day. Never put Monsteras in harsh direct sunlight.

are Monsteras safe for pets?

Monsteras are unfortunately toxic for cats and dogs. That said, they have a relatively low toxicity, and unlike some other plants, will not cause major harm to your pets unless copious quantities are ingested. Read about how to keep your pets off your plants here.

Are Monsteras fast growing?

With the right care, Monsteras are very fast growing plants. They need bright indirect light to grow fast, and will grow more slowly in medium to low light. On average, Monsteras will grow around 2 feet per year. Be sure to regularly fertilize your Monstera for faster growth!

How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Monstera Plant

When you're in search of the perfect Monstera Plant, focus on finding one with a well-balanced canopy of vibrant, lush leaves, steering clear of specimens displaying yellowing or leggy foliage. Optimal Monstera leaves boast a deep green hue and, with the exception of new leaves, a certain firmness. While one or two yellow leaves is fine, generally the plant should have all green leaves that should stay firmly attached when gently shaken or pulled. Additionally, inspect the soil for any presence of invasive pests, as these can serve as indicators to explore alternative plant options.

Avoid Purchasing Your Monstera Plant From a Garden Center

Investing in a Monstera Deliciosa plant is a significant commitment, and it's essential to ensure you get value for your money. While seeking a budget-friendly option may seem tempting, opting for the lowest-priced Monstera can lead to future disappointments. The overall beauty, aesthetics, and fruiting capability of your Monstera are intricately tied to its health, which, in turn, depends on the care it receives—both before and after you bring it home. Choose a Monstera from a reputable, high-quality grower who meticulously tends to their plants, rather than relying on garden centers, where attractive price tags may come with no guarantee of pest-free, well-tended health.

Plants at garden stores often receive uniform water, light, and care, irrespective of their species. This one-size-fits-all approach is less than ideal for Monsteras, which are sensitive to overwatering. The routine watering practices in garden centers, with a daily deluge from a hose that may affect neighboring plants, do not benefit Monstera plants.

When acquiring a larger Monstera from a garden center, the transportation process may involve jostling the plant into your vehicle. Exposure to your car's heater or air conditioning during transit can subject the plant to environmental stress, hindering its recovery. Opt for a trusted supplier that handles transportation efficiently, saving you both money and energy in the long run. Although the initial cost may be slightly higher, the assurance of a healthier, well-cared-for Monstera is well worth the investment.

Discover the Monstera Deliciosa

A unique, easy care plant to add an attractive lushness to any space.

The Best Fertilizer For Monsteras

Transform your space with a touch of the tropics – Monstera Deliciosa style!

With their distinctive split leaves and impressive size, the Monstera Deliciosa or “swiss cheese plant” is a popular choice for those looking to add a lushly fun and funky plant to their home. To ensure these botanical beauties thrive and display their iconic split-leaf foliage, providing them with the right nutrients is crucial. Just like any other living organism, Monsteras require proper nourishment to grow healthy and robust over time.

Monsteras, scientifically known as Monstera Deliciosa, originate from the tropical rainforests of Central America. Recreating their natural habitat conditions might be a challenge, but with the right care, including suitable fertilization, you can help your Monstera reach its full potential.

  1. When to Fertilize Your Monstera

  2. What NPK Ratio Does the Monstera Need?

  3. The Best Plant Food for Monsteras

  4. Fertilizing Tips for Monsteras

When to Fertilize Your Monstera

Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing Monsteras. The growing season for these plants typically aligns with the warmer months, spring and summer, when they undergo active growth. It’s best to fertilize during this time, as your plant will most likely be actively growing. Incorporating a well-balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every two to four weeks can significantly contribute to the overall health of your Monstera.

As fall approaches and your Monstera experiences a natural slowdown in growth, adjust your fertilization routine accordingly. Reduce the frequency to four every eight weeks or so, depending on the strength of your fertilizer. In winter, you might even consider suspending fertilization until the following spring when the plant resumes active growth. If it’s the dead of winter and your plant is growing, though, feel free to fertilize!

What NPK Ratio Does the Monstera Need?

Understanding the NPK ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) is fundamental when selecting the right fertilizer. For Monsteras, a balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 1-1-1 or 2-1-1 is generally suitable. Nitrogen (N) is essential for promoting lush, green foliage and overall plant vigor. Phosphorus (P) encourages root development, and potassium (K) supports overall plant health.

The Best Plant Food for Monsteras

Choosing the best plant food for your Monstera involves considering its specific nutritional needs. While there are various fertilizers on the market, finding one with the right balance is key. A well-rounded, all-purpose liquid fertilizer, such as our Boost Vitaminé, is an excellent choice. It provides the essential nutrients your Monstera needs for robust growth and healthy foliage, and is gentle enough to use all year round.

monstera fertilizer

Nourish your Monstera with our Boost Vitaminé, the perfect plant multivitamin.

Fertilizing Tips for Monsteras

  1. Dilute Fertilizer: Follow the instructions on your chosen fertilizer carefully, and always dilute it as recommended. Over-fertilizing can lead to nutrient burn and negatively impact your Monstera's health.

  2. Watering Routine: Water your Monstera thoroughly before applying fertilizer. This helps prevent any potential root damage caused by applying fertilizer to dry soil.

  3. Consideration for Soil Conditions: Monsteras prefer well-draining soil. Ensure your soil allows excess water to escape, preventing waterlogged conditions that might hinder nutrient absorption.

  4. Observation is Key: Pay attention to your Monstera's response to fertilization. If you notice any signs of stress, such as browning leaf edges, adjust your fertilization routine accordingly.

Providing the right nutrients through proper fertilization is crucial for the health and vitality of your Monstera. By understanding its growing seasons, selecting a balanced fertilizer with the appropriate NPK ratio, and following a consistent and careful fertilization routine, you can ensure your Monstera thrives.

monstera deliciosa black mid century ceramic

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Philodendron
Shop The Philodendron Brasil Plant

Philodendron Brasil

Choosing a new statement plant can feel complicated, but by selecting a Philodendron variety, you’ve made a great first step! Lush and easy-going, Philodendrons are a popular low-maintenance plant family. And talk about a family: there are over 400 varieties in the Philodendron genus! So how to choose the best Philodendron for your home, and ensure it thrives for years to come? We’re glad you asked, because all the answers are right here.

Which Philodendron Variety Is Right For Me?

Ah, variety. It’s the spice of life- but can also be the root of indecision. Let’s simplify your options by focusing on a few gorgeous Philodendrons that all offer a unique aesthetic. The Little Hope is a classic, curly Philodendron that is emblematic of the famous Philodendron look. The Philodendron Brasil has the archetypal heart-shaped foliage that Philodendron lovers adore, and can grow in long, luxurious trails. For large statement plants that make an impact, both the Monstera Deliciosa and Red Congo offer iconic foliage and impressive size.

Red Congo

Philodendrons Love To Be Misted

Again we return to the tropics and the fact that Philodendrons thrive in humid climates. But not to worry: their ideal, moist biome is actually easy to replicate! Plan on providing any Philodendron with a fine mist of water up to 2-3 times a week to keep its foliage in pristine shape. Misting is fun, hard to over-do, and doesn’t require special products: misting with plain water is perfectly fine. For an additional boost of nutrients, you can mist with a foliar feed, which provides nourishment and minerals to the plant when applied directly to its leaves and stems.

Monstera Deliciosa

How To Place Your Philodendron

Because they’re flexible and forgiving plants, you have leeway in terms of Philodendron placement and can give styling extra consideration. Humidity-loving Philodendrons like the Philodendron Brasil and Little Hope are lush options for a bathroom or kitchen, and they’re equally dazzling in living spaces. Large Philodendrons, like Monstera Deliciosas and Red Congos, define organic luxury in living rooms and dining areas. Just make sure that the spot you choose receives a generous amount of indirect light, and is away from any harsh air from A.C. units, heaters or vents.

What’s An Epiphyte…And What Are Aerial Roots?

If you’ve been educating yourself on all things Philodendron, you’ve probably come across the term epiphyte and, if you’re not a Latin linguist, you might have wondered what the term means! Epiphyte is a term for any plant that grows on other plants or objects for extra physical support, and about one third of Philodendron plants are epiphytic. This characteristic is an evolutionary behavior, developed by the plant to help it attain more light. (The higher they grow, the closer they are to the sun!)

If you let an epiphytic Philodendron run wild and grow as it pleases without periodic pruning, it may very well trail along shelves and other plants. We think this makes for a gorgeous, natural look, and provides enthralling texture. But if wild trailing is not your cup of tea, you can always reign your Philodendron in by trimming it.

When it comes to aerial roots, which are commonly seen on epiphytic Philodendrons, we think that the best tact is not to trim them. Aerial roots soak up moisture from humid air and provide your plant with structural support as it grows. Aerial roots are commonly seen on Monstera Deliciosas, and they can be a bit confusing for new plant owners. In general, the safest way to approach aerial roots is to allow them to remain connected to your plant. Every part of your plant is there for a reason, after all! So instead of snipping off aerial roots, plan on tucking them into the soil if you do not want them to run wild. Gently tucking aerial roots back into your Philodendron’s pot and under the soil line will allow the roots to take in nutrients from the soil, and support the overall health of your plant. You can also utilize plant stakes and support ties to train your Philodendron to grow in a more compact shape. 

Philodendrons Prefer Medium to Bright Indirect Light

Cue the tropical vibes: Philodendrons are native to South America and the West Indies, where the forest floor receives dappled light and the environment enjoys high humidity. Although we’d be hard pressed to replicate the canopy of a rainforest in our home, Philodendrons don’t demand perfection. Just ensure that they receive ample indirect light, and are kept away from harsh, direct rays. Philodendrons can scorch in direct light.

Philodendron Brasil

How To Select The Right Size Of Philodendron

With all of the Philodendron varieties available, you have plenty of options no matter what size you’re looking for! Just keep in mind that, in prime conditions, Philodendrons can grow fast. During spring and summer, Philodendrons that receive ample light can grow as much as four inches a week! What can we say- they simply want to thrive! Keep this in mind if you are purchasing a Philodendron for a small space, like a shelf: trailing varieties will grow abundant cascades, and larger Philodendrons, like Monsteras and Red Congos, will stretch their canopies far and wide.

Monstera Deliciosa

Philodendrons Like Moist, But Not Soaked Soil

Although the watering requirements will differ with each Philodendron variety, a general rule of thumb is that Philodendrons prefer moist, but not soaked, soil. Consider their native habitat when you establish your watering routine. In tropical climates, Philodendrons receive some rain, but much of it is caught by the canopy of taller trees before it reaches them. Humidity in the air makes up a large portion of the overall moisture they receive, but their soil is rarely drenched. Aim for even moisture, and water away from the plant’s central trunks. Consider using a tool like a moisture meter do demystify the process- they are convenient, affordable and easy to read.

Little Hope Philodendron Mid Century Ceramic Pot

Little Hope

Monstera Deliciosa

A Note On Toxicity In Philodendrons

Despite the fact that they are the most widely owned and loved family of houseplants, all Philodendron plants are considered to be toxic to some degree if consumed. There is some variation by plant, but Philodendrons fall in the category of “mildly to moderately toxic” across the board, so it’s important to keep any Philodendron out of reach of children or pets. If toxicity is a dealbreaker, you still have options!

How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Philodendron

As you shop for a new Philodendron, there are a few things to look out for to ensure that you choose the healthiest plant possible. Healthy Philodendrons will have firm leaves with vibrant coloring. Examine plants’ foliage thoroughly, and avoid purchasing a plant that has drooping or yellowing foliage. Additionally, steer away from plants that exhibit brown spots on their leaves. Brown spots can be a sign of fungal infections, which, while treatable, can cause an unnecessary headache. Take a look at the Philodendron’s soil- it should neither be soaking wet, nor bone dry.

Philodendron Brasil

Avoid Purchasing Your Philodendron From A Garden Center

Premium plants sourced from trusted growers are primed with all they need for a lifetime of good health. Responsible growers care for their plants according to their specific needs, treat and prevent pests responsibly and generally offer plants of a far higher quality than garden centers and home improvement stores.

Garden centers often have attractive price tags, but the quality of the plants offered reflects that price. Ensuring that your plant is in good health from the start will pay off with strong growth and consistent health over time.

As convenient as it sounds to pop over to a garden center and grab the nearest Philodendron, there are caveats to this approach. Transporting Philodendrons in your vehicle can result in structural damage from being jostled, as well as stress from your car’s A.C. or heat. So although you may be able to purchase a plant from the same place you’d buy other necessities, it is crucial to remember that living plants are delicate and can be stressed by transit.

Buy your plants from a premium supplier that offers doorstep delivery or packaging that is specifically engineered for the transport of plants. You’ll reap the benefit of their expertise, and avoid the negative effects that can result from improper care or transportation.

Even The Healthiest Philodendron Can Experience Stress

The source of plants’ beauty is the vitality of their health, and as with our own, plant health can have ups and downs. Even Philodendrons that receive immaculate care can experience stress from factors beyond your control. If your plant experiences a bump in the road or is exhibiting signs of ill health, it makes a world of difference to have a responsive source of support.

Every plant purchased from Léon & George includes lifetime access to our Plant Doctor service, comprised of a team of professional horticulture experts. Our Plant Doctors are available to assess your plant’s health and growth, provide tips and treatments, and offer guidance on your journey of growth. No fees are required: our Plant Doctor service is just one way that we support plant owners and ensure that every plant we sell is designed to thrive.

We’ve compiled a list of common problems that Philodendrons can face and helpful guidance for assessing your plant. Happy plant parents are the key to our success! Click here to learn more about how to resolve common issues with your Philodendron.

Shop Our Selection Of Gorgeous Philodendrons From Léon & George

Explore our selection of premium Philodendrons, from the charming Little Hope to the regal Red Congo and playful Monstera Deliciosa. Ideal for spaces that receive medium to bright indirect light, Philodendron varieties add instant organic texture and style to indoor spaces.