Posts tagged plant food
Best Fertilizer for Indoor Palms

Embrace the timeless elegance of the Kentia Palm, a symbol of tropical grace and sophistication.

With their graceful fronds and tropical allure, indoor palms are cherished for their ability to transform any indoor space into a lush oasis. Whether adorning living rooms, offices, or lobbies, these botanical beauties exude elegance and tranquility. While indoor palms like the Kentia Palm and Lady Palm are renowned for their adaptability and low-maintenance nature, providing them with the right nutrients can significantly enhance their growth and vitality. Read on to discover the best fertilizer for indoor palms and how to effectively fertilize these iconic plants for optimal health and beauty.

Understanding the NPK Ratio

The Best Plant Food for Indoor Palms

Can Fertilizing My Indoor Palm Help It Thrive?

When to Fertilize Your Indoor Palm

Understanding the NPK Ratio

Indoor palms are slow growers and, like other plants, have specific nutrient requirements essential for their growth and well-being. When choosing a fertilizer for indoor palms, it's crucial to consider the NPK ratio, which represents the proportion of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the fertilizer formulation. For indoor palms, a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar is recommended. This balanced blend ensures that your indoor palms receive the essential nutrients necessary for robust growth and vibrant foliage.

The Best Plant Food for Indoor Palms

While various fertilizers can effectively nourish indoor palms, opting for a high-quality, all-natural liquid plant food is ideal for promoting optimal growth and vitality. Our Boost Vitaminé is specifically formulated to meet the unique nutritional needs of indoor palms, providing them with the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Enriched with natural ingredients, Boost Vitaminé promotes healthy root development, lush foliage, and overall plant vigor, ensuring your indoor palms remain vibrant and flourishing.

Can Fertilizing My Indoor Palm Help It Thrive?

While indoor palms may not bloom like their outdoor counterparts, proper fertilization can significantly enhance their overall health and appearance. By providing your indoor palms with the right nutrients at the appropriate times, you can stimulate robust growth, vibrant foliage, and a thriving, verdant presence in your indoor space.

Elevate your indoor palms with Boost Vitaminé Plant Food – the ultimate nourishment for vibrant growth and lush foliage!

When to Fertilize Your Indoor Palm

Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing palms to ensure optimal growth and vitality. During the active growing season, typically from spring to summer, incorporate a balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every two to four weeks. This regular feeding schedule provides your indoor palms with the necessary nutrients to support healthy growth and vibrant foliage. As fall and winter approach and your palms begin to receive less light throughout the day, reduce fertilization to once every two months to prevent overfeeding and maintain overall plant health.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

indoor plants

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Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

The Best Fertilizer For Snake Plants

Help your Snake Plant live its best life with a regular fertilizing routine!

  1. Understanding the NPK Ratio

  2. The Best Plant Food for a Snake Plant

  3. Can Fertilizing My Snake Plant Help It Grow?

  4. When To Fertilize Your Snake Plant

With their striking upright leaves and air-purifying qualities, Snake Plants (Sanseverias) are a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts and novices alike. Native to the arid regions of West Africa, they are well-suited to indoor environments due to their ability to tolerate low light conditions and infrequent watering. While Snake Plants are known for their adaptability, providing them with the right nutrients can boost their growth and overall health. Keep reading to learn about the best fertilizer for all varieties of Snake Plants and how to best fertilize these low-maintenance plants effectively.

Understanding the NPK Ratio

Fertilizer labels often display an NPK ratio, representing the ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the product. Different plants have specific nutrient requirements, so it's important to choose a fertilizer that matches your Snake Plant's needs.

Snake plants thrive with a balanced, all-purpose liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 10-10-10 or similar. This balanced ratio ensures that your Snake Plant receives essential nutrients for overall growth and health.

The Best Plant Food for a Snake Plant

While various fertilizers with the right NPK ratio can effectively nourish your Snake Plant, consider using a high-quality, all-natural liquid plant food that is gentle enough to use year round. Our Boost Vitaminé is an all-natural plant food that promotes growth, strengthens roots, and enhances overall plant vigor. It's suitable for Snake Plants and many other indoor plants, offering a convenient solution to your plant care needs.

Feed your Snake Plant's inner beauty with the secret to lush leaves: the perfect fertilizer.

Can Fertilizing My Snake Plant Help It Grow?

Snake Plants are primarily grown for their attractive foliage and air-purifying qualities, making them a favorite for those seeking low-maintenance greenery. While Snake Plants can occasionally produce small, fragrant white flowers, especially when grown outdoors, indoor Snake Plants rarely bloom as indoor houseplants. Fertilization may encourage leaf growth and overall plant health but is unlikely to trigger flowering in indoor settings.

By choosing the right fertilizer and following a simple feeding schedule, you can keep your Snake Plant thriving and looking its best. Remember that Snake Plants are hardy and forgiving, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts. 

When To Fertilize Your Snake Plant

Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing Snake Plants. These plants experience active growth during the spring and summer months, making this the ideal time to focus on providing them with nutrients. To ensure your Snake Plant receives the nourishment it needs, incorporate a balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every four to six weeks during the growing season.

Liquid fertilizers like the Natural Plant Food are convenient for Snake Plants because they are easy to apply and less likely to cause fertilizer burn (when you give your plant too much fertilizer), provided you follow the package instructions and dilute the fertilizer correctly in water.

As fall and winter approach and your Snake Plant enters a period of slower growth, reduce feeding your Snake Plant to once every two months. During this dormant phase, Snake Plants require fewer nutrients, and over-fertilizing can harm their health.

Good luck! The Snake Plant is an easy-going houseplant that requires little to no maintenance over time, but by giving it a little nutrient boost, you’ll enjoy its beauty for years and years to come!

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

The 10 Commandments of Succulent Care

With their captivating charm and remarkable resilience, succulents have captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts worldwide—and it’s no wonder why! With over 10,000 different succulent varieties in a plethora of different shapes and vibrant colors, these easy care plants are unique to say the least. Though generally quite easy to care for, your succulent deserves nothing less than the utmost care and admiration! To ensure your plants flourish and bring you years of joy and new growth, follow these 10 commandments of succulent care.

  1. The perfect sunlight for succulents

  2. Reccommended watering routines

  3. The importance of proper drainage with succulents

  4. Growth expectations with succulents

  5. Wintertime tips

  6. Propagating, explained

  7. Pruning your succulent

  8. Guide to fertilizing succulents

  9. Pairing multiple succulents

  10. Providing ideal humidity

Basking in the Sunlight

Picture these desert dwellers in their natural habitat, basking under the gentle warmth of the sun: succulents are light-loving plants and most varieties thrive in bright, direct light— ideally about six hours per day. Some succulents can adapt to shady areas, and some, like the Snake Plant (aka Sansevieria) can even thrive in low light. Check the variety of your succulent to ensure you’re giving it the proper amount of sunlight.

With Watering, Less is More

Water your succulents sparingly and with great care. Succulents have evolved to store water in their leaves and stems, making them drought-resistant. Overwatering is the most common mistake made by succulent caregivers, leading to root rot and other issues. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, and water deeply but infrequently. Remember, it is better to under water than to overwater these drought-resistant plants!

Providing Proper Drainage

All plants enjoy proper drainage, and succulents are no exception! Plant your succulents in well-draining soil and containers. Proper drainage prevents waterlogged soil, protecting your succulents from drowning in excess water. Opt for a cactus mix or create your own by adding sand or perlite to regular potting soil. Elevate the containers slightly to allow excess water to escape freely, or consider potting using the staging method, and your succulent will be happy and thriving with their perfectly proper drainage.

Patience - The Virtue of Growth

Be patient with your succulents. Growth in succulents can be slow, especially when compared to other plants. Take heed and resist the temptation to overfeed or overwater in the pursuit of hastened growth! Patience will reward you with healthy and vibrant succulents over time.

Growth During the Winter Months

Many succulents enter a period of dormancy and rest during the colder months, slowing down their growth and sometimes even stopping it. Reduce watering and refrain from fertilizing during this time to allow your succulents to recharge for the upcoming season. Shield them from freezing temperatures and protect them from frost damage–sun-loving succulents do not like to freeze!

Propagating Your succulents

Propagating succulents is a fascinating and rewarding process that allows you to expand your collection—for free! One of the most common methods is leaf propagation, which can be done by gently removing a healthy leaf from the parent plant (simply twist and snap off!) and allowing it to callus over for a day or two before placing it on damp, well-draining soil. With time and care, tiny roots will emerge, followed by a new baby succulent sprouting from the base of the leaf, which can then be potted into its own container. It’s really that simple, and incredibly rewarding.

Prune Unhealthy Leaves

Do not fear pruning, for it brings rejuvenation to your growing succulent! Remove dead or decaying leaves to promote new growth, improve your plant’s appearance and maintain the plant's health. Pruning encourages your plant to put out new leaves, resulting in fuller, more beautiful succulents.

Fertilizer for the Best Nutrition

Feed your succulents with care— as with any plant, overfertilizing can cause fertilizer burn or damage to the foliage. During their active growing season (typically spring and summer), offer a diluted, balanced fertilizer no more than once a month. Refrain from fertilizing during winter dormancy when the plants are not actively growing. Over-fertilizing can lead to nutrient imbalances and harm your succulents.

Pairing Your succulents

Arranging your succulents in captivating groupings creates a mini-desert oasis, and is one of the most popular ways to enjoy these beautiful plants. Consider succulent compatibility and water requirements when choosing companions for a harmonious display. Groupings of three or more succulents in one space not only look aesthetically pleasing but also create a mini-biome of moisture that benefits them all!

Keep Your succulent Away From Dry Breezes And Appliances

Succulents, originating from arid regions, have adapted to thrive in low-humidity conditions, but they still require a degree of moisture in the air to remain healthy. Avoid placing your succulents near air conditioners, heaters, or vents, as the dry air from these appliances can quickly dehydrate their leaves and stems. Instead, opt for a spot with consistent air circulation that avoids direct exposure to drafts.

Remember, each succulent is a unique adventure waiting to unfold, and with a sprinkle of patience and a dash of love, you'll cultivate a thriving succulent haven that brings endless joy and serenity to your life. So, let the succulent caregiving fun begin! Happy growing!

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The Best Fertilizer for A Bird of Paradise

Bird of Paradise plants, with their stunning tropical foliage and vibrant blooms, add a touch of exotic beauty to any indoor or outdoor space. To ensure these majestic plants thrive and reach their full potential, providing them with the right nutrients is essential. Just like any other living organism, Bird of Paradise plants require nourishment to grow healthy leaves and (if you’re lucky!) produce those iconic, colorful flowers. In this article, we'll explore the best fertilizer for Bird of Paradise and guide you on how to fertilize these plants effectively.

Bird of Paradise plants, scientifically known as Strelitzia reginae, originate from South Africa and are accustomed to nutrient-rich soils. While it's challenging to recreate the exact conditions found in their natural habitat, we can still strive to provide them with optimal care. By choosing the right fertilizer, you can supply your Bird of Paradise with the essential nutrients it needs to flourish and achieve its full potential.

When To Fertilize Your Bird of Paradise


Discover L'alchimie Botanique, our in-house formulated plant care products, including nutrient-rich foliage mist, natural insecticidal neem oil, and potent liquid plant food, designed to nurture a diverse range of indoor and outdoor plants,

When it comes to fertilizing Bird of Paradise plants, timing is crucial. The growing season for these plants typically occurs during spring and summer when they experience active growth. It's during this period that you should focus on providing them with adequate nutrients. To ensure your Bird of Paradise receives the nourishment it requires, incorporate a liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every other week. Liquid fertilizers are easy to use and generally safe for your plants. However, it's crucial to follow the instructions on the package carefully, diluting the fertilizer into water to avoid over-fertilization and potential fertilizer burn.

As fall approaches and your Bird of Paradise enters its dormant stage, it's important to adjust your fertilization routine accordingly. During this period, you should taper off fertilizing and reduce it to every three or four weeks. This adjustment allows the plant to prepare for its dormant phase in winter when growth slows down. If your plant is  no longer growing at all, you can completely stop fertilizing until the spring.

What NPK Ratio Does The Bird Of Paradise Need?


Transform your Bird of Paradise into a leafy paradise with healthy leaf growth!

Understanding fertilizer terminology can be daunting, particularly if you're new to plant care. Fertilizers are often labeled with an NPK ratio, representing the ratio of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) they contain. Each plant species has specific nutritional requirements, which is why it's recommended to choose fertilizers tailored to the plant you are nurturing. 

Bird of Paradise plants, similar to their foliage-loving counterparts, benefit from fertilizers with an NPK ratio of 3-1-2. This ratio signifies a higher nitrogen content, which is essential for promoting healthy leaf growth and overall plant vigor. Nitrogen supports the production of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the plant's lush green foliage. Our all-natural liquid plant food is gentle enough to use on your Bird of Paradise year round, and has an excellent NPK ratio not just for Birds of Paradise but for all indoor plants

What’s The Best Plant Food For A Bird Of Paradise?

Now that we've covered the basics of fertilizing Bird of Paradise plants, you may be wondering which specific fertilizer is best for your beloved plant. While there are several fertilizers available with an NPK ratio of 3-1-2 that can work effectively, Boost Vitaminé, an all-natural plant food with just four ingredients, will work wonders for your Bird of Paradise. This specialized fertilizer is formulated specifically for indoor plants and provides comprehensive instructions on the best care practices, ensuring optimal growth and blooming potential.

Will Fertilizing My Bird Of Paradise Help It Grow Flowers?

If you are caring for an outdoor Bird of Paradise, then yes! Fertilizing will absolutely promote your plant’s beautifully vibrant flowers. However, it is very rare for this plant to produce flowers when grown indoors.


Designed to Thrive

Elevate your plant paradise with a stunning potted Bird of Paradise, delivered to your doorstep with lifetime of 24/7 Plant Doctor support.