Posts tagged Olive Tree
3 Main Differences Between The Olive Tree & The Black Olive Tree

The Black Olive Tree vs. the “regular” Olive Tree — can you tell which is which?

Olive Trees and Black Olive Trees, also known as Bucida Buceras or Shady Lady, are both popular choices for landscaping and gardening. However, these two trees are not related beyond the similarity in name and look, and have some key differences that set them apart.

Olive trees, also known as Olea europaea, are native to the Mediterranean region and have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are known for their small, gray-green leaves and gnarled trunks, and can be cared for when placed in bright, direct light. Olive Trees can grow to be quite large, reaching up to 40 feet in height and width. They are also evergreen, meaning they keep their leaves year-round.

One of the most notable characteristics of Olive Trees is their ability to produce olives, unsurprisingly a staple in Mediterranean cuisine and are used to make olive oil, which is widely used for cooking and in cosmetics. Olive trees are also drought-tolerant, making them a great choice for dry climates. They prefer well-drained soil and full sun, and can be grown in a variety of soils including clay, loam, and sandy soil.

On the other hand, Shady Lady Trees or Black Olive Trees are much smaller and more compact than Olive Trees. They typically grow to be around 20 feet tall and wide. They are also evergreen, but their leaves are slightly more rounded than those of Olive Trees and have a glossy, dark green color. They are slow-growing, which makes them a great choice for small gardens or as a patio tree.

One of the key differences between Black Olive Trees and “regular” Olive Trees is their preferred growing conditions. While Olive Trees prefer full sun, Black Olive Trees are more tolerant of shade. In fact, they are often used as an indoor alternative to Olive Trees.

Another difference between these two trees is the fruit they produce. While Olive Trees produce olives, Black Olive Trees produce small, inedible black berries, and are used only for ornamental purposes.

Both trees are beautiful and versatile options but we generally recommend Olive Trees for outdoor settings and Black Olive Trees for indoors.

Black Olive Tree

Airy and bonsai-like, and a beautiful addition to any style and space.

Why Your Olive Tree Isn't Fruiting: 4 Potential Causes
olive tree fruiting

Watch your Olive Tree flourish with real fruit!

Olea europaea, commonly known as the Olive Tree, is a beautifully elegant plant that has recently risen in popularity for its airy nature and Mediterranean vibes. And beyond its ornamental value, many indoor plant enthusiasts are drawn to Olive Tree varieties due to the the prospect of growing fruit and harvesting their ripe olives. However, the journey from planting to fruiting can be a nuanced one, and your tree might not fruit for many years or until it becomes mature and only during the active growing season, such as spring and summer. Let's explore the intricacies of Olive Tree care and how to grow your beloved tree into a fruit-tree.

  1. Maturity Matters

  2. Ideal Conditions

  3. Troubleshooting

Maturity Matters

Like many horticultural endeavors and houseplants, patience is key when it comes to Olive Trees. These self-pollinating trees typically require about three years to reach maturity before they embark on their fruit-bearing journey. So, if your Olive Tree is still in its early years, rest assured, it might just need a bit more time for new growth.

The ideal conditions for Olive Trees to produce fruit

Balanced Watering

Proper watering is a delicate dance for Olive Trees. While they are typically known to be quite drought-resistant, they also appreciate regular watering and proper drainage to prevent root rot. Be sure not to let your Olive Tree dry out for too long, prevent it from a harsh soak, and allow it to be well drained. The rule of thumb is to water when 25% of the soil volume, or the top few inches, have dried. Overwatering can lead to drooping leaves and, eventually, leaf loss. Consistency, attentiveness to soil, ensuring your Olive Tree can be properly drained, and moisture are key for your Olive Tree to bear-fruit.

Plenty of Light

Light, the engine of photosynthesis, is paramount for fruit production. Olive Trees thrive in climates with full sun or lots of sunlight, and require a minimum of six hours of direct exposure daily. Placing your Olive Tree in a location with unobstructed light is crucial for optimal edible fruiting conditions, whether that’s indoors or out.

Strategic Fertilizing

Fertilizing is a supportive act during the Olive Tree's active growing seasons, primarily spring and summer. A well-balanced fertilizer, applied once in spring and once in summer, can provide the necessary nutrients for growing fruitful new growth. Additionally, incorporating compost creates nutrient rich soil that enhances the overall soil quality and contributes to the tree's health. However, abstain from fertilizing in winter or during inactive growth periods.

Troubleshooting for Non-Fruiting Olive Trees

1. Unfavorable Growing Conditions:

  • Symptom: Olive Tree not getting enough sunlight.

  • Remedy: Relocate your tree to a sun-filled, humid spot to optimize its exposure to sunlight. Remember, at least six hours a day of light is best and Olive Trees love humidity. To increase humidity in indoor air, we recommend a misting routine year-round. Refrain from placing in low-light areas. and remember that your Olive tree may not produce fruit during cold seasons.

2. Age Matters:

  • Symptom: Young Olive Trees not producing fruit.

  • Remedy: Exercise patience; fruiting often begins around the third year and may extend up to eight years.

3. Nutrient Deficiency:

  • Symptom: Soil lacking essential nutrients.

  • Remedy: Plant your tree in nutrient-rich potting mix or soil and fertilize during active growth periods. We recommend our fertilizer and foliar feed, Potion Magique.

4. Pruning for Sunlight:

  • Symptom: Insufficient sunlight reaching the center of the tree.

  • Remedy: Olive Trees like to be pruned. Prune stems strategically to allow direct sunlight, removing non-flowering branches. You can propagate the cuttings and create sprouts by transplanting in new soil to harvest new buds and blooms. Read more about propagation here!

5. Pest Prevention:

  • Symptom: Pest and insect sightings on your Olive Tree

  • Remedy: Keep an eye out for common insects like spider mites, aphids, fungus gnats, and mealy bugs, which can hinder plant growth. Regularly use neem oil to thwart diseases and pests, ensuring your Olive Tree thrives and produces abundant fruit.

6. Weeds:

  • Symptom: Weeds in your olive tree’s nursery pot.

  • Remedy: Weeds in your Olive Tree's pot and soil can hinder its growth, especially when it is trying to produce growing fruit. If you notice any unwanted plants in your Olive Tree’s container, promptly pluck them out, ensuring you remove the roots to prevent regrowth. While gentle herbicides can be used, they are often unnecessary for effective weed control in the pot. Regular weeding helps maintain a conducive environment for your Olive Tree's healthy development.

Growing an Olive Tree is an art, with a slightly different routine opposed to other indoor house plants, and coaxing it to fruit is a blend of science and care. Understanding the needs of your Olive Tree, from sunlight to watering, fertilizing, and using the correct pots can pave the way for a bountiful and deciduous harvest. As you navigate the journey from planting to fruition, savor the process, and your Olive Tree’s canopy will reward you with the timeless allure of its silver-green foliage and, eventually, its coveted olives.

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature and house plants into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California native tropical plants such as the Olive Tree, Fiddle Leaf Fig, Ficus Audrey, and Bird of Paradise are carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted local growers and gardeners who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and handmade planters that are staged for optimal and easy growth. Happy growing and gardening!

olive trees fruiting

Olive Tree Collection

Premium Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

Fact or Fiction: Will Olive Trees Grow Indoors?

The Olive Tree paired with the Black Mid-Century Ceramic pot and Light Wood Stand – the perfect addition to any space. But can it survive indoors like other houseplants?

The allure of cultivating an Olive Tree indoors is undeniable. The silvery-green leaves and the potential of growing fruit evoke the charm of the Mediterranean right in your very own living space for any gardening lover. But is growing an Olive Tree indoors a feasible endeavor? In this post, we unravel the truth about growing potted Olive Trees indoors.

  1. Can Olive Trees be Placed Indoors?

  2. Lighting Requirements

  3. Temperature and Humidity

  4. Watering

  5. Pest Prevention

  6. Moving Olive Trees Outdoors for the Summer

  7. Alternative Plants with Olive Tree Vibes

Can Olive Trees be Placed Indoors?

Native to the sun-soaked Mediterranean region, Olive Trees have a penchant for abundant sunlight. Ideally, they thrive outdoors, basking in at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. However, with thoughtful care, it's possible to bring the essence of an Olive Tree indoors.

Lighting Requirements

Keeping your Olive Tree indoors demands a strategic approach to lighting. These trees require ample sunlight, and an unobstructed south-facing window with high light is optimal for their growth. To ensure equal light exposure, rotate the plant bi-weekly and refrain from placing in low-light areas. In cases of insufficient natural full sun, supplement with a grow light for 6-8 hours daily, especially if outdoor relocation isn't feasible.

Unlock the full beauty of your Olive Tree by placing it near a sunlit South-facing window – the tree should receive at least six hours of sunlight a day.

Temperature and Humidity

Regarding temperature and humidity, Olive trees prefer a room temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate dry air, but it's essential to keep them away from heat vents to prevent too much drying out. Occasional misting or placing near a humidifier can mimic the higher humidity levels these trees enjoy in their native Mediterranean climate.


Watering is a crucial aspect of indoor olive tree care. The soil and root-system should never fully dry out, but should not remain damp for long periods of time which may lead to root-rot. Watering is required when the top two inches is dry. During winter dormancy, reduce watering, but a dry soil surface signals the need for hydration. Olive Trees prefer high humidity, and misting your Olive Tree regularly can help introduce more humidity to indoor air.

Pest Prevention

In the realm of indoor gardening, proper pest prevention is paramount for the well-being of olive trees growing in planters. Olive trees are particularly susceptible to pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs, which can compromise the health of your growing plants. Employing effective measures such as neem oil, a natural insect deterrent, becomes crucial for maintaining optimal conditions in the potting soils and ensuring a thriving indoor olive tree while safeguarding against potential pests in your planter.

Alternative Plants with Olive Tree Vibes

While the Olive Tree has a distinct charm, several alternative plants can grace your indoor space with a similar aesthetic that can thrive better in such conditions. Consider these alternatives:

  1. Bird of Paradise: With large, banana-like leaves, it brings a tropical touch to any space and is popular amongst other house plants.

  2. False Aralia: Elegant, finely-cut foliage for a sophisticated look.

  3. Fishtail Palm: Mimics the feathery appearance, adding a touch of the exotic.

  4. Schefflera Tree: Known for its lush, umbrella-like foliage and is easy-care.

While Olive Trees may not be the easiest indoor companions, with the right care and adjustments, you can infuse your living space with their distinct charm. However, for those seeking alternatives, there are several plants that capture the essence of an Olive Tree without the specific demands. Whether you opt for the Mediterranean allure of the Olive Tree and the potential for edible fruit or explore alternatives, each plant brings its unique green symphony to your space!

At Léon and George, we're on a mission to bring the beauty of nature into your daily life. Our hand-selected, California-grown house plants carefully chosen for their quality, health, and beauty. We believe in simplicity, fairness, and sustainability, sourcing our potted plants from trusted local growers who share our values. When you bring a Léon and George plant into your home, you're not just getting greenery – you're getting a piece of nature treated with our all-natural products and staged for easy, optimal growth. We're here to make plant ownership accessible and enjoyable for everyone, fostering a connection between people and the natural world.

The Olive Tree Collection

Premium Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

Olive Trees & Yellow Leaves

Yellow leaves on your Olive Tree? Find out what could be causing them.

The Olive Tree varieties are without a doubt having a moment amongst other tropical potted houseplants and outdoor plants, with their effortlessly ornamental branches and Mediterranean vibe that may even bloom ripe edible olives. However, while Olive Trees can be incredibly low maintenance (they are highly drought-resistant, after all!) they can take some patience for new plant owners, especially when planted indoors. Seeing the emergence of yellow leaves on your Olive Tree can be disconcerting, and in this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons and symptoms behind yellowing leaves and provide practical solutions to ensure the vibrancy of the foliage and help your Olive Tree thrive while increasing your green thumb and horticulture expertise.

  1. Yellow Curling Leaves

  2. Leaves Turning Yellow and Falling Off

  3. Leaves Turning Yellow and Drooping

  4. Yellow Leaves with Dry Brown Edges

  5. Normal Seasonal Drop: Nature's Course

  6. Avoiding Yellow Leaves on Olive Trees

Yellow Curling Leaves

Olive Trees, though hardy, can suffer from nutritional deficiencies, particularly in nitrogen. Signs such as yellow-tinged leaves, curling leaves and stunted growth indicate this issue. What causes this can be a nitrogen or magnesium deficiency. Using fertilizer regularly can assist in alleviating the issue, and if you’ve had your Olive Tree for a long period of time, you may consider repotting to replenish nutrients within the soil.

Leaves Turning Yellow and Falling Off

If your Olive Tree is shedding pale yellow leaves at a somewhat alarming rate, the most likely culprit is a lack of sunlight. Olive Trees typically don’t tolerate low light, and need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, and are best-suited for outdoor areas. If you’d like to keep your Olive Tree indoors, make sure to place it in a bright, unobstructed window with no shade, ideally south-facing, and possibly even consider supplementing with an artificial grow light.

Leaves Turning Yellow and Drooping

The delicate dance of watering significantly influences Olive Tree health. If you see leaves that are yellow with discoloration, limp or drooping, begin to wilt, or are dropping overwatering is a common cause. Remember that Olive Trees are native to hot, arid climates and are very drought-resistant. Heavily overwatering any plant can lead to root rot, and if you suspect you’ve overwatered your Olive Tree, check the soil and roots to see if it will need repotting.

Yellow Leaves with Dry Brown Edges

Both insufficient and excessive water can make your Olive Tree susceptible to yellow leaves, cause them to begin wilting, or lead to brown spots. While Olive Trees are known for their drought tolerance, they still need regular watering. Prolonged periods of drought will result in yellow leaves with dry brown plant leaves and edges. While you won’t be able to bring these leaves back to their former state, giving your plant a good, healthy drink of water should prevent more leaves from drying and turning yellow and brown.

Normal Seasonal Drop: Nature's Course

Despite being classified as evergreens, Olive Trees can undergo a natural leaf-shedding process. Some yellowing leaves in spring for example are part of this seasonal cycle and are generally not a cause for alarm. Understanding this normal drop can ease concerns associated with the occasional yellow leaf and may need pruning, similar to other plants to encourage plant growth. Olive trees, typically tropical plants, may go dormant in the winter, even when kept as indoor potted plants. Despite being tolerant of full sun conditions and thriving in humid climates, their natural response to seasonal changes may involve a period of dormancy during colder months.

Avoiding Yellow Leaves on Olive Trees

Prevention is the best cure for any plant woe, but the good news is that many cases of yellow tree leaves and stems are easily fixable! Here are a few preventative measures as well as cures for yellow leaves on Olive Trees:

Find the Perfect Watering Balance

To avoid the yellowing blues, make sure you're not drowning, providing too little water, or soaking your Olive Tree. Ensure you are using a well draining, less compacted potting soil or potting mix and let the top two inches of soil dry out before giving it a good drink. Established outdoor trees are pretty low-maintenance in the watering department, but those young indoor ones may need to be watered more frequently, especially in hot and dry months. As always, ensure there is proper drainage included with the pot. This will ensure your Olive Tree does not remain damp and can be drained through the roots before placing it into your decorative planter.

Additionally, misting the foliage with a watering can mister creates a mini oasis for your Olive Tree, boosting the natural humidity around the plant. This pampering session helps keep those lush green leaves happy and thriving and combats dry indoor air. Adding a layer of moss or pebbles to the top of the soil not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also serves as an effective natural mulch, helping to retain moisture in the soil and adding to organic matter for healthy soil.

Try this - The bottom watering method

In the pursuit of fostering optimal growth and combatting yellow foliage, the bottom watering method emerges as a horticultural game-changer and prevents your Olive Tree from taking in too much water. By employing this technique, you can maintain a delicate balance in the soil moisture crucial for your olive tree's well-being and prevent your tree from becoming rotted. This method allows your Olive Tree to self-water itself, ensuring that the root system receives hydration without the risk of drowning or waterlogging. This method not only promotes the longevity of your greenery but also simplifies the maintenance process, making it an excellent choice for a harmonious and hassle-free approach to watering your Olive Tree.


Light-intensity is important for your Olive Tree, as it is a light-lover through and through and enjoys at least 6 hours of bright light or full direct sunlight a day. If you aren’t sure what constitutes direct sunlight, think unobstructed exposure to the sun. Sunlight not only helps your tree become a quicker grower, but also helps keep those leaves nice and dry, preventing any unwanted mildew and fungus.


Olive trees are not too picky about about nutrient deficiency in their soil, but feeding your tree a nutrient-rich fertilizer or plant food during the active growing season will help keep yellow leaves at bay, increase your gardening expertise, balance the soil ph, and encourage new growth. Be careful not to over fertilize and refrain from fertilizing during dormancy, though, by following the correct dosage during active growing months— fertilizer burn can cause even worse damage on the foliage of your plant.


Pests pose a significant threat to the vitality of an olive tree, often causing distressing consequences for its foliage. Various pests, including bugs like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs, can infiltrate the leaves, compromising the overall health of the tree. Neglect in houseplant care can increase the issue, creating an environment conducive to infestations in their pots. Fungus gnats, attracted to moist soils, can further worsen the situation. To combat these unwanted guests, incorporating neem oil mixes into your plant care routine can be an effective solution. Neem oil acts as a natural repellent against pests, offering a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to safeguarding your olive tree from the potential harm caused by these pesky invaders. Prioritizing vigilant pest management is essential for ensuring the enduring beauty and health of your olive tree's foliage.

olive trees yellow leaves

Olive Tree Collection

Premium Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

The First Six Months With Your Black Olive Tree: What To Expect

The Black Olive Tree is an indoor plant that thrives in bright light, making it an enchanting addition to any space topped with preserved forest moss for a touch of natural elegance.

With its delicate clusters of dark green, glossy leaves and enduring, one-of-a-kind charm, the Black Olive Tree, also known as Bucida Buceras or Shady Lady Olive Tree, is a striking addition to any space. Native to tropical regions, this tree-like beauty is often mistaken for other varieties like its outdoor-loving cousin, the Olive Tree, but it doesn't bear edible fruit and in reality is not an olive tree at all. Nonetheless, its airy, Mediterranean appearance has earned it the common name of Black Olive Tree, and if you’ve welcomed one of these treasures into your indoor plants collection or are considering it, prepare for a rewarding journey as you guide this elegant plant through its initial adaptation phase into its new home. Let’s learn how to grow and bloom your new Black Olive Tree!

The Early Days: Understanding Changes

When you first introduce your new Black Olive Tree to your home, don't be surprised or alarmed if it undergoes a period of adjustment or grows slow as it adjusts to new climates. Many houseplants react to new environments by dropping leaves, and the Black Olive Tree is no exception. This particular variety of plant is incredibly sensitive to shifts in light, humidity, and temperature, and it is not uncommon for some or even all of the foliage to dry up initially and fall off.

IMPORTANT! This does not mean your plant is dead. It is simply responding to the change in its environment, and this behavior is very common for the Black Olive Tree. Keep reading to see how you can best support your plant as it bounces back and begins to grow new leaves.

Leaves on the Black Olive Tree will begin to dry up and fall in the initial adjustment phase after moving your plant.

Patience While Shedding

The key to helping your Black Olive Tree adapt successfully is patience. Let your tree shed its leaves—there is nothing to be done while it goes through this phase besides regularly sweeping up the dry leaves from the floor. It can take anywhere from 1-4 weeks for your plant to lose all its leaves. If you’d like to reduce the amount of sweeping, once a week give your tree a gentle shake so that any leaves that are ready to go may fall all at once.

Providing the Right Conditions

To support your Black Olive Tree during this adjustment phase, ensure you provide the ideal conditions:

  1. Light: These trees thrive in plenty of bright indirect light and full sun, and also like some direct sunlight, so ensure they are planted in its pot near a sunny window with at least a few hours of direct sunlight year-round and refrain from placing in low-light areas.

  2. Watering: The Black Olive Tree can be particularly thirsty while its going through the adjustment phase. Ensure it is watered thoroughly every few days, or at a minimum once a week, and prevent drought or letting your plant dry-out.

  3. Preventing overwatering is crucial for Black Olive Trees, as excessive dampness can lead to root rot, affecting the root-ball and jeopardizing the health of the entire plant. To maintain the ideal balance for growing plants, it's essential to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, ensuring the well-being of both foliage and root systems.

  4. Proper Drainage: Ensuring proper drainage in the potting soil is crucial for the well-being of black olive trees, as these easy-care plants are highly tolerant but require well-draining conditions. It is essential to avoid waterlogging and maintain a slightly damp environment when watering, promoting optimal growth for these resilient and adaptable trees.

  5. Temperature: Keep your Black Olive Tree away from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations, as these can stress the plant further.

  6. Fertilizing: Hold off on feeding your plant during the initial adjustment period. Once you notice new growth emerging you can begin to fertilize, introduce a mild plant food to support its development during the growing season.

  7. Pests: In the care of Black Olive Trees, especially those in, maintaining a green thumb involves vigilant pest prevention. These trees may be susceptible to common pests like aphids and spider mites, so regular inspections and appropriate insect control measures are essential to ensure their overall health and vitality.

  8. Humidity: Black Olive Trees, thriving in humid conditions, tolerate soil moistness and benefit from a regular mist to prevent wilting. To maintain their optimal health, consider incorporating a mister into your care routine to provide the necessary humidity for these resilient trees.

In general, try to provide adequate light and water, and do not do anything else as your plant adapts. Patience is key!

Getting Past the Adjustment Phase

Between 6-12 weeks, you'll likely witness a remarkable transformation in your Black Olive Tree and notice that it is fairly easy-to-grow. New leaves will emerge, demonstrating the tree's adaptability and resilience. As you begin to see new buds and fast-growth forming, rest assured that your tree will become fuller and more beautiful in no time, enriching your space with its timeless elegance.

Despite swiftly losing many if not all their leaves as they adjust to their new space, your Black Olive Tree will astound you with how rapidly it begins to fill out again with new growth.

You've Got This!

While the Black Olive Tree might demand a bit more attention than other plants and low maintenance plants during its initial phase, the rewards are immeasurable. With patience and proper care, you'll have the pleasure of enjoying your new Black Olive Tree for years to come. As you observe its journey of renewal and growth over the first six months, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for nature's wonders and your Black Olive Tree's incredible resilience. Embrace the gardening adventure, and soon you'll have a thriving, magnificent tree!

black olive tree

Designed to Thrive

Premium Black Olive Trees, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

What You Need To Know Before You Buy An Olive Tree
Looking for a perfectly potted olive tree? Shop the Léon & George Olive Bush

Looking for a perfectly potted olive tree? Shop a variety of shapes and sizes at the Léon & George Olive Tree Collection.

So, you’ve got your heart set on an Olive Tree- but now the tricky business begins! Deciding on which variety of statement tree to buy is only half the battle, and what follows can feel like a daunting pursuit. You know that you love the aesthetic of the Olive Tree, but what other considerations need to be taken to account? There are a few! But the good news is, educating yourself on what you need to know before you buy an Olive Tree, and how to care for it once you bring it home, are both simple. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of everything you need to know before you buy an Olive Tree. So read up, and prepare yourself for green, glowing success!

  1. Lighting requirements for Olive Trees

  2. The Black Olive Tree AKA Shady Lady

  3. Where to place your Olive Tree

  4. Will your Olive Tree give you real fruit?

  5. An important note on watering

  6. Fertilizing Olive Trees

  7. Growth rate: what to expect

  8. Pest-resistant properties

  9. Avoid purchasing your Olive Tree from a garden center

  10. Keeping your Olive Tree happy and healthy over time

Your Olive Tree Will Do Best With Ample, Direct Sun

Olive Trees are firm on this stance: they require ample, direct sunlight in order to thrive. This means that you need to ensure that the space you plan on placing your Olive Tree in receives at least six hours of sunlight a day. If this seems a little confusing, we have provided an illustrated tutorial on lighting requirements in our light guide. It’s an easy read, and a great, simple resource!


If you had your heart set on an Olive Tree, but don’t have the light or outdoor space to keep one, there’s an option for you! Look no further than the Black Olive Tree, also known as Bucida Buceras or Shady Lady, the cousin of the Olive Tree with a similar look and suitable for indoors, requiring only 2-3 hours of direct sunlight a day. The difference between Olive Trees and Black Olive Trees may be subtle, but they’re important ones when making a decision on which is right for you!


Plan on placing your Olive Tree in the sunniest spot possible, whether that means a sun-drenched area of your porch and patio, or an indoor spot next to a window that receives plenty of direct light from the south or west. Keep in mind that olive Trees are not ideal houseplants as they require a lot of direct sunlight. Expect that your Olive Tree will grow more slowly or quickly in accordance to the amount of light that it receives. While Olive Trees can go indoors in areas that receive sufficient light, it’s generally best to place them outdoors to ensure they get the minimum six hours of sunlight they need per day.

Olive Trees Are Fruiting Trees: But With A Catch

Olive Trees can, of course, produce fruit! But you should note that indoor Olive Trees are highly unlikely to receive the amount of sunshine necessary to produce fruit. This can be a good thing: Olive Tree fruit can drop, which can result in a mess if you don’t stay on top of it. It’s likely that if you are buying an Olive Tree for indoor placement, fruit is not your goal. But if it is: note that you will likely need to place your Olive Tree outside, and that fruit takes time. It can take several months to years of good health and direct sunlight to inspire your Olive Tree to produce fruit. Read our full guide on why your Olive Tree is not producing fruit.

The Olive Tree makes a beautiful plant for patios, decks or other outdoor spaces.

Your Olive Tree Will Need Regular Watering

Olive Trees are a drought-resistant plant, but it’s not a feature that we would encourage you to test. Olive Trees that are watered appropriately will maintain the best health and the most beautiful aesthetic. Once you have decided to buy your Olive Tree and welcome it home, plan on checking the moisture of its topsoil (the top two inches of soil) weekly. When the topsoil is dry, provide four cups of water. Note that your tree’s soil may dry out faster during the sunniest, hottest months, and more slowly during the cooler months. Your watering schedule may need to be adjusted accordingly.

But Not Too Much Water!

Although it can be tempting to pamper your tree whenever the whim strikes you, it’s very important that your love language does not involve overwatering your Olive Tree. Olive Trees are native to arid climates and are not accustomed to receiving large amounts of water regularly. Because most ornamental Olive Trees are placed in pots that do not contain ceramic drainage holes, there is also a risk of creating a pool of standing water below your Olive Tree. This can result in root rot, which can be a difficult issue to overcome once it has set in. Classic signs of an overwatered Olive Tree include yellow, discolored leaves, leaf fall, and a consistently wet trunk. Additionally, if your Olive Tree’s leaves appear curly, withered, or are presenting in unusual shapes, these are signs that the Olive Tree may be suffering from overwatering.

Plant Care Essentials From Leon and George

Plant Care Essentials From Leon and George

Olive Trees Appreciate Being Fed: A Fertilizer 101

Olive Trees will grow their best when they are fertilized every two to three weeks during the spring, summer and fall. Fertilizing can sound confusing, but it’s actually really simple. A gentle, natural plant food can be diluted directly into the water you use to quench your Olive Tree. Simply follow the instructions on the fertilizer’s label, and note that Foliar Feed, an extra-gentle mineral and vitamin spray which is misted directly on plants’ leaves and trunks, can be safely applied year round for additional nourishment.

Olive Trees Grow At Their Own Pace

Olive Trees are considered to be a slower-growing tree. This can be a huge benefit in the buying process: what you see is what you get, at least for several months to a couple years. Note that the growth rate of any individual Olive Tree is directly related to the amount of sunlight and water that they receive. A consistently watered (but not overwatered) Olive Tree, placed in a spot that receives generous, direct sunlight, will grow at its swiftest rate, and be in its best health.

Olive Trees Are Naturally Pest Resistant

This is one of the finest practical features of the Olive Tree: they are naturally pest and disease resistant, with super-hard wood that’s both strong and highly resilient. You are unlikely to experience a pest problem with your Olive Tree, regardless of whether it is placed indoors or outside. However, outdoor Olive Trees may experience weeds in their soil, like any other outdoor plant. It probably goes without saying, but you’ll want to deal with those weeds the way you would any other: pull them out, and make sure you remove all of their roots, as well.

How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Olive Tree

When you shop for an Olive Tree, look for a plant that has an even canopy of healthy-looking leaves, and avoid Olive Trees that are showing signs of yellow leaves. Healthy Olive Tree foliage will be silver-green in color, and will not be crispy or dry to the touch. The leaves will not fall off if you shake a branch or pull gently. Additionally, survey the soil of the Olive Tree: any signs of colonizing weeds or pests are indications that you should choose another plant. Weeds, of course, are a common inconvenience for most outdoor plants: but if they are not thoroughly removed, with their roots fully extracted, they can become an ongoing headache.

Olive Tree From Leon and George


A Piece of California's Natural Beauty: Cultivate your indoor oasis with a tree known for its robust resilience and aesthetic appeal.

Avoid Purchasing Your Olive Tree From A Garden Center

Buying an Olive Tree is an investment, and you want to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. But cutting corners from the beginning by purchasing your Olive Tree for the lowest possible price can come back to bite you in the pocket. Every aspect of your Olive Tree, from its overall beauty and aesthetic to its ability to fruit, is directly determined by the Tree’s health, and the health of your Olive Tree is directly correlated to the care it receives: both once it is in your home, and before you buy it. Buy your Olive Tree from a trusted, high-quality grower that gets the pick of the litter, and remember that the plants offered by garden centers may have an appealing price tag, but no guarantee of pest- free, well-tended health.

Plants at garden stores are frequently given the same water, light and care regardless of their species. This does not bode well for Olive Trees, which cannot be overwatered. When they receive a daily deluge of water from a hose that hits its neighbors, Olive Trees do not benefit from that extra blast of moisture.

When you purchase a towering Olive Tree from a garden center or store, that often necessitates jostling it into your car to get it home. If you use your car’s heater or A.C, the plant is also on the receiving end of that wave of forced air. Environmental stress like this is not good for plants, and when they become stressed, recovery takes time. Plan on buying your Olive Tree from a trusted supplier that does the work of transport for you: they know what they’re doing. The price tag may be a little higher at checkout, but we guarantee that your money and your energy will be saved over time.

Even The Healthiest Olive Trees Can Experience Stress On Occasion

Olive Trees are a low-maintenance tree when they get the care that they need, which typically boils down to plenty of direct sunshine and enough, but not too much, water. But any living plant can experience periods of stress or require occasional adjustments in care. When you buy your new plant from Leon & George, you gain access to our custom Plant Doctor service. What does that mean? Plant Doctor support is a great perk: a team of professional horticulture experts, here when you need them to assess your plant’s condition, provide tips and solutions, and to offer meaningful guidance through your journey. Wondering if there’s a hitch? There’s not! No fees are required, and the service does not expire. Our Plant Doctor care is just one of the ways that we offer day-to-day support to Leon & George plant parents as we green the world together.

Ready to bring your space to life with a gorgeous Olive Tree? Shop our full collection of premium living Olive Trees, delivered to your door.



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Welcome to Léon & George

Immerse yourself in the world of Léon & George, where exceptional spaces are our canvas and exceptional plants our medium. With every leaf and stem, we bring a touch of nature's serenity into your home. Our ethos marries sophistication with sustainability, ensuring that each houseplant not only enhances your decor but also embodies our commitment to the environment.

Quality and service are the roots from which our business grows, driving us to deliver indoor plants that are not just beautiful but nurtured for longevity. As stewards of both style and ecological responsibility, we offer a collection that includes everything from lush ferns and hardy succulents to majestic ficus trees and air-purifying snake plants.

Cultivating Growth Beyond the Pot: In the final flourish of our green symphony, we provide an easy-to-grow range tailored to both budding and experienced gardeners alike. Our variegated species thrive in diverse conditions, from the full sun of a kitchen window to the low-light of an office. We ensure our perennials and annuals are partnered with the perfect planters and potting mix, fostering new growth and enhancing indoor air quality. With our guidance, watering, pruning, and repotting become simple acts that keep your house plants vibrant. Join us and cultivate your very own green-thumb, turning any room into a bloom-filled sanctuary.

What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Stromanthe Triostar

A strikingly unique plant, the Magenta Triostar aka Stromanthe Triostar is truly one of a kind.

The Stromanthe Triostar or Magenta Triostar is a beautiful, low-maintenance plant that adds vibrant colors and lush greenery to any room. Native to the tropical rainforests of South America, specifically Brazil, they are a popular choice as indoor plants due to their attractive, colorful foliage and relatively easy care requirements.

Could this plant be right for you? Read on to learn a bit more about what makes the Stromanthe Triostar so unique, and to see if it’s the right fir for your home.

Your Stromanthe Likes Light

Like many tropical plants, the Stromanthe Triostar requires bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves and cause damage. In its natural habitat, it grows under the canopy of larger trees, receiving dappled sunlight. Indoors, it is best to place the plant near a window that receives bright, indirect light, but not direct sunlight. If your window is too sunny, you can place a sheer curtain to filter the light. You can also supplement the light with artificial grow lights if needed.

A pop of pink! The Stromanthe Triostar is also often referred to as the Magenta Triostar.

…And They Like Humidity Even More

The Stromanthe Triostar does best when its soil maintains a consistent level of moisture. As such, these humidity loving plants won’t love sporadic or infrequent watering, and they also should be kept at arm’s distance from air conditioning units or heaters. And while watering your Stromanthe is important for its health, but it's also important to avoid overwatering. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, and be sure to use well-draining soil to prevent root rot.

They’re Not the Easiest Plant to care for

Like many tropical plants, the Stromanthe can sometimes take some patience before finding the ideal conditions to help it thrive. While still considered a relatively easy-care plant, we do not recommend it for those who travel often or are likely to forget to water, as plant can be a diva when it comes to their watering routine!

Stromanthe Triostar is a Prayer Plant

The Stromanthe triostar is a proud member of the prayer plant family— but what does that mean? These fascinating plants are called "prayer plants" because of their unique ability to raise and lower their leaves in a manner that resembles hands in prayer. During the day, they lower again, capturing as much light as possible.

If Green ain’t your thing

While the Stromanthe Triostar has some green markings on its foliage, the predominant colors are actually bright pinks, magentas, and creamy whites. A variegated plant at its finest, the Stromanthe Triostar is often referred to as the Magenta Triostar thanks to its vibrant pink leaves that appear to be painted on by Mother Nature herself.

A plant that’s safe for pets

Do you have a curious pet or child at home? The good news for pet owners and parents is that the Magenta Triostar is completely safe for pets: it is non-toxic and causes no harm if consumed. That said, it’s always best to keep plants outside the reach of pets and children, if anything for the health and well-being of the plant!

Feeding Your Stromanthe: A Fertilizer 101

As a houseplant, the Stromanthe Triostar does best when regularly fertilized, particularly during the spring and summer. Use a balanced fertilizer designed for indoor plants, usually one to two times a month between March and October. Boost Vitaminé is a gentle, all natural plant food that can even be used (albeit less frequently) during the winter!

How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Stromanthe Triostar

If you're interested in buying a Stromanthe Triostar, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable seller. Look for a healthy plant with vibrant, colorful foliage— it should not have a pale or yellowed appearance. If you see a few brown tips or yellowed leaves, don’t be worried— this is very common with this plant and not necessarily a sign of ill health.

Despite its bold colors, he Stromanthe Triostar blends in beautifully with any type of decor.

Avoid purchasing your Stromanthe from a Garden Center

Buying a Stromanthe Triostar, like any plant, is an investment, and you want to make sure that you’re getting your money’s worth. But cutting corners from the beginning by purchasing your plant for the lowest possible price can come back to bite you in the pocket. Remember that the plants offered by garden centers may have an appealing price tag, but no guarantee of pest- free, well-tended health.

Plants at garden stores are frequently given the same water, light and care regardless of their species. This does not bode well for Stromanthe varieties, which prefer more frequent watering than most typical houseplants.

Magenta Triostar

A striking accent plant with exotic magenta, cream, and green colored foliage. It is a member of the prayer plant family, with leaves that close at night and open during the day. The Triostar prefers prefers medium light and is a great air purifier.

A Complete Black Olive Tree AKA Shady Lady Care Guide

Black Olive tree

AKA bucida buceras

The Black Olive Tree, also known as bucida buceras or Shady Lady Olive Tree is a gorgeous indoor plant native to tropical regions and is known for its dark, glossy leaves and durable bark. Not to be confused with the regular Olive Tree, the Black Olive Tree does not actually produce any fruit, and in fact is not even an olive tree! Given this name simply for its airy, olive tree-like appearance, this plant is an excellent indoor alternative to its close cousin who prefers to be outdoors.

Light requirements for the Black Olive Tree

Black Olive Trees need direct sunlight to thrive, and can be placed either outside in full-sun, partial shade, or indoors in a sunny window that receives at least a few hours of direct sunlight per day.

How to water your Black Olive Tree

Let your Black Olive Tree dry out between waterings, and water thoroughly when topsoil is dry, usually once every 5-7 days. Avoid overwatering, and note that your watering schedule may be less frequent during winter months.

Are Black Olive Trees fast growers?

Black Olive Trees are relatively slow growers, and will grow even more slowly indoors. An ideal plant for a chic indoor setting, it requires very little maintenance over time!

Potion Magique

An all-natural elixir to add to your misting routine, providing extra nutrition and pest control for your plants through their foliage.


Common problems with the Black Olive Tree

Leaf drop

The Black Olive Tree is prone to leaf drop, particularly with changes of environment or changing seasons. You may see your plant drop all its leaves—and very quickly—causing understandable alarm and concern. However, if your plant is receiving the care it requires, then there is nothing to worry about: sudden leaf drop is normal for the Black Olive Tree and the leaves usually grow back with some time. If you’d like to speed up the process, expose your plant to more light by either shifting its position in your home (or putting it outdoors if that’s an option for you), or investing in a grow light.

How to maintain a beautiful and healthy Black Olive Tree

Take care of your Black Olive Tree and it will take care of you! Below are simple tips to continue caring for your Black Olive Tree or bucida buceras over time.

  • Pruning & Shaping - Remove dry or dead leaves all year round, but save any major pruning for the spring and summer months.

  • Cleaning - The Black Olive Tree is not an easy one to clean! Keep your plant dust-free by regularly misting.

  • Repotting - Houseplants grow much slower than they would in the wild. Depending on the size of your plant and the density of the roots, this is nice to do every 2-3 years to provide fresh nutrients and encourage new growth.

    • When to repot - Repot your plant with fresh soil once every 2-3 years.

    • Pot sizing - if you want your plant to grow taller, find a nursery pot that’s 2” in diameter larger than the current pot. If you want your plant to stay the same height, you can reuse the same pot and simply change the soil.

    • Get your hands dirty - remove the plant from the pot and shake off as much of the old soil as possible so that you have clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and pat down firmly. Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will take 2-4 weeks to settle from the shock and adjust to its new home.

Black Olive Tree

Black Olive Tree

Airy and bonsai-like, and a beautiful addition to any style and space.