Posts in Office Plants
Where to Place Your Money Tree, According to Feng Shui

Find the perfect Braided Money Tree for your home at

Braided Money Trees are so much more than charming, easy care houseplants: they’re also associated with powerful feng shui principles that can enhance positive energy and good fortune in your life. In fact, it is considered one of the best plants in the teachings of feng shui. But did you know that the location of your Money Tree can impact its ability to thrive and bring prosperity?

Explore with us the best Money Tree locations for your home, and why each one is ideal, and learn about what it takes to keep your plant looking lush and healthy year after year!

Ideal Money Tree Placement for Good Feng Shui

The perfect spot for your Money Tree may vary based on your home or office layout. Consider placing it in a location that aligns with feng shui principles and provides optimal conditions for plant health.

  1. Your “money area”: According to traditional feng shui, the far left corner of your home is designated as the 'money area.' Placing your Money Tree here can enhance its ability to bring prosperity. If you’re trying to locate the wealth area in a certain room, for example, the living room, find the diagonal corner across from the entrance— it may be the left or right corner.

  2. Your “health area”: The east area of your home is associated with 'health and family' in feng shui. Incorporating wood elements, such as plants, can amplify the positive energy. Positioning your Money Tree here allows it to serve as a source of both wealth and health.

  3. A place with plenty of indirect light: To ensure your Money Tree thrives, provide it with plenty of indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to issues like sunburn, so choose a location with diffused light to promote your plant's overall well-being. While the Money Tree can adapt to lower light, it will grow much faster in an area with bright indirect light.

Where to NOT Place Your Money Tree

While there are optimal locations, there are also places you should avoid:

  1. Low light areas: Despite being temperature-friendly, the bathroom is not recommended for balanced feng shui and is unlikely to bring good fortune.

  2. The “love area”: According to feng shui, the southwest corner is associated with love. Keep your Money Tree out of this area, as traditional beliefs suggest that love and money should be kept separate.

Not a firm believer in feng shui? Choose a spot where your Money Treecomplements your decor and receives natural, indirect light.

Invest in a Braided Money Tree

Money trees aren't just about luck; they're also easy to care for and bring beauty and joy to any corner they adorn. They are non-toxic and safe for pets and children, and come in a variety of sizes. Shop our full collection of Braided Money Trees at

Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree

Welcome the Year of the Dragon with a tangible embodiment of fortune and prosperity. A homage to the mythical creature and its esteemed, auspicious qualities, the Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree plant set pairs a new ceramic colorway with a fast-growing tree, symbolic of bearing good luck. A muted, viridescent hue, reminiscent of the quiet beauty, power and strength of Dragons, our limited edition Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree brings a touch of charm for the upcoming year.

What To Know Before You Buy A New Planter

When it comes to potted plants, the pot or planter is often just as important as the plant itself! The pot your plant calls home goes far beyond aesthetics, and the planter you choose (and how you pot your plant in it) will dictate the overall health of your plant over time. 

But there's more to choosing a planter than meets the eye. From the best materials for plant pots to finding the ideal size and ensuring proper drainage, here's what you need to know before buying a new planter.

  1. Best Materials for Plant Pots

  2. Finding the Right Fit

  3. The Importance of Drainage

  4. What to Do If Your Pot Has No Drainage

  5. Where to Buy High-Quality Pots for Plants

Best Materials for Plant Pots

The first step in choosing a planter is picking the right material. There are various options available, each with its own set of advantages:

  • Ceramic: Ceramic pots are classic and come in a wide range of designs and colors. They're excellent for retaining moisture, making them suitable for plants that like consistent hydration. Many ceramic pots, like these Mid-Century style planters and our Scandinavian line of pots, are fully water-sealed as well, an added bonus if you’re worried about your pots damaging precious surfaces like wood floors or rugs.

  • Terracotta: These porous clay pots are great for plants that prefer well-draining soil. They allow air to reach the roots and are perfect for succulents and cacti. Note that terracotta pots will “age” overtime, changing colors as it absorbs minerals from the soil, fertilizer and water.

  • Metal: Metal planters, like those made from galvanized steel, are durable and often have a modern aesthetic. They can withstand the elements, making them suitable for outdoor use.

  • Wood: Wooden planters offer a rustic charm and can be a great choice for herbs or ornamental plants. They do require a liner to prevent water damage to the wood.

Finding the Right Fit

One of the common dilemmas plant lovers face is finding a planter that seems like the perfect fit, only to discover it either swallows the nursery pot or is entirely too small. Here are a few tips:

  • Room to Grow: Choose a planter that accommodates your plant's current size with some room for growth. A too-small planter can restrict your plant's development, but you also don’t want your plant to be swimming in soil as most like to have their roots very cozy. When choosing the right size planter, think about 2-3 inches bigger than the nursery pot your plant comes in.

  • Proportions: Consider your plant's height and width. Taller, top-heavy plants may require a planter with a wider base to prevent tipping. Most nursery pots come in standard widths, such as 4", 6", 8", or 10". If your planter is wider than the nursery pot and you do not plan on potting directly in your planter, use a foam collar or any suitable material to eliminate wiggle room and keep it from tipping over. This method is called “staging”—keep scrolling to read more about how this works and why it’s our preferred method for potting plants.

  • Trimming the Nursery Pot: Unfortunately many planters are not designed with the nursery pot in mind. Once again, this is an issue if you don’t plan on potting your plant directly into your planter. To ensure your plant fits the planter snuggly, trim the nursery pot's height by an inch or two. This process typically requires a sharp blade, as nursery pots are often made of tough plastic.

Léon & George planters are made of high-fired stoneware, 100% water-sealed so they’ll never damage your floors.

The Importance of Drainage

Drainage is a non-negotiable feature in plant pots. Without it, excess water can accumulate, leading to root rot and other issues. It is crucial that you either purchase a planter with drainage holes or that you set your plant up for proper drainage within its planter without holes. It’s quite easy—keep reading to learn how!

What to Do If Your Pot Has No Drainage

If you have your eyes set on a planter that lacks drainage holes (there are so many beautiful ones out there!), you can still make it work. Add a layer of small rocks , pebbles, or foam to the bottom to elevate your plant and create space for excess water. This prevents your plant from sitting in water for extended periods. Then set the plant inside its nursery pot inside the decorative planter. A block of styrofoam or a similar material also does the trick, rendering drainage holes unnecessary.

This is called “staging”, and it’s our preferred method of potting plants. Why is that? As a start, it helps with airflow for your plant, as many planters will not allow your plant’s roots to easily breathe. It also makes caring for your plants easier, as popping them in and out of their planter is a breeze. We stand by this method so firmly that we even stage when the planter has its own drainage holes!

Read more (and see a diagram) about how to stage your plants here.

Where to Buy High-Quality Pots for Plants

Now that you know what to look for in a planter, where can you find the perfect one? Here are some reputable places to consider:

  • Léon & George: A curated collection of minimalist, high-quality ceramic planters that pair well with any decor style.

  • Light & Ladder: Light & Ladder offers beautifully designed planters that are both unique and functional.

  • Goodee: Goodee is a treasure trove of sustainable and eco-friendly items for the home, including a highly curated selection of plant pots, perfect for the environmentally conscious plant lover.

  • Etsy: Etsy is the place to go for artisanal and unique planters. You'll find a vast assortment of handmade as well as vintage options to suit your style.

In conclusion, selecting the right planter is essential for the health and well-being of your plants. Choose the best material, ensure the planter's size is suitable, and prioritize drainage. With these tips in mind and the right planter in hand, your plants will thrive, and your space will flourish with greenery. Happy planting!

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at

5 Ways Plants Can Improve Morale at the Workplace
How plants can improve morale at the workplace.

How plants can improve morale at the workplace - Image by Kari Bjorn Photography

In recent years, countless studies have documented the many benefits of having indoor plants at work. Not only do they filter out toxins from the air, but they also increase productivity, creativity, and focus in the workplace. To add to this long list of benefits, plants also can improve workplace morale. Wondering how? In a nutshell, being surrounded by their beautiful foliage make us happier human beings and contributes to our overall well-being. Read on to learn how to improve workplace morale with a bit of greenery.

They release feel-good chemicals in our brain

No one will argue that nature feels good: from a picnic in the park to a walk in the woods, humans crave contact with nature. But did you know that, just like sunlight itself, indoor plants can help release feel-good chemicals in our brain like serotonin and dopamine? Bonus points for having them within close enough proximity to touch them.

They create a welcoming atmosphere

What do you imagine as a better experience: walking into a sterile office with little decoration and no plants, or walking into a workspace or office filled with light and lush greenery? Many employees would forgo major perks for an office environment that incorporates nature into its design, and it’s no wonder why. Given how much time we spend at work, making the space more welcoming with things like potted plants is one way to increase workplace morale. Give your employees a reason to skip working from home and come to an office they enjoy being in.

Office plant installation for Canopy by Léon & George.

Office plant installation for Canopy by Léon & George.

They reduce stress levels

Recent studies have shown that humans experience a physiological calming response by simply touching or gazing at indoor plants. In a sometimes stressful work environment, a bit of greenery is the perfect antidote to keep employees stress levels down and their morale up, while also reducing the rate of burnout.

They boost concentration and productivity

Great workplace morale is a harmony of many different factors, but one notable element is the employees’ sense of productivity and accomplishment. Plants are said to improve productivity levels by up to 15% — no small feat for something that sits seemingly inanimate against the wall!

They’re fun to care for

While not all employees will jump at the opportunity to do houseplant care at the office, it’s no secret that living greenery is incredibly popular and many a houseplant hobbyist would be thrilled to care for the plants at work. In face, you don’t need to stress, either, about how much “work” plants might create at work— there are dozens of incredibly low-maintenance indoor plants that require a very light touch to continue beautifying the space while also bringing all the mentioned benefits. If you’re still not sure, consider investing in a plant maintenance team to help keep them beautiful and thriving over time.

Apart from beautifying any space, it’s clear that plants have a positive impact in how we feel at work. Whether it’s a small desk plant to care for or an office centered around biophilic design, it won’t be long until we are all seeing a bit more greenery around our workplace!

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Discover our suite of services designed to transform commercial and office spaces into vibrant living environments.

Plant Stylist Top Picks For A Work-From-Home Space
Plants to spruce up your home office while working from home!

Working from home and looking to green up your space? Plants not only clean our air and boost our mood, but they are also thought to help us focus and feel more creative. There are so many benefits to being surrounded by nature while we work, and given how much time we spend at our desks, taking advantage of these benefits is incredibly important no matter where work may be!

Whether your work from home set up is an actual office, a kitchen table, or a cozy desk in your living room or bedroom, rest assured that there is the perfect plant for you! Find our top picks below for plants that can truly improve your work from home set up (and check out these tips for styling greenery in your home office space!).

  1. Jade Pothos

  2. Cast Iron Plant

  3. Calathea Medallion

  4. Parlor Palm

  5. Snake Plant

  6. Kentia Palm

  7. Braided Money Tree

The Jade Pothos

This fast growing plant is perfect for a desktop and will delight almost on the daily with new foliage from its trailing vines. It also can do just fine in any light situation, as long as it’s kept out of harsh direct sunlight.

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The Cast Iron Plant

If you’re looking for something full, lush, and essentially indestructible, the Cast Iron Plant is a great choice for a larger floor plant. This air-purifying beauty will bring instant lushness to any space it adorns, and is great for forgetful plant parents who want something green yet low touch.

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The Calathea Medallion

For those of us who like to fuss over our plants, the Calathea Medallion makes a wonderful desktop plant. Calatheas require medium to bright light and constant moisture, sometimes needing a bit of water every 2-3 days.

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The Parlor Palm

We don’t want to get carried away, but a little day dreaming while at work never hurt anyone! The adorable Parlor Palm is a little slice of vacay vibes, without ever leaving your desk.

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The Snake Plant

Does your bedroom double as a home office? Make your greenery do double duty by going for the Snake Plant, a structural, hardy plant that is one of the best for the bedroom, as releases oxygen at night!

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The Kentia Palm

If you’re looking to instantly transform you work space, go for a large statement plant. The Kentia Palm is a great air purifier than will bring a lush, tropical vibe to your home office.

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The Braided Money Tree

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Braided Money Tree is a symbol of good fortune and wealth. Could there be a more symbolic plant to place near your work station?!

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Indoor plants, potted & delivered

Premium plants paired with stylish ceramics, plus lifetime plant care support. Order online at

Top 6 Low-Light Plants For Offices With No Sun
Best plants for offices with no sun/

The Dracaena Lisa, one of the most popular plants for low light spaces.

Though things are slowly (and thankfully!) beginning to change in the way we design our offices, the truth of the matter is that many of us work in spaces with limited natural light. Even offices that boast big, south-facing windows may be too large for many of its employees to actually enjoy them, and just six to eight feet away from a light source can start to qualify as low light when it comes to indoor plants. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean you can’t have plants in an office with low light. Even if you have virtually no sun, you can still enjoy the many benefits of indoor plants, and guess what? Some of them will even thrive! Read on to learn more about the very plants that grow in the dark, and brighten up your office with a bit of greenery stat!

The Snake Plant

Voted by Nasa as one of the best air-purifying plants, the Snake Plant is also one of the hardiest indoor plants around and can survive with virtually no natural light.

Pro Tip: There are many varieties of Snake Plants, but the yellow variegated type (Laurentii variety) is the strongest in terms of air-purifying powers.

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The very best plants for low-light offices with no sun.

The Cast Iron Plant

The Cast Iron Plant, or aspidistra, isn’t called “cast iron” for just any reason. This impossible-to-kill plant can handle the worst cases of neglect, and funnily enough, thrives in dark, drafty areas. It won’t mind any of the traditional office issues when it comes to plants, from the blasting air conditioning to the low-light conditions.

Pro Tip: Place this leafy beauty in a bathroom with no windows to add an element of jungle vibes to an otherwise boring space!

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The Pothos is a fabulous low-light plant for offices with little or no sun.

The Cascading Pothos

The Cascading Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy and coming in many different variations, is a great low-light trailing plant. With just a bit of water and minimal light, the Pothos is a fast grower that will reward you with new growth all year long.

Pro Tip: This plant is the perfect addition to any extra shelf space in the office. Simply water once a week and let the long tendrils trail around the shelves!

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The Dracaena Lisa

Looking for a tall plant for low-light? The Dracaena Lisa is your best bet. Lean, lush, and hardy, this plant is one of the most popular office plants out there.

Pro Tip: This plant is perfect for narrow corners or hallways, as it does not take up too much space.

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The Zanzibar Gem

Also known as the “eternity plant” or “zz gem”, the Zanzibar Gem comes in many different sizes and needs next to no light to survive. Perfect for desktops or as a floor plant, the Zanzibar Gem is an excellent choice for offices with little to no sunlight.

Pro Tip: The Zanzibar Gem stores water in its roots, which means it rarely needs a drink. Make sure not to overwater!

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The Silver Evergreen is one of the best low-light plants for offices with no sun.

The Silver Evergreen

Large, variegated leaves with light and dark green tones are what make the Silver Evergreen a unique and popular plants for low-light offices.

Pro Tip: Need a splash of color? Try pairing the Silver Evergreen with a coral colored pot for an instant brightening effect in your office!

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Easy Care Office Bundle

A full set of office plants, in just a few clicks. Our easy care office bundle was designed with workspaces in mind and is an easy and instant way to bring your space to life.

The Best Air-Purifying Plants for the Office

We all know that plants clean our air, but did you know that some are especially good at filtering toxins found in everyday materials like household cleaners, carpet, and paint? With our environments sometimes even more polluted indoors than out, it’s no wonder that more and more companies are choosing plants to help improve their office air quality. Read on to learn about one of the many benefits of plants in the workplace, and which plants will give you the most bang for your buck in terms of air-purification!

The Best Air-Purifying Plants

When it comes to removing harmful toxins from the air, some plants just pack a really good punch! Here are some of the top-rated air-purifiers according to Nasa:

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant can thrive virtually anywhere.

Of all the great air-purifying plants, none performs quite as well as the Snake Plant according to a clean air study by Nasa. What also makes this plant great for an office is that it is nearly indestructible — it’s adaptable to almost any light conditions, and can withstand long periods of neglect.

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Rubber Tree

The Rubber Tree, also known as ficus elastica, is yet another wonderful air-purifier, particularly known for removing formaldehyde from our environment. And best yet — of all the ficus family members, the Rubber Tree is probably the sturdiest one out there. Go for the classic deep burgundy foliage, or the Pink Rubber Tree, which reflects pink hues off its leaves all year long.

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The Zanzibar Gem is a great low light plant perfect for offices with no sun.

A dark, glossy head-turner: The Rubber Tree.

Tall Air-Purifying Plants

The Dragon Tree: tall, lean, and easy-going.

Dragon Tree

Plants that belong to the Dracaena family are known to be great air-purifiers, and the Dragon Tree is no exception. Lean and tall, this plant is not only a head-turner, but also does wonders in removing toxins like xylene and formaldehyde, which are found in everyday items like hairspray and furniture varnish.

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Kentia Palm

Looking for an instant jungle? The Kentia Palm will bring vacation vibes all year long to your office, while also working to release moisture into the air and remove harmful toxins, most notable benzene which is commonly found in paints, varnishes, gasoline, and detergents.

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The best air-purifying plants for the workplace.

The best air-purifying plants for the workplace: the Kentia Palm.

Dracaena Compacta

The Dracaena Compacta, a quirky floor plant that requires little maintenance.

The Dracaena Compacta is another powerhouse when it comes to air-purification. Just one of these potent little houseplants will quickly filter out 90% of the toxins in a 100 square foot space! A unique houseplant that seems to have come straight out of a fairytale, the JC popular not only for its unique shape and foliage but also because it works wonders in cleaning our air.

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Popular Desk Plants

Cascading Pothos

The Cascading Pothos is a gorgeously voluptuous houseplant that not only can survive with little to note natural light, but also is an excellent plant for filtering out things like benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide.

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The Cascading Pothos is popular for offices due to its ability to thrive in low light and its lush, trailing tendrils.

Braided Money Tree

The Braided Money Tree: a plant thought to bring good luck and prosperity to its owners.

The Braided Money Tree is one of the most popular office plants around, thanks to its reputation for bringing good fortune, prosperity and clean air to its owners!

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Philodendron Brasil

An adorable trailing plant with bright, multi-colored leaves, the Philodendron Brasil is known for removing formaldehyde from the air.

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Check out our full collection of air-purifying plants, and order for your office today!

xl easy care office bundle

A full set of office plants, in just a few clicks. Our easy care office bundle was designed with workspaces in mind and is an easy and instant way to bring your space to life.

10 Perfect Desk Plants For Your Workspace

The research is clear: plants are good for you. But they can also help increase productivity at work, according to researchers from Washington State University. The results found that productivity was increased by over 12% when plants were present during simple computer tasks:

Productivity increased 12 percent when people performed a simple task on a computer in a room with plants compared with workers who performed the same task in the same room without plants.

Business owner Kamal Meattle gave a TED talk about this very same effect, and how his employees became significantly more productive after he introduced plants in their workspace.

Your office may already have scattered plants throughout, but consider the benefits of caring for your very own desk plant — there are lots of them!

What Are Plants’ Benefits Beyond Productivity?

Great question! We know that our overall well-being is derived by more than than just our work performance. Vibrant, living greenery addresses many of our physical and emotional needs, with their natural ability to provide air purification, their serene aesthetics, and their scientifically proven power to improve our mood. Studies have shown that the mere act of watering an indoor plant can release feel-good chemicals in our brain. Who wouldn’t want that while at work?

Need To Boost Your Work Desk’s Feng Shui?

Feng shui isn’t just an ever-present buzz word! This ancient study is all about maximizing the flow and positivity of your space, and we think there’s no better place to explore it than at your work station! Snake Plants and Braided Money Trees are feng shui stalwarts, and they are renowned for bestowing prosperity (yes, please!) protection and good luck to their owners. They are also both exceptionally low-maintenance. Perfect desk plants!

Okay, Which Plants are the Best Desk Plants?

So glad you asked! No matter your environment, there is a plant for every work space. Here are some of the best, and keep scrolling to see our top picks:

Calathea Medallion

For those looking for a plant to truly dote on, the Calathea Medallion is an excellent choice. This humidity-lover needs its soil consistently moist, which makes it the perfect work companion for someone who likes to take frequent “coffee breaks” to coddle their plants.

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Parlor Palm

It’s no wonder why people love the Parlor Palm to decorate their home office or desk: it’s not only rated one of the top air-purifiers, but it’s sprightly foliage is an immediate energy boost!

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Bird’s nest fern

Of all the ferns out there, there is none easier to care for than the Bird’s Nest Fern, a bright green breath of fresh air for your desk.

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the perfect desk plant

Rubber Plant

Looking for something dramatic? With its deep burgundy leaves, the Rubber Plant is a true stunner that comes in various different sizes for a home office.

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desk plants

Jade Pothos

How adorable is the Jade Pothos? This easy care cutie is such a delight to watch grow, and as a fast grower, you will enjoy its new leaves unfurling day in and day out as you work.

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Braided Money tree

Said to bring good luck and prosperity, the Braided Money Tree is an obvious choice for a desk plant, and an excellent gift idea for colleagues, employees and clients, too!

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the snake plant as a desk plant

Snake Plant

A great air-purifier that thrives off neglect, the Snake Plant is an excellent desk plant for beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike.

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colorful desk plants

Golden Petra

If you’re looking for a splash of color for your desk, go for the Golden Petra. This plant prefers bright and even direct light, so it’s the ideal choice for sunny desks.

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desk plants zz gem

Zanzibar Gem

One of the many famous “lucky” plants, the Zanzibar Gem or ZZ Gem is a low-light-lover that can survive and even thrive with minimal watering. Don’t go to the office all the time, or travel a lot for work? This one’s for you.

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The Cascading Pothos is an excellent choice for desks in any lighting scenario.

Cascading Pothos

For bigger desks and workspaces, look no further than the lush and trailing Cascading Pothos, a fast grower that easily adapts to medium, low and even artificial light.

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Shop our collections of small and medium plants for the perfect stylish addition to your desk. All of our plants come with simple care instructions, a 45 Day Guarantee and lifetime Plant Doctor support.


desk plants are the ideal corporate gift

the very best corporate gifts

Green up your office with curated plant selections and stylish ceramics, or give the gift of lush, living greenery to your employees. Streamlined bulk gifting with branded options available.

5 Proven Benefits of Plants in the Office
Indoor plants, like this gorgeous Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, clean our air and boost our moods!

Indoor plants, like this gorgeous Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, clean our air and boost our moods!

Forget catered lunches, kombucha on tap, or modern open floor plans. Most employees would forego major perks for a workplace with more greenery, and there is nothing like a few live plants to bring the workplace, and its employees, to life. In recent years, countless studies have concluded that indoor plants don’t just increase productivity in the workplace, but they also reduce stress, boost creativity levels, and in general make us happier, healthier human beings. Whether it’s a small desk plant to care for or an office centered around biophilic design, bringing some greenery into the workplace comes with a handful of proven benefits and ultimately leads to a better work environment for all. Wondering how to create a good work environment with a bit more greenery? Read on to learn more!

They clean the air

Clean air should be a given in our living and working environments, but unfortunately that is not always the case. In fact, many indoor environments are more polluted than outdoor ones, with things like synthetic building materials (think carpet, paint, wood finishes) and everyday items (household cleaners, pesticides, personal care products) filling our air with harmful chemicals and toxins. Cue in some of the best air-purifying plants, which will not only work to filter out things like formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide, but also add a bit of beauty to any corner you place them in.

They increase productivity

What if something as simple as a small potted plant could help us concentrate more at work? As it turns out, it can. Studies have proven again and again that employees perform better in “green” offices, boosting productivity by 15%, cognition by up to 26%, and even doubling general performance. So if you’re wondering how to increase productivity in the workplace, here is a natural (and beautiful!) way to do that.

XL Easy Care Bundle

A thoughtfully curated set of five plants, including a variety of low-maintenance and low-light beauties.

They reduce stress

How do you feel when you walk through a forest? We’re guessing pretty good. Recent studies have shown that we humans have an instinctual desire to connect with nature, also known as biophilia, and that plant life, both in nature and indoors, helps to make us feel calm, relaxed, and soothed. In work environments that can sometimes be highly stressful, a bit of greenery can go a long way.

They increase levels of creativity

Just like plants boost levels of productivity, they also help spark our creativity. Studies show that by simply looking at the shapes of plants and their foliage we may increase our creative performance. Other studies have shown that the mere smell of plants and soil can spark creative thinking.

They increase workplace happiness and beautify any space

Let’s be real: plants look good anywhere. They immediately bring drab corners to life, and they add a splash of color to otherwise boring white walls. Even if you have an office with virtually no sun, you can enjoy the benefits of indoor plants that can survive in low-light conditions. It is arguably one of the easiest ways to quickly beautify any workspace.


Unique and memorable corporate gifts, with the option to personalize with your company’s logo.

The Very Best Holiday Gifts For Employees
The best holiday gifts for employees

Looking for special holiday gifts for employees?

Shopping for your number one VIPs at work can be tough. You’ve got a dream team and they deserve something that shows how much you value their hard work. Though we may be biased, we think a stylish potted plant is up there when it comes to top holiday gifts for employees, and who could disagree? They’re timeless, beautiful, and a total crowd-pleaser, no matter who the recipient may be.

Our best unique Gifts for Employees

So what are some of our top-selling gifts for employees? From small desk plants to large statement greenery, here are some of our most popular choices when it comes to employee gifting.

Braided Money Tree

A symbol luck, wealth, and prosperity, there is perhaps no employee gift as meaningful as the Braided Money Tree.

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Silver evergreen

Thanks to its unique patterned foliage and ability to survive in low-light environments, the Silver Evergreen is a best-seller for employee and other corporate gifting.

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Rubber Tree

With its elegant burgundy leaves, the Rubber Plant brings the holiday vibes, and continues to glow into the new year.

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Calathea Medallion

Seemingly painted by Mother Nature herself, the Calathea Medallion is not just a plant, it’s a work of art, and one of our customers’ favorite choices as gifts.

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Snake Plant

An excellent air-purifer for the home or office, the Snake Plant is an easy-care indoor plant that instantly upgrades their space, whether at home or at work.

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Still can’t decide? Get them a gift card and let them choose! And for more green inspiration at work, browse all office plants.

The Top 4 Office Plants To Inspire Creativity

Keeping your work environment fresh and energized can be a challenge, but did you know that nature has a leafy, green solution to workplace lulls? That’s right, in addition to the list of mental and physical health benefits of indoor greenery, studies have shown that plants can promote innovation, spark ideas, and help us focus. Who knew that natural, beautiful plants could have even more benefits in store? But it’s true! Read on to learn about the plants that inspire creativity, and then add some greenery to your workplace to try for yourself!

The Fiddle Leaf Fig

What’s not to love about the gorgeously structural Fiddle Leaf Fig (ficus lyrata)? It’s no wonder why this luxurious, leafy plant is incredibly popular for homes and offices — its enormous, dramatic foliage and pencil-thin trunk bring us a sense of wonder, calm, and happiness simply by gazing at it.


The Magenta Triostar

The Magenta Triostar (stromanthe sanguinea triostar) is a true work of art by Mother Nature herself. With beautiful foliage that appears hand-painted, it’s no surprise that this plant inspires feelings of creativity and growth.


The Dracaena Compacta

A unique plant reminiscent of the truffula trees appearing in Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax, the Dracaena Compacta (dracaena fragans ‘Janet Craig’), sometimes referred to as the JC Compacta has ample, emerald foliage, and a stylish laddered structure that sparks our creativity, all while it cleans our air. That’s right! This stunning plant is a natural air purifier.


The Pilea Peperomiodes

The Chinese Money Plant (pilea peperomiodes) is one of the best desktop plants for your office or workspace. Not only is it incredibly easy to grow, but it also inspires us with the unique, globe-like shape it takes on as it matures. It may look like this plant is straight from Mars, but it actually hails from the Chinese Himalayan mountains, and apart from growing like a weed, is very easy to propagate and pass on to friends!


Of course, plants don’t only inspire creativity. They also clean our air, promote feelings of well-being and happiness, and beautify just about any space: offices and workspaces included! What are your favorite plants to have in your workspace? Let us know by commenting below!

Easy Care Office Bundle

A curated set of office plants, delivered straight to your door. Our Easy Care Office Bundle was designed with workspaces in mind and is an easy way to bring instant, thriving life into your place of work.

The Best Easy Care Office Plants
The best easy-care plants for your office, including this adorable Zanzibar Gem.

The best easy-care plants for your office, including this adorable Zanzibar Gem.

It’s no secret that working around plants is good for us. From cleaning our air to boosting our productivity, indoor greenery is much more than just a “nice to have” office perk.

But what happens when the office has limited to no sunlight, or when none of the team feels confident in keeping the office plants alive? Cue in easy care plants for the office, the ultimate indestructible beauties that even the blackest of thumbs can handle. Read on to learn about some of our favorite easy care office plants for your workspace!

Large Office Plants

Looking for something low maintenance but high impact? Here are some of our top selling, low maintenace tall plants for the office:

Dracaena Lisa

The Dracaena Lisa is one of the easiest large plants to care for. This member of the Dragon Tree family is known for its resilience in the face of neglect and low light, and also does a wonderful job cleaning the air.

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Cast Iron Plant

An indoor plant that thrives in dark, drafty corners, the Cast Iron Plant is one tough cookie, earning its name from the sheer resilience of its fronds. This plant simply requires a bit of water once a week, but otherwise and with minimal care will survive and thrive for many, many years to come.

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Our favorite indestructible office plants.

Snake Plant

One of the best air-purifiers out there, the Snake Plant is a wonderfully indestructible office plant that can withstand weeks without watering and can also adapt to just about any light environment, from low-light to direct sun.

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Silver Evergreen

Looking for something that can survive in the absolute dark and also has unique, variegated foliage? The Silver Evergreen is an easy care plant with beautiful multi-colored leaves.

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Dragon Tree

With the ability to reach over eight feet tall indoors, it’s no wonder the Dragon Tree is such a popular statement plant for offices! Adaptable to various lighting scenarios and requiring just an ocassional watering and pruning, the Dragon Tree is a great plant for any office.

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Dracaena Compacta

A tall yet narrow slow grower, the Dracaena Compacta requires almost no maintenance and is the perfect choice for smaller spaces and tighter corners

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Léon &amp; George offers easy care plant bundles for offices, including this five piece set delivered directly to your (office) door!

Léon & George offers easy care plant bundles for offices, including this five piece set delivered directly to your (office) door!

Easy Care Office Plants for Desks

There’s nothing better than working with a leafy companion by your side, and even better when it’s always glowing and making you look like the office green thumb! Here are some fabulous desk plants that are incredibly easy to take care of in almost any environment:

Braided Money Tree

Given their reputation as bearers of good luck and wealth, it’s no surprise that the Braided Money Tree is a popular plant for offices! This adorable bonsai sits perfectly on a desk and will hopefully bring good luck at work, too.

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Zanzibar Gem

For care-takers that often forget to water, the Zanzibar Gem is the perfect plant. This plant stores water in its roots, which means it can go over a month without any water. It can also survive in low light, though it will grow much faster in bright indirect light.

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The Zanzibar Gem, the perfect little desk plant.

The Zanzibar Gem, the perfect little desk plant.

Parlor Palm

Craving a dose of tropics while you work? The Parlor Palm is a miniature palm that brings all the vacay vibes to any space it graces. Adaptable to low light and requiring regular watering, this perfect pick-me-up is a great choice.

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Cascading Pothos

If you’re looking for a fast-growing plant that will literally remind you when to water, the Cascading Pothos is your best bet. These plants need nothing more than water once every week or so, and will start to shrivel when they get extra thirsty. Worry not! Water this plant and watch it within hours spring back to life.

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Get Your Office Plants Delivered

The easiest way to spruce up your office with living greenery? Get it delivered! Léon & George makes it easy to bring beautifully potted plants into any space, and with on-going care tips and lifetime Plant Doctor support, it’s even easier to keep them glowing over time.



Green up your office with curated plant selections and stylish ceramics. Simply order online and we’ll deliver.

5 Ways To Style Plants In Your #WFH Set Up

There is no denying that indoor plants can really brighten up a space. If you’re looking to improve your work-from-home set up, think about adding a bit of greenery to the areas you most frequent. Our stylists this week are chiming in with a few tips on how to get creative with your new leafy office mates!

  1. Create a plant grouping corner

    One of the best ways to make an impactful addition to your space with plants is by grouping them together. Whether it’s on the floor or atop a desk, try grouping three plants of differing heights and textures together to create a lush corner that looks and feels calming.

  2. Invest in a statement plant

    When it comes to indoor greenery, there’s nothing like a big statement plant to really pull a space together. Especially if your home office shares a space with a living room or bedroom, create a space in a corner or next to another piece of furniture to add something with at least three feet of height.

  3. Use plant cuttings for smaller spaces

    No room for an actual plant on your desk? Snip off a leaf or vine from one of your other plants and place it in a glass bottle for the perfect green accent on your desktop!

  4. Choose the perfect desk plant

    Adding a plant to your desk seems like a no brainer, even if your desk is a kitchen table! It’s incredible how much happiness one small plant can inspire, and having a plant within your direct vicinity while working can truly act as a mood booster. In terms of size, stick to small plants—unless you have a very large desk, usually something between 6-8 inches in diameter is a good size. On the other hand, something in the medium range (8-10” in diameter") is good for a kitchen or dining room table— at the end of the work day, it can double as a centerpiece!

  5. Use vertical space with hanging plants

    Hanging plants are a great way to add visual interest, particularly when square footage comes at a premium! Trailing plants like the Cascading Pothos or ivies work well for this, and it’s usually best to anchor the hanging planter to a corner or other point of interest in a room.

Still looking for the perfect greenery? Check out the plants we recommend for every type of work-from-home space!



Indoor plants, potted & delivered

Premium plants paired with stylish ceramics, plus lifetime plant care support. Order online at