Posts tagged Plant Benefits
How To Care For and Grow your Jade Cactus AKA Euphorbia Ingens

The Jade Cactus, scientifically known as Euphorbia Ingens and also commonly referred to as the Candelabra Cactus or Candelabra Tree, is a stunning and low-maintenance succulent that adds a touch of desert elegance to any indoor space. With its robust columnar structure and deep green coloring, the Jade Cactus is a popular choice amongst interior designers and design enthusiasts alike. Read up on the basics of how to care for the Euphorbia Ingens, from water and light requirements to propagation and everything in between.

Light requirements

The Euphorbia Ingens has flexible light preferences, making it a versatile choice for various lighting conditions. While bright indirect light and even some direct sunlight is ideal, they can also adapt to medium levels of light, though less light will significantly slow their growth rate. Place your Euphorbia Ingens near a south-facing or west-facing window for optimal light conditions, or even outdoors in a semi-shaded area (too much direct sunlight may scorch your cactus!).

Choosing the best soil

Choose a well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix for your Euphorbia. This blend typically consists of sand, potting soil, and perlite or pumice. The mix allows for plenty of drainage and prevents moisture-related issues such as root rot

Watering - less is more

Euphorbias are drought-resistant and the Euphorbia Ingens is no exception: it is essential to allow it to dry out between waterings. Water the plant infrequently and sparingly, allowing the top inch of soil to become dry before the next watering. Depending on placement and time of year, your plant may only need watering once per month! Overwatering can lead to root rot, so exercise caution and prioritize a well-draining pot and soil mix.

Temperature and humidity 

Euphorbia Ingens thrive in average household temperatures between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate cooler temperatures down to 55 degrees Fahrenheit, but avoid prolonged exposure to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain consistent temperatures to prevent stress and maintain your Euphorbia’s health for years to come!

The perfect fertilizing routine

Feed your Euphorbia during its growing season (spring and summer) with a controlled-release succulent fertilizer or a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer. Use a 10-10-10 fertilizer for mature plants and a low-nitrogen fertilizer for young ones. Avoid overfeeding, as succulents prefer light feeding.


Propagating the Euphorbia Ingens is an exciting project and a great way to grow your collection! You can propagate by taking a cutting from your plant–the easiest way to do this is to remove one of the “arms” from the cactus. Allow it to dry for at least 24 hours before placing in well-draining succulent or cactus mix, and lightly wet the soil with water. Place in a warm, dry area–you have a new plant that should begin to start growing within just a few weeks!

Potting and repotting

Select a pot that accommodates your Euphorbia Ingens’ root system. While they have small roots, avoid oversized pots that may retain excess moisture. Repot every 2-3 years for smaller plants and 4-5 years for larger ones.

Common problems

Monitor your Euphorbia for potential issues such as wrinkled leaves (sign of underwatering), all-over yellowing (indicates overwatering), and leaf loss (oftentimes not enough light). If your Euphorbia faces decline, diagnose the problem first and adjust your care routine accordingly. Combat pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and scale using gentle methods like wiping with rubbing alcohol-soaked cotton balls and neem oil.

The Jade Cactus is a captivating and easy-to-care-for succulent that adds a touch of desert charm to indoor spaces. With its striking appearance and low-maintenance requirements, it's a popular choice among plant enthusiasts. By providing the right light, well-draining soil, and careful watering, you can ensure the Euphorbia Ingens thrives and remains a stunning addition to your home.

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The 3 Main Benefits of Houseplants

Humans have an innate connection to nature, and having houseplants in our home or office can have incredibly beneficial impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. Curious about the benefits of houseplants? Read on to learn why they are so good to have in our homes, offices, and other interior spaces.

1. Air purification

In 1989 NASA conducted a research study on how to best clean the air inside its space station. It concluded that certain common houseplants like the Snake Plant or Parlor Palm are highly effective at removing toxins like benzene and formaldehyde from the air. And of course, plants also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen as part of their photosynthesis process and are great for reducing the effects of sick building syndrome, which is basically the bad feeling you get when you’ve spent too much time indoors. And don’t forget the Snake Plant, which not only purifies the air but also releases oxygen at night (while you sleep!), making it the perfect plant for the bedroom.

While it generally takes quite a few plants to noticeably purify the air of toxins, having just a few in your home certainly can’t hurt!

2. Increased happiness and well-being

Beyond the health effects of just breathing cleaner air, studies have proven that plants in indoor spaces are associated with “increased pleasantness, lower anxiety, and lower blood pressure.” They also help people heal, and it’s been shown that patients in hospitals recover faster and use fewer painkillers in rooms with live plants. Imagine that kind of effect in your everyday life!

And what about benefits of plants in the workspace? It is no secret that they are said to help us concentrate and improve productivity. Check out this excellent TED talk where Kamal Meattle speaks about how he increased productivity at his company by introducing plants in his employee’s workspaces.

3. Instant decor upgrade

Every interior decorator knows there’s nothing like plants to instantly boost the appeal of an indoor space, and no home is complete without a bit of greenery. Even if you take plants on their aesthetic value alone, they are very effective at making a place feel vibrant and lively. Think of them like living art— they bring color and life to our homes, and make them feel more welcoming.

It’s clear our lives are better and more beautiful with plants in them! So what are you waiting for? Get some greenery into your space stat!


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10 Perfect Desk Plants For Your Workspace

The research is clear: plants are good for you. But they can also help increase productivity at work, according to researchers from Washington State University. The results found that productivity was increased by over 12% when plants were present during simple computer tasks:

Productivity increased 12 percent when people performed a simple task on a computer in a room with plants compared with workers who performed the same task in the same room without plants.

Business owner Kamal Meattle gave a TED talk about this very same effect, and how his employees became significantly more productive after he introduced plants in their workspace.

Your office may already have scattered plants throughout, but consider the benefits of caring for your very own desk plant — there are lots of them!

What Are Plants’ Benefits Beyond Productivity?

Great question! We know that our overall well-being is derived by more than than just our work performance. Vibrant, living greenery addresses many of our physical and emotional needs, with their natural ability to provide air purification, their serene aesthetics, and their scientifically proven power to improve our mood. Studies have shown that the mere act of watering an indoor plant can release feel-good chemicals in our brain. Who wouldn’t want that while at work?

Need To Boost Your Work Desk’s Feng Shui?

Feng shui isn’t just an ever-present buzz word! This ancient study is all about maximizing the flow and positivity of your space, and we think there’s no better place to explore it than at your work station! Snake Plants and Braided Money Trees are feng shui stalwarts, and they are renowned for bestowing prosperity (yes, please!) protection and good luck to their owners. They are also both exceptionally low-maintenance. Perfect desk plants!

Okay, Which Plants are the Best Desk Plants?

So glad you asked! No matter your environment, there is a plant for every work space. Here are some of the best, and keep scrolling to see our top picks:

Calathea Medallion

For those looking for a plant to truly dote on, the Calathea Medallion is an excellent choice. This humidity-lover needs its soil consistently moist, which makes it the perfect work companion for someone who likes to take frequent “coffee breaks” to coddle their plants.

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Parlor Palm

It’s no wonder why people love the Parlor Palm to decorate their home office or desk: it’s not only rated one of the top air-purifiers, but it’s sprightly foliage is an immediate energy boost!

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Bird’s nest fern

Of all the ferns out there, there is none easier to care for than the Bird’s Nest Fern, a bright green breath of fresh air for your desk.

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the perfect desk plant

Rubber Plant

Looking for something dramatic? With its deep burgundy leaves, the Rubber Plant is a true stunner that comes in various different sizes for a home office.

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desk plants

Jade Pothos

How adorable is the Jade Pothos? This easy care cutie is such a delight to watch grow, and as a fast grower, you will enjoy its new leaves unfurling day in and day out as you work.

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Braided Money tree

Said to bring good luck and prosperity, the Braided Money Tree is an obvious choice for a desk plant, and an excellent gift idea for colleagues, employees and clients, too!

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the snake plant as a desk plant

Snake Plant

A great air-purifier that thrives off neglect, the Snake Plant is an excellent desk plant for beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts alike.

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colorful desk plants

Golden Petra

If you’re looking for a splash of color for your desk, go for the Golden Petra. This plant prefers bright and even direct light, so it’s the ideal choice for sunny desks.

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desk plants zz gem

Zanzibar Gem

One of the many famous “lucky” plants, the Zanzibar Gem or ZZ Gem is a low-light-lover that can survive and even thrive with minimal watering. Don’t go to the office all the time, or travel a lot for work? This one’s for you.

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The Cascading Pothos is an excellent choice for desks in any lighting scenario.

Cascading Pothos

For bigger desks and workspaces, look no further than the lush and trailing Cascading Pothos, a fast grower that easily adapts to medium, low and even artificial light.

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Shop our collections of small and medium plants for the perfect stylish addition to your desk. All of our plants come with simple care instructions, a 45 Day Guarantee and lifetime Plant Doctor support.


desk plants are the ideal corporate gift

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Green up your office with curated plant selections and stylish ceramics, or give the gift of lush, living greenery to your employees. Streamlined bulk gifting with branded options available.

5 Proven Benefits of Plants in the Office
Indoor plants, like this gorgeous Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, clean our air and boost our moods!

Indoor plants, like this gorgeous Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, clean our air and boost our moods!

Forget catered lunches, kombucha on tap, or modern open floor plans. Most employees would forego major perks for a workplace with more greenery, and there is nothing like a few live plants to bring the workplace, and its employees, to life. In recent years, countless studies have concluded that indoor plants don’t just increase productivity in the workplace, but they also reduce stress, boost creativity levels, and in general make us happier, healthier human beings. Whether it’s a small desk plant to care for or an office centered around biophilic design, bringing some greenery into the workplace comes with a handful of proven benefits and ultimately leads to a better work environment for all. Wondering how to create a good work environment with a bit more greenery? Read on to learn more!

They clean the air

Clean air should be a given in our living and working environments, but unfortunately that is not always the case. In fact, many indoor environments are more polluted than outdoor ones, with things like synthetic building materials (think carpet, paint, wood finishes) and everyday items (household cleaners, pesticides, personal care products) filling our air with harmful chemicals and toxins. Cue in some of the best air-purifying plants, which will not only work to filter out things like formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide, but also add a bit of beauty to any corner you place them in.

They increase productivity

What if something as simple as a small potted plant could help us concentrate more at work? As it turns out, it can. Studies have proven again and again that employees perform better in “green” offices, boosting productivity by 15%, cognition by up to 26%, and even doubling general performance. So if you’re wondering how to increase productivity in the workplace, here is a natural (and beautiful!) way to do that.

XL Easy Care Bundle

A thoughtfully curated set of five plants, including a variety of low-maintenance and low-light beauties.

They reduce stress

How do you feel when you walk through a forest? We’re guessing pretty good. Recent studies have shown that we humans have an instinctual desire to connect with nature, also known as biophilia, and that plant life, both in nature and indoors, helps to make us feel calm, relaxed, and soothed. In work environments that can sometimes be highly stressful, a bit of greenery can go a long way.

They increase levels of creativity

Just like plants boost levels of productivity, they also help spark our creativity. Studies show that by simply looking at the shapes of plants and their foliage we may increase our creative performance. Other studies have shown that the mere smell of plants and soil can spark creative thinking.

They increase workplace happiness and beautify any space

Let’s be real: plants look good anywhere. They immediately bring drab corners to life, and they add a splash of color to otherwise boring white walls. Even if you have an office with virtually no sun, you can enjoy the benefits of indoor plants that can survive in low-light conditions. It is arguably one of the easiest ways to quickly beautify any workspace.


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The Absolute Best Plants For A Bedroom
The best plants for your bedroom.

Looking for the perfect houseplant for your bedroom?

The bedroom is one of the most intimate places in our home. It’s where we go to rest, relax, and recharge, and in many ways serves as a sanctuary for our bodies and minds.

Indoor plants can help create the perfect environment for some quality R&R, and their benefits go far beyond simply beautifying the space. Natural greenery has a long list of mental health benefits, helping to reduce stress and boost feel-good chemicals in our brain. They also aide in cleaning the air by filtering out harmful toxins often produced by common household items like carpet, paint, or the finish on our furniture.

Almost any living plant will improve your bedroom’s atmosphere, so when selecting your plants for the bedroom, choose something that speaks to you and that you will enjoy waking up to each day. For a bit of inspiration, read on to find our plant stylists’ picks for the best plants for your bedroom!

The Best plants for a Bedroom:

Snake Plant

Voted by Nasa as one of the best air-purifying plants, the Snake Plant is one of the best choices for the bedroom thanks to its unique ability to emit oxygen at nighttime, making for better and sounder sleep.

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Fiddle Leaf Fig

Serene and structural, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is an excellent choice for the brightly-lit bedroom, instantly creating a magazine-like feel in any space it adorns.

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Pink Rubber Plant

Add a splash of color to your bedroom with the Pink Rubber Plant, a lovely air-purifying ficus ideal for spaces with plenty of bright indirect light.

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Rubber Tree

The Ficus Elastica, or the Rubber Tree as it’s commonly known, is an excellent air purifier with deep burgundy leaves, guaranteed to bring beauty and calm to your bedroom oasis.

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Queen of Spades Anthurium

Bring everlasting flowers to your bedside table with the Queen of Spades Anthurium, an easy-care “flowering” plant that brightens any space and refreshes the air.

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Parlor Palm

Palms in general are known for their air-purifing qualities, and the Parlor Palm is no exception. This adorable plant comes in a variety of sizes and will bring instant jungle vibes to your bedroom. If you have the space, go for an extra large Kentia Palm.

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Need more inspiration? Check out how to make your bedroom a sanctuary, with tips from the experts at Parachute.



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Using Nature To Reduce Stress, With Brittany Gowan Of Pause With Plants
Brittany Gowan leads mindfulness workshops Pause With Plants.

Brittany Gowan leads mindfulness workshops Pause With Plants.

It’s no secret that plants are good for us. But what happens when we are truly cognizant of their powerful effects?

Brittany Gowan, founder of Pause With Plants, might have the answer. Combining both her passion for greenery (see her Instagram @IHaveThisThingWithUrbanJungles) and a background in psychology and executive coaching, she leads mindfulness, movement, and meditative practices that connect us to nature. We asked her a few questions about Pause With Plants, why greenery is so important for our wellbeing, and how we can lower our levels of stress with the help of our leafy friends.

What are the origins of Pause with Plants? Where did you come up with the idea?

As a long-time New Yorker I attribute my love of, and longevity in, city life to the intentional daily practice of connecting with the natural world. In the rush of the busy city, I take time to "pause" with nature as a way to practice self-care and focus on my well-being. In 2018, I gave this practice a name and founded Pause with Plants to connect people with the natural world, elevate personal well-being and encourage collective environmental action. My work is centered around the belief that we all can breathe in nature and breathe out stress.

“My work is centered around the belief that we all can breathe in nature and breathe out stress,” explains Gowan.

“My work is centered around the belief that we all can breathe in nature and breathe out stress,” explains Gowan.

Where do the worlds of nature and psychology intersect?

Nature and psychology meet at many intersections. Psychology studies how our minds work and how our behavior is influenced by people, situations and environments. To be well in mind and body, it helps to interact with natural environments. Exposure to nature is proven to have significant psychological benefits, supporting positive self-awareness and mental health. The more we draw parallels between nature and psychology and teach what specifically happens when we connect with greenery, the more people will activity seek out nature to support their mental and physical health.

Why is it important to incorporate nature into our daily routines?

By incorporating plants and nature into daily life we gain the opportunity to stay connected to the calming qualities of the natural world in all settings. Being in the presence of greenery serves as a powerful wellness tool, helping to relieve stress and anxiety, boost our mood and increase positivity.

Bringing plants into our homes and tending to their needs so they can grow and thrive can translate into increased gratitude, compassion and serve as a rewarding act of self-care.

Mindfulness has essentially become mainstream over the last few years. What is your definition of mindfulness, and why is it important to practice?

I define mindfulness as in the moment, non-judgmental awareness. Through the conscious act of mindfulness, we can see ourselves, others, settings and situations more clearly and respond more thoughtfully. Awakening our senses and focusing our intention to stay in the present can benefit our mental, physical and emotional well-being.

“As a long-time New Yorker I attribute my love of, and longevity in, city life to the intentional daily practice of connecting with the natural world.”

“As a long-time New Yorker I attribute my love of, and longevity in, city life to the intentional daily practice of connecting with the natural world.”

What are some tips you have for keeping our stress levels down at work?

We can get in a routine of taking shallow breaths, not fully breathing in and letting it go slowly out. I encourage the people I work with to practice intentional deep breathing while focusing on being in the present moment. Not ruminating about the past or what is yet to come. While you breathe, bring to mind a natural scene or if you have plants or nature in view, focus your gaze on greenery during this exercise. The daily practice of breathing for stress management is a great way to increase calm and the mind/body connection. 

I also teach the value of movement and the importance of stepping away from your desk for a quick walk outside and engaging in whatever nature is available. Also, doing some light stretching is a great way to reconnect with yourself, align your mind and body, and release stress.

You do a lot of corporate workshops. What does one of these typical workshops look like? 

A Pause with Plants workshop typically runs 1-hour and is interactive, experiential and collaborative. Employees learn and practice the Pause with Plants Method to breathe in nature and breathe out stress. Through exercises to connect, move and meditate, these workshops provide tools for sustainable nature-centered stress management and well-being.  

Research from my Applied / I-O Psychology Msc and NYU Professional Coaching Certification and experiences in mindfulness exercises, teaching and team building are woven into each Pause with Plants workshop.

You’re also the human behind @IHaveThisThingWithUrbanJungles. What spurred the start that project?

@IHaveThisThingWithUrbanJungles started in 2017 out of my love for plants and nature in urban settings, and connecting nature to wellness. I really enjoy sharing my favorite nature-in-the-city spots with all the plant people on Instagram. I also wanted to share other people's nature photos to celebrate our online community, as well as inspiring collective environmental awareness through the words in my post captions.

Any notable urban jungles you’ve discovered along the way?

I'm partial to all the unique pieces of nature that make up our urban jungle of New York City, especially the West Village but I also love where nature and city life combine in cities like Rome, Paris and Istanbul.

About Brittany

Brittany Gowan is a nature girl in an urban world and the founder of Pause with Plants. The mission of Pause with Plants is to teach and empower all people to integrate nature-focused self-care and wellness into their lives. Though accessible mindfulness, movement and meditative practices that connect us to the Earth, Pause with Plants elevates healthy living and inspires collective environmental action.

Brittany's Instagram accounts @Ihavethisthingwithurbanjungles and @PausewithPlants, combine her background in athletic and executive coaching, MSc psychology and mindfulness practices to show how to stay in the moment with the natural world.



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The Many Therapeutic Benefits of Plants
Therapeutic benefits of plants

The benefits of plants are many.

They not only clean our air, help us concentrate at work, and spark our sense of creativity, but they also have incredibly powerful benefits for the mind, body and soul. Wondering how? As it turns out, it’s pure science, and part of human nature. Here are just a few therapeutic benefits of indoor plants.

They work as natural anti-stressors

Over the years, science has proven that working with plants lowers our cortisol levels: whether you are tending to your outdoor garden or your indoor greenery, contact with nature to any extent helps us feel more relaxed and at ease in our environment. Take this study, for example, which compared groups of people working with a computer versus working with (namely, repotting) indoor plants. Those tasked with the plants felt more comfortable, soothed, and natural feelings than those who worked on the computer.

They can relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression

Tending to plants reminds us of our connection to nature, and this connection can help us better see things in a “big picture” kind of way. Furthermore, there is a physiological link between nature and our cerebral activity— in one such study, participants who walked through the woods experienced lower levels of rumination and reduced activity in areas of the brain associated with mental illness. By mimicking the outdoors in our indoor spaces, we may achieve similar effects.

They literally make us feel good

Did you know that merely touching the soil of a plant can release serotonin in our brain? It’s true — plant soil contains a certain bacteria that acts in similar ways to many prescription anti-depressants — studies have shown that touching soil can release feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

They reduce background noise

City life giving you the blues? It’s no wonder why. Background and traffic noise is one of the primary sources of stress for many urban dwellers, even though they may not even be aware of it. But the good news? Indoor plants can help. Plants, particularly those with large leaves, reduce background noise and make our urban homes just a little more pleasant.

They are beautiful

No one can argue against the beauty of nature, and perhaps this beauty is part of what we find so calming, nurturing, and fulfilling about it. Simply imagine yourself in a stark indoor setting versus one with lush indoor greenery? As human nature has it, we’d almost always go with the latter.

So what are you waiting for? Add some greenery to your life and enjoy the myriad of benefits that come with it.


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