What You Need To Know Before You Buy A Monstera

A low maintenance houseplant with unique split leaves, it’s no surprise that the Monstera Deliciosa has risen to popularity in the last few years. Also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant and (erroneously), the split-leaf philodendron, read up on what makes this plant so special, and what you should know before bringing one into your home.

Are Monsteras easy to care for?

The Monstera Deliciosa is considered an easy-care plant, requiring very little attention to grow full and lush in your home over time. This low-maintenance beauty does well with a regular watering routine and bright indirect light.

Monsteras like to climb

The Monstera is a natural climber: in the wild, it uses its aerial roots to attach to trees or branches nearby, growing upward towards the light.

You can also train your Monstera to climb by providing it a stake or moss pole. Read our full post on how to stake your Monstera for climbing here.

Not all the leaves on your Monstera will have splits

Wondering where the splits are on your Monstera? Sometimes Monsteras grow leaves without holes, and that’s just fine! Usually the main reason for a Monstera’s leaves not having splits is maturity: young plants simply need to grow more. As your plant matures, keep in mind that more light will lead to larger leaves with more splits.

Where should you put your Monstera?

Monsteras thrive in areas with bright indirect light, though they can adapt to medium light as well. Avoid putting your Monstera in direct sunlight as its leaves will burn.

Monsteras can live outside, but not in direct light

Depending on your area’s climate, your Monstera may do just fine outdoors. Monsteras are tropical plants, though, so if you live in an area that freezes, your Monstera will like to be outside in the summer. If you move your Monstera from indoors to out, be sure to do it gradually, slowly moving it to a brighter spot each day. Never put Monsteras in harsh direct sunlight.

are Monsteras safe for pets?

Monsteras are unfortunately toxic for cats and dogs. That said, they have a relatively low toxicity, and unlike some other plants, will not cause major harm to your pets unless copious quantities are ingested. Read about how to keep your pets off your plants here.

Are Monsteras fast growing?

With the right care, Monsteras are very fast growing plants. They need bright indirect light to grow fast, and will grow more slowly in medium to low light. On average, Monsteras will grow around 2 feet per year. Be sure to regularly fertilize your Monstera for faster growth!

How To Select A Healthy, Thriving Monstera Plant

When you're in search of the perfect Monstera Plant, focus on finding one with a well-balanced canopy of vibrant, lush leaves, steering clear of specimens displaying yellowing or leggy foliage. Optimal Monstera leaves boast a deep green hue and, with the exception of new leaves, a certain firmness. While one or two yellow leaves is fine, generally the plant should have all green leaves that should stay firmly attached when gently shaken or pulled. Additionally, inspect the soil for any presence of invasive pests, as these can serve as indicators to explore alternative plant options.

Avoid Purchasing Your Monstera Plant From a Garden Center

Investing in a Monstera Deliciosa plant is a significant commitment, and it's essential to ensure you get value for your money. While seeking a budget-friendly option may seem tempting, opting for the lowest-priced Monstera can lead to future disappointments. The overall beauty, aesthetics, and fruiting capability of your Monstera are intricately tied to its health, which, in turn, depends on the care it receives—both before and after you bring it home. Choose a Monstera from a reputable, high-quality grower who meticulously tends to their plants, rather than relying on garden centers, where attractive price tags may come with no guarantee of pest-free, well-tended health.

Plants at garden stores often receive uniform water, light, and care, irrespective of their species. This one-size-fits-all approach is less than ideal for Monsteras, which are sensitive to overwatering. The routine watering practices in garden centers, with a daily deluge from a hose that may affect neighboring plants, do not benefit Monstera plants.

When acquiring a larger Monstera from a garden center, the transportation process may involve jostling the plant into your vehicle. Exposure to your car's heater or air conditioning during transit can subject the plant to environmental stress, hindering its recovery. Opt for a trusted supplier that handles transportation efficiently, saving you both money and energy in the long run. Although the initial cost may be slightly higher, the assurance of a healthier, well-cared-for Monstera is well worth the investment.

Discover the Monstera Deliciosa

A unique, easy care plant to add an attractive lushness to any space.

Where to Place Your Money Tree, According to Feng Shui

Find the perfect Braided Money Tree for your home at leonandgeorge.com

Braided Money Trees are so much more than charming, easy care houseplants: they’re also associated with powerful feng shui principles that can enhance positive energy and good fortune in your life. In fact, it is considered one of the best plants in the teachings of feng shui. But did you know that the location of your Money Tree can impact its ability to thrive and bring prosperity?

Explore with us the best Money Tree locations for your home, and why each one is ideal, and learn about what it takes to keep your plant looking lush and healthy year after year!

Ideal Money Tree Placement for Good Feng Shui

The perfect spot for your Money Tree may vary based on your home or office layout. Consider placing it in a location that aligns with feng shui principles and provides optimal conditions for plant health.

  1. Your “money area”: According to traditional feng shui, the far left corner of your home is designated as the 'money area.' Placing your Money Tree here can enhance its ability to bring prosperity. If you’re trying to locate the wealth area in a certain room, for example, the living room, find the diagonal corner across from the entrance— it may be the left or right corner.

  2. Your “health area”: The east area of your home is associated with 'health and family' in feng shui. Incorporating wood elements, such as plants, can amplify the positive energy. Positioning your Money Tree here allows it to serve as a source of both wealth and health.

  3. A place with plenty of indirect light: To ensure your Money Tree thrives, provide it with plenty of indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can lead to issues like sunburn, so choose a location with diffused light to promote your plant's overall well-being. While the Money Tree can adapt to lower light, it will grow much faster in an area with bright indirect light.

Where to NOT Place Your Money Tree

While there are optimal locations, there are also places you should avoid:

  1. Low light areas: Despite being temperature-friendly, the bathroom is not recommended for balanced feng shui and is unlikely to bring good fortune.

  2. The “love area”: According to feng shui, the southwest corner is associated with love. Keep your Money Tree out of this area, as traditional beliefs suggest that love and money should be kept separate.

Not a firm believer in feng shui? Choose a spot where your Money Treecomplements your decor and receives natural, indirect light.

Invest in a Braided Money Tree

Money trees aren't just about luck; they're also easy to care for and bring beauty and joy to any corner they adorn. They are non-toxic and safe for pets and children, and come in a variety of sizes. Shop our full collection of Braided Money Trees at leonandgeorge.com

Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree

Welcome the Year of the Dragon with a tangible embodiment of fortune and prosperity. A homage to the mythical creature and its esteemed, auspicious qualities, the Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree plant set pairs a new ceramic colorway with a fast-growing tree, symbolic of bearing good luck. A muted, viridescent hue, reminiscent of the quiet beauty, power and strength of Dragons, our limited edition Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree brings a touch of charm for the upcoming year.

The Bountiful History Of The Braided Money Tree

The Braided Money Tree, or Pachira aquatica, is deeply beloved, with a dazzling reputation for bringing good luck and prosperity to its owner. From its intriguingly braided trunk (how do they get that way?) to the way they often seem to pop up at thriving businesses, the Braided Money Tree simply feels like a vibrant mystery to be solved. Naturally, our curiosity ran wild, and we took a deep dive into the history of this mythical plant. Get ready—the story of the Braided Money Tree is truly one worth telling!

It All Begins With A Legend

Cue our instant interest: we love an enthralling backstory. According to legend, the history of the Braided Money Tree was rooted many centuries ago, when a Taiwanese farmer in dire financial straits found a stray Pachira growing in his field. Taken by its beauty, he decided to try his hand at growing more plants from that Pachira’s seeds, in the hope that others would be similarly enthralled with their charm. And they were! The Pachira became wildly popular across Taiwan, and the farmer grew prosperous and wealthy from his crops. That’s why he started calling them Money Trees.

Sound Too Good To Be True? Here’s The Grounded Version 

Okay, so the legend may be just that: a legend, but we know some things for sure: the Pachira has long been a popular ornamental tree—especially in Japan, where Bonsai practitioners have treasured them for years as vivid, semi-aquatic mini trees. We also know that the telltale braid gained traction in the 1980s. This is the era during which the popularity of the Braided Money Tree expanded internationally, with exports of the Pachira stretching far and wide. 

Tell Me More About That Braid…

We love the Pachira’s braid and the elegant trunk, and so do Feng Shui practitioners, who suggest placing it in wealth or health areas of your home. With its iconic twist of five trunks, it conjures the five elements of Feng Shui in harmony: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. There’s also an intriguing bit of ambiguity as to who originated the practice of braiding the trunks. (That’s right, they’re braided by hand!) Some accounts tell of early bonsai practitioners in Japan starting the braid. Others tell of a Taiwanese gardeners named Liu. He is credited with discovering that when starting the braid early in the Pachira’s growth, it continues that growth pattern over time on its own. The result is a full, condensed canopy of leaves with an iconic and aesthetically pleasing tree shape.

The Significance of the Braided Money Tree

The Braided Money Tree has been symbolic of prosperity since its first cultivation. They’re believed to bring wealth in finances, fulfillment and overall security. They’re also emblematic of good luck, so when you gift one to yourself or a loved one, just remember: you’re giving the gift of a plant that, according to legend, lifted its original farmer from the depths of despair to a position of fortune, comfort and positivity. It was lucky indeed when he found that Pachira in his field—and lucky for us that he shared the extraordinary Pachira with the world! 

Money Trees

A leafy symbol of good luck and prosperity. Shop Money Trees of all sizes at leonandgeorge.com

Feng Shui Plants: Greenery That Goes The Extra Mile

Indoor plants do so much for us. They add beauty to our space, clean our air, and come with a myriad of mental health benefits to boot. But what if they could do even more? According to the teachings of Feng Shui, they can.

We asked expert Anjie Cho of Holistic Spaces to give us the scoop on how plants can bring us good Feng Shui, which plants are particularly impactful, and where to place them in our homes to maximize the benefits.

“Plants are a way to bring nature’s energy into our homes and interior environments. Nowadays, we spend more and more time indoors, and having plants in our homes is a way to reconnect with nature and ground us,” says Cho. “In an energetic sense, they are very healing for us, and in a practical sense, they improve the air quality, provide soft surfaces, and beautify our home.”

What is feng shui?

In a nutshell, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy which uses energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment and the natural world. Translating to “wind” (feng) and "water” (shui), the basic principles of Feng Shui lie in the belief that we can live more harmonious and fulfilling lives if we connect and flow with the space around us.

“It’s about mindfulness of our home environments,“ says Cho. “It’s paying attention to all the details in our home so that we can create more supportive and nurturing environments that inspire joy and relaxation,” she adds.

“It’s really important nowadays as we are so inundated with stress and speediness in our modern lives. Having a place to to recharge is more necessary than ever, and Feng Shui gives us the tools to know how to create environments that support us.”

Using plants for better feng shui

There are five elements in Feng Shui, and plants represent the wood element, which, according to Cho, “contributes to life-affirming, bright, and healing energy, and as such can help us create more harmony in the home.”

While Cho believes that all living plants are great for Feng Shui, you don’t want unhealthy plants, as sick and dying plants represent sick and dying energy. And as a general rule of thumb, she recommend plants with soft and rounded foliage, as opposed to spiky or thorny stems or leaves. 

In terms of placement, a few areas she recommends are the wealth area, the entrance, and offices or bedrooms:

  • Wealth area - Stand in the doorway facing any room, you can generally find the wealth area in the far left corner. Place greenery here to promote wealth and prosperity, and consider even the Braided Money Tree for extra luck in this area.

  • Entryway - Representing your “face to the world”, putting plants at near the entryway of your home helps to cultivate and invite more positive energy into your space and life.

  • The office - Use plants on your desk or in your office for success in your work and career.

  • The bedroom - Place plants in the relationship area of your bedroom for growth and harmony in your relationship.

The best Feng Shui plants

Almost all living plants are good for Feng Shui, but are there some more powerful than others? Cho shared with us some of her favorite Feng Shui plants and why, so get ready to dive into the world of Feng Shui with a beautiful indoor plant!

Zanzibar gem

“The Zanzibar Gem is easy to grow and is great at withstanding drought. It represents resiliency, grounding, and longevity. Its upward growing leaves and fast-growing nature are also symbolic of good fortune.” adds Cho.

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“Some plants are more auspicious than others,” explains Cho. “Also known as the Chinese Money Plant, the leaves round like coins and echo feelings of abundance.” She recommends placing this plant in the wealth area of the home.

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Fiddle leaf fig tree

“These plants are known to be finicky, but that can be a good thing. It’s a plant that might require more patience and upkeep than some others, helping to cultivate kindness and challenging us to consider and care for another living thing.”

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Braided money tree

“Another plant associated with wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui, the Money Tree is a great choice to place in an office or in the wealth area of your home,” says Cho.

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cascading pothos

“I received this plant as a housewarming gift when I moved to New York in 2003 — it is so resilient and has traveled with me to many homes,” tells Cho. “This plant shows a lot of growth and is great for beginners.”

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Anjie Cho is a Feng Shui expert. She is the founder of the Holistic Spaces blog, store, and podcast as well as the co-founder of the Mindful Design Feng Shui School, where she teaches courses. Check out her book Holistic Spaces: 108 Ways to Create a Mindful and Peaceful Home by CICO books. More info at www.holisticspaces.com


Indoor plants, potted & delivered.

Premium plants paired with stylish ceramics, plus lifetime plant care support. Order online at leonandgeorge.com

The Absolute Best Plants For Wedding Gifts
wedding gifts plants

The Ficus Audrey has stunning emerald-green leaves will leave you mesmerized by their natural elegance.

Are you on the hunt for a wedding gift that will make the happy couple feel like they're living in a lush paradise? Houseplants make for a thoughtful, unique and long-lasting present that will remind the newlyweds of their special day for years to come. If you’re not sure where to start, read on to find our Plant Stylists’ picks for the absolute best plants for wedding gifts. 

Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is all the rage right now, and for good reason. Its large, violin-shaped leaves add a touch of drama and style to any room. Plus, it symbolizes strength and stability - two things every newlywed couple needs. It's the perfect gift for a couple that wants to add some personality to their home.

Classic plants like the Snake Plant and Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree are guaranteed to please.

Snake Plant  

Also known as the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue (could the name be any more fitting?!), the Snake Plant is a hardy plant is practically indestructible making it a great choice for beginners or anyone who's a bit forgetful when it comes to watering. It’s one of the best air purifiers, too, another reason why it is so popular for the home.

Ficus Audrey

A plant as graceful as a bouquet of flowers, the Ficus Audrey is a unique choice for a newlywed wedding gift. Easier to case for than most Ficus plants, the Ficus Audrey has recently become one of the most popular of its kind thanks to its easygoing attitude. This plant has large, round leaves that are sure to make a statement in any room. 

The Rubber Tree and Ficus Audrey, two classic plants that the new couple will love.

Rubber Tree

For something more classic, consider the Rubber Tree. This versatile plant is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication to any space. Its large, glossy leaves symbolize abundance and prosperity, which is the perfect thing to wish for a newlywed couple. 

Also known as the “eternity plant”, the Zanzibar Gem is a symbolic gift for weddings.

Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar Gem is also often referred to as “the eternity plant”, and what better name could there be for a newlywed couple? This plant is a great choice for anyone who wants a low-maintenance option that requires very little upkeep or watering to keep its attractive and abundant look. Its glossy leaves and easy-to-care-for nature make it a great gift for anyone who's not quite sure if they have a green thumb

Still not sure? Browse our full collection of California-grown greenery to find something that speaks to the couple’s taste. A gift that grows is certain to please, and potentially be their most unique gift yet!

wedding gifts plants

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

  • Join hundreds of customers in choosing Léon & George for all their gifting needs. We make it effortless to send an impressive and upscale gifts to someone special, including the happy couple getting married! Enjoy some of the perks of sending a beautiful plant gift with Léon & George:

    • Fast, nationwide shipping with express and overnight options

    • Innovative, custom packaging that ensures your gift arrives in pristine condition

    • Personalized gift message options

    • Select your preferred ship date, if desired

    In a nutshell, we offer a seamless way to send a beautiful living gift to the happy new couple!

  • Every plant gift includes simple care instructions to keep the plant happy and healthy over time. You may also select to include a custom gift message. All gift orders are covered under our 45 Day Guarantee and our Plant Doctor program, which means the recipient can message us anytime for plant care support. Their gift will include a QR code to quickly set up their guarantee and access the Plant Doctors.

  • No. We process everything ahead of time through our secure billing platform. The email address associated with the order will receive a payment confirmation email once the order is processed. The lucky recipient will not see any pricing or billing information.

Unleashing the Year of the Dragon: The 2024 Asian New Year

The Asian New Year or Lunar New Year is almost here and with it we will usher in a new sign of the Chinese Zodiac: the Year of the Dragon. Learn about the symbolic significance of this powerful symbol and year, and don’t forget to check out our limited edition Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree, the perfect gift to wish someone prosperity for the year ahead!

The Asian New Year Unveiled

Unlike the conventional January 1st celebration, the Asian New Year is a moveable feast, dictated by the lunar calendar. As a result, this auspicious event falls somewhere between January 21 and February 20, marking the beginning of the lunar new year. In 2024, the first day of the new year is February 10.

This time-honored tradition is steeped in rich symbolism, with families coming together to sweep away the old and embrace the new. The air is filled with the intoxicating aroma of incense, the sound of firecrackers, and the vibrant hues of traditional red and gold decorations that symbolize luck and prosperity. Family members gather around a large table to enjoy a New Year's Eve dinner, traditionally known as Nian Ye Fan (年夜饭). During this celebration, families pay homage to their ancestors by burning incense. During this time of year, it is typical for elder members give younger family members good luck pocket money, referred to as Ya Sui Qian (压岁钱), enclosed in a red envelope.

The Year of the Dragon

In the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with one of twelve animals, each carrying its unique traits and symbolism. And guess who's headlining 2024? It's none other than the awe-inspiring, mythical creature—the dragon. The dragon holds a special place in Chinese culture, embodying power, strength, and good fortune. Far from the fire-breathing menace of Western lore, the Eastern dragon is a benevolent force, a symbol of wisdom, protection, and imperial authority. Its celestial status makes it a harbinger of prosperity, and it is believed to bring good luck.

Dragon Energy in 2024

As we dive headfirst into the Year of the Dragon, let's harness its energy to fuel our personal growth and aspirations. Whether you're chasing career goals, seeking love, or simply striving for a better version of yourself, the dragon's influence encourages us to dream big and soar to new heights.

Career Ascendance: In the professional realm, the dragon's energy inspires us to be bold, ambitious, and unafraid to take calculated risks. It's the perfect time to embark on that entrepreneurial journey or pursue that promotion you've been eyeing.

Love and Relationships: The dragon is a symbol of passion and charisma. If you're on the quest for love, embrace your inner dragon and let your magnetic personality shine. For those already in relationships, let the dragon infuse your bond with renewed vitality and excitement.

Personal Development: On a personal level, channel the dragon's wisdom to explore self-discovery and personal growth. Adopt a mindset of resilience and adaptability, as the dragon encourages us to embrace change and transform challenges into opportunities.

Don’t forget to enhance your good juju with plants that bring good luck to your home or office!

Wishing you all a fiery and fabulous Year of the Dragon! May it be filled with joy, prosperity, and the unwavering courage to chase your dreams. Let the dragon within you roar loud and proud! 🐉🔥

Year of the Dragon Braided Money Tree

A limited edition plant and pot set, to bring good luck and prosperity for the year to come. Order online at leonandgeorge.com

The Meaning Behind Five Iconic Valentine’s Day Plants

If you’re a lover of nature, Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion for you. It’s a time to celebrate the ones that we love: to express our affection and gratitude for the family, friends and partners that bring joy to our lives. And the best part is, on Valentine’s Day, we say it with plants. From sprays of red roses to carnations and even bay leaves, each traditional Valentine’s Day plant has its own age-old symbolism. Read on, because the stories behind this holiday’s most popular gifts are truly intriguing!

Red Roses

Red roses were the favorite flower of Venus, the goddess of love in Roman mythology, so it stands to reason that the rose has become a Valentine’s Day mainstay. Legend has it that roses first bloomed when Venus appeared from the sea, and they were cultivated as far back as the era of Ancient Greece. The gifting of English garden roses among friends and lovers gained popularity in the Middle Ages, sparking the Valentine’s Day tradition that is now standard. But roses have enjoyed their popularity for thousands of years, and the Rosa species itself is 35 million years old.


As if their heart-shaped spades weren’t romantic enough, anthuriums have a bountiful association with love across many cultures. In the feng shui tradition, they are associated with good fortune in relationships. In Greek myth, they’re known as the “Arrows of Cupid”, the god of love and attraction.


Also known as “The Flowers of the Gods”, carnations are native to the Mediterranean, with their scientific name, Dianthus, meaning “Divine Flower” in Greek. Carnations are another popular flower to signify love, with the color of their blossoms denoting different connotations. For instance, red carnations signify passionate love, whereas pink carnations signify gratitude and admiration.

Bay Leaves

In 1700s England, a tradition arose in which women would pin five bay leaves to their pillow before bed on the evening of Valentine’s Day, in the hope that the leaves, when combined with a prayer, would reveal the face of their true love. They would then recite the prayer of “‘Good Valentine, be kind to me, in dreams let me my true love see” before drifting to sleep. We hope this charming ritual was as effective as it is heartwarming!


The Calandiva or Kalanchoe plant is traditionally associated with love, persistence and prosperity, due to its profusion of long-lasting blossoms. As a potted flower variety, they’re well suited for a long life of abundant flowers, with blooms that can last six weeks or more. They typically bloom in winter and spring, and will blossom year after year. All they need to flourish for years is a sunny spot and a little love.

Every time a holiday rounds the bend, we’re reminded of how deeply tied we are to the natural world. Our connection to nature and our appreciation of its beauty, shines through with special strength during times of celebration. And on Valentine’s Day, we receive an extra-special reminder that we’re all part of nature, bound by love on our beautiful green planet.

Potted Flowering Plants

Easy to care for, simple to love. Order online at leonandgeorge.com

  • Join hundreds of customers in choosing Léon & George for all their gifting needs. We make it effortless to send an impressive and upscale Valentine’s Day gift to someone special. Enjoy some of the perks of sending a beautiful plant or flowering plant gift with Léon & George:

    • Fast, nationwide shipping with express and overnight options

    • Innovative, custom packaging that ensures your gift arrives in pristine condition

    • Personalized gift message options

    • Select your preferred ship date, if desired

  • Not sure what to send them? Browse our full collections of excellent gifts for all occasions and Valentine’s Day gifts:

Gifts To Nurture Together This Valentine's Day
Shop Valentine’s plants for the perfect living gift that grows.

Shop Valentine’s plants for the perfect living gift that grows.

The relationships we build in life are anything but static. They’re alive and growing, sometimes challenging, and often rewarding, even in the most mundane ways. Whether it’s the relationship you nurture with a partner, family member, friend, or yourself, there is so much beauty in this living, breathing thing we call love.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, we started to realize how much plants symbolize the relationships we share with one another: we nurture them, and they nurture us in return, and as they grow, so do we. When they look sad, we feel sad, and we do our best to make them feel better. They are the ultimate symbol of nature’s symbiosis, and just like our loved ones, we simply couldn’t live without them.

So for Valentine’s Day, forget the cut flowers and give a gift that is as alive and thriving as love itself! From leafy beauties that require your best teamwork to flowering plants that will bloom all year long, go ahead and find a gift that will keep on giving.

King of hearts anthurium

Who knew a small plant could make such a big statement? The King of Hearts Anthurium is like a bouquet of roses, but better: with minimal care, it produces bright red flowers all year round.

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Fiddle leaf fig

There’s nothing like a good challenge to bring two people together. For roommates or couples, give each other the experience of learning about and growing the famous (and sometimes infamous!) Fiddle Leaf Fig. Though this plant is known for its occasional finicky nature, it remains one of the most adored plants of the interior design world.

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Snowdrop calandiva

A flowering succulent with clusters of tiny white blooms, the Snowdrop Calandiva brings a breath of fresh air and delicate beauty to any surface it adorns. Don’t be fooled, though, by the dainty flowers: this hardy succulent is as easy as they come.

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Candy Hearts Calandiva

Love is a perennial affair, but who knew a houseplant could say so much? This Valentine’s (or Galentine’s!) Day, forget the cut flowers and send them a gift as delightfully vibrant as your love. The Candy Hearts Calandiva is a popular flowering succulent that goes far beyond the traditional bouquet of roses, with bright red blooms that last for weeks and even months.

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braided money tree

Don’t just nurture a plant together— nurture your good juju together, too! According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Braided Money Tree is a great symbol of luck and prosperity. This miniature tree is low maintenance, pet-safe, and an incredibly fast grower.

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queen of spades anthurium

Think outside the vase with the Queen of Spades Anthurium, whose wow-factor is off the charts. Large white flowers rise up from lush green leaves, and last up to three months at a time.

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calathea medallion

With shades of green, purple, and pink, the Calathea Medallion is a colorful and unique member of the prayer plant family, opening and closing its leaves throughout the day (like hands in prayer!). A beautifully lively creature, this plant is the perfect gift for a friend, family member, or partner on Valentine’s Day.

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The Perfect Valentine’s Day Plant Delivery

Go beyond traditional cut flowers and send them a gift that grows. Shop flowering plants and lush plant set delivery nationwide.

  • Join hundreds of customers in choosing Léon & George for all their gifting needs. We make it effortless to send an impressive and upscale gift to all the important people in your life, near and far. Enjoy some of the perks of shopping for gifts with Léon & George:

    • Fast, nationwide shipping with express and overnight options

    • Innovative, custom packaging that ensures your gift arrives in pristine condition

    • Personalized gift message options

    • Select your preferred ship date, if desired

  • Every plant gift includes simple care instructions to keep the plant happy and healthy over time. You may also select to include a custom gift message. All gift orders are covered under our 45 Day Guarantee and our Plant Doctor program, which means the recipient can message us anytime for plant care support. Their gift will include a QR code to quickly set up their guarantee and access the Plant Doctors.

Are Your Plants Cold?

Are your plants cold? Most indoor plant varieties originate from warm tropical environments—think of a balmy stroll through a lush Hawaiian jungle. Though plants can be very adaptable, conditions inside our homes are much different than these natural habitats, especially during winter. Our homes can be colder, or drier (thanks to heaters) and of course, darker. Always remember that as a general rule, less light & warmth = less water.

As you strive to find the perfect balance for your plants during the colder months of the year, here are a few normal reactions you may see from your green roommates.

Sudden Leaf Drop

This is your plant's way of disposing of old leaves to save energy for new ones. This happens naturally throughout the year, but if you're noticing this all of a sudden during winter, it may be that your plant is reacting to the change in temperature and stocking up on energy. To slow down the process, keep the room above 65ºF and move it away from cold windows which can cause cell damage on delicate foliage.

Wilting or curling leaves

Wilting or curling leaves might also be a sign your plant is cold. Healthy leaves usually have a relative firmness to them, which the plant may lose if it’s too cold.

Yellowing Leaves

Another way your plant tells you that it's done with a leaf, but also accelerated with changing temperatures. Cold temperatures can disrupt the water absorption process in plants, leading to wilting even when the soil is adequately moist. Help your plant by trimming these off and keeping its space warm and humid.

Growth on Pause

If you haven't seen any new growth lately, it's likely that your plant has sensed the cold and counted less hours of sunlight. These signals tell your plant that it's time to rest, and in some cases, even go dormant. Let your plant enjoy its quiet period of slow growth, water only when the soil is dry, and wait for spring to start fertilizing again!

Living Room Ready Floor Plants

California-grown, hand-selected for quality, shape and style. Order online at leonandgeorge.com

Get Growing: Top Interior Design Trends for 2024

Photo by @alexiaduchene for Léon & George

A new year is here and with it comes a chance to refresh, renovate and reconsider the place we spend so much of our time: our home! Read on for some of expert predictions for the trends to come in 2024, including plenty of ideas to make your space greener and healthier than ever.

Neutrals have reigned for what feels like an eternity, but 2024 will be the year that we people embrace color with more vibrant and bolder hues. From Pantone's warm and inviting color of the year, Peach Fuzz, to deep gem-tone interiors, this trend comes with a desire to inject life and personlity into our interiors. Rediscover the joy of bold statements and let your living space reflect your unique style. Who said your walls had to be boring?

Shop Color!

Pinterest has spoken with their annual Pinterest Predicts report, and "hot metals" are on the rise. Prepare to see chrome, steel, and aluminum take center stage in your decor. From stainless steel tablewares to chrome lighting fixtures, let your home gleam with the bold elegance of metallic elements. It's time to shine bright like your favorite metal!

In 2024, our leafy companions are taking a weight off and making way for the airy. Picture this – a seemingly weightless statement plant like the Black Olive Tree or Fishtail Palm swaying gracefully in your living room. While a lush interior never goes out of style, embracing a lighter look will be all the rage in 2024. These plants not only breathe life into your space but also add an ethereal touch, making your home a sanctuary of serenity.

Top Airy Plants

Step into the world of timeless elegance with ceramic and terracotta finishes. The 1st Dibs Interior Designer Survey is singing the praises of these classic materials, and we're all ears. Incorporate these finishes into your space for a touch of sophistication that transcends trends and will never go out of style. Looking for the perfect ceramic or terracotta accents? Shop our collection of upscale premium planters to bring this natural and effortless look to your home.

romantic interior ideas

2024 is all about stepping up the romance game. Influenced by popular TikTok aesthetics and the #cottagecore trend, think feminine color palettes, whimsy details, fresh flowers and soft moments that evoke a sense of simple joy. Don’t forget to complement your romantic space with living greenery and create your own personal love letter to a simple and beautiful life.


Shop premium, California-grown greenery, hand-selected for shape and beauty and curated for style and ease of care.

Fact vs Fiction: Can I Use a Grow Light in Any Lamp?
dracaena Lisa

Dracaena Lisa living its best life in a Coral Mid-Century Ceramic – adding a pop of color to your daily green vibes!

Does your plant need additional light than what’s available in your home? You may be considering a grow light. One of the most common questions our customers ask is if a regular lamp will suffice as a grow light, or if they can put a special grow light bulb into one of their lamps.

What are grow lights?

Grow lights are specifically designed for plant growth. They emit light tailored to the needs of plants during different growth stages. Unlike regular bulbs, they provide the right spectrum and intensity required for robust plant development.

Can any lamp accommodate a grow light bulb?

Not any lamp can accommodate a grow light effectively. While it might fit physically, the lamp must have the proper wattage capacity and socket type in order for the grow light to work effectively.

A simple solution to supplementing your plant’s light

The simplest solution to supplementing your plant’s light exposure with a regular lamp is to purchase a “natural daylight” bulb, sold in most hardware stores. This type of lightbulb provides light closer to the natural spectrum of the sun—it is in fact designed to cheer us humans up during dreary winter days! The light should be close to your plant’s foliage, and not overly filtered by a large shade.

houseplants delivered

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support.

The Best Fertilizer For Monsteras

Transform your space with a touch of the tropics – Monstera Deliciosa style!

With their distinctive split leaves and impressive size, the Monstera Deliciosa or “swiss cheese plant” is a popular choice for those looking to add a lushly fun and funky plant to their home. To ensure these botanical beauties thrive and display their iconic split-leaf foliage, providing them with the right nutrients is crucial. Just like any other living organism, Monsteras require proper nourishment to grow healthy and robust over time.

Monsteras, scientifically known as Monstera Deliciosa, originate from the tropical rainforests of Central America. Recreating their natural habitat conditions might be a challenge, but with the right care, including suitable fertilization, you can help your Monstera reach its full potential.

  1. When to Fertilize Your Monstera

  2. What NPK Ratio Does the Monstera Need?

  3. The Best Plant Food for Monsteras

  4. Fertilizing Tips for Monsteras

When to Fertilize Your Monstera

Timing is key when it comes to fertilizing Monsteras. The growing season for these plants typically aligns with the warmer months, spring and summer, when they undergo active growth. It’s best to fertilize during this time, as your plant will most likely be actively growing. Incorporating a well-balanced liquid fertilizer into your watering routine every two to four weeks can significantly contribute to the overall health of your Monstera.

As fall approaches and your Monstera experiences a natural slowdown in growth, adjust your fertilization routine accordingly. Reduce the frequency to four every eight weeks or so, depending on the strength of your fertilizer. In winter, you might even consider suspending fertilization until the following spring when the plant resumes active growth. If it’s the dead of winter and your plant is growing, though, feel free to fertilize!

What NPK Ratio Does the Monstera Need?

Understanding the NPK ratio (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) is fundamental when selecting the right fertilizer. For Monsteras, a balanced fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 1-1-1 or 2-1-1 is generally suitable. Nitrogen (N) is essential for promoting lush, green foliage and overall plant vigor. Phosphorus (P) encourages root development, and potassium (K) supports overall plant health.

The Best Plant Food for Monsteras

Choosing the best plant food for your Monstera involves considering its specific nutritional needs. While there are various fertilizers on the market, finding one with the right balance is key. A well-rounded, all-purpose liquid fertilizer, such as our Boost Vitaminé, is an excellent choice. It provides the essential nutrients your Monstera needs for robust growth and healthy foliage, and is gentle enough to use all year round.

monstera fertilizer

Nourish your Monstera with our Boost Vitaminé, the perfect plant multivitamin.

Fertilizing Tips for Monsteras

  1. Dilute Fertilizer: Follow the instructions on your chosen fertilizer carefully, and always dilute it as recommended. Over-fertilizing can lead to nutrient burn and negatively impact your Monstera's health.

  2. Watering Routine: Water your Monstera thoroughly before applying fertilizer. This helps prevent any potential root damage caused by applying fertilizer to dry soil.

  3. Consideration for Soil Conditions: Monsteras prefer well-draining soil. Ensure your soil allows excess water to escape, preventing waterlogged conditions that might hinder nutrient absorption.

  4. Observation is Key: Pay attention to your Monstera's response to fertilization. If you notice any signs of stress, such as browning leaf edges, adjust your fertilization routine accordingly.

Providing the right nutrients through proper fertilization is crucial for the health and vitality of your Monstera. By understanding its growing seasons, selecting a balanced fertilizer with the appropriate NPK ratio, and following a consistent and careful fertilization routine, you can ensure your Monstera thrives.

monstera deliciosa black mid century ceramic

Designed to Thrive

Premium plants, potted and delivered, plus lifetime access to 24/7 Plant Doctor support. Order online at leonandgeorge.com